"Baby, it's just a ride."
"'Just a ride,' Sam?? Look, Rebel Yell, the last time you took off on that contraption you came home with the crabs, you couldn't shit for a week, you had no feeling in your nuts and you complained that your eyeballs just wouldn't stop vibrating. And for what? All you took were pictures of grain silos, nine year old girls and rusty tractors.
Speaking of which, what was with all those pictures from that elementary school, anyway? I got a call the other day from someone named Rack Fu, saying he'd received seventeen different anonymous complaints about you hanging around Nick Saban Elementary, that you wouldn't stop hassling all the fourth grade girls."
Sam growled and said, "Aww, fuck 'em. It was just a misunderstanding. They said they'd wear the thigh highs, but then the little bitches changed their minds. I had to remind 'em, a deal's a deal."
He looked at her, challenging her.
She wasn't having any of it...
"Yeah, whatever. Oh, and by the way, it's really fucking gay, the way you refer to yourself as 'Rebel Yell,' anytime you put on chaps."
"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."
She looked at him, exasperated. Poking him in the chest, she said, "Yeah, well, maybe what this man's gotta do is remember to wear underwear next time. Or, and here's a novel idea: pants! How 'bout next time you at least throw on some pants beneath those faggy chaps?"
"Hey, what can I say? Chicks dig the long ball."
"I don't think they're referring to ol' Itchy & Scratchy, hanging down to your knees. Sam, your balls are starting to look like a really sad turkey. Put some pants on."
"You know what, woman? I've had just about enough of your lip. The weather is warming up and I think it's time for Mason Dixon and I to spend some more quality time together. Go pack me some sammiches, and my camera. It's time I got to road trippin'..."
Sam began his log...
Day 1...
This is me and my trusty steed, Mason Dixon, out back, getting ready to hit it. This ol' girl and I have covered a lot of miles together, and lord willin' and the creek don't rise, she and I will be able to come visit all y'all this trip...

On our way out, I passed Bear, my faithful pooch, taking a nap by our local toxic waste dump. Seems every time I go by there, ol' Bear's there napping, just like that. Lazy pooch must love nappin' there. He hasn't budged from that spot in 'bout a week...

I started out, heading east. Thought I'd stop in on my pal shutyomouth. He said he'd probably be in the middle of shooting some sort of music video.
Here's Spray. Man, he's one happy dude. Great guy. Totally makes you feel welcome in his home...

'Spray and the boys were taking a break from shooting, so they decided to go outside and play a little of what they called "Georgia Soccer"...
http://m90.org/video/36451/Coalition_so ... ccer_ball/
'Spray then showed me the video he'd been working on...
I felt it was time to be heading out, especially when 'Spray brought me out back. He wanted to show me his enormous trampoline, which was okay, I guess, but when he disappeared into the house and came running back out carrying an industrial sized vat of bean dip and a half empty box of Depends I knew it was time to beat a hasty retreat.
Explaining to 'Spray that I had an appointment with my proctologist, 'Spray instantly empathized. He hugged me and said, "Go in peace, brother. Enjoy."
Weird guy. Nice guy. Weird guy.
Heading north, I noticed how beautiful Atlanta really is...

Such great people, and everything smelled so good.
About this time, my ass was really beginning to chafe, I could feel my asshole was beginning to turtle and my bladder was rioting, so I pulled into a rest stop.
It could've been a little tidier inside, but I really had to go, so wtf. As I was sitting there, doing my business, I noticed these large holes cut into each side wall. I couldn't help but look and I noticed some guy in the next stall. He was kneeling down, peering through a hole in his stall's wall.
At least, I think he was peering into the hole. It was hard to tell, 'cause his head was moving so much.
He sure was making a lot of noise, too.
Anyway, I finished my business and I was washing my hands at the sink when the stall door opened.
"Fubu!" I exclaimed, shocked to run into someone I knew. Whowoulddathunkit, running into Fubu like that!
Kind of a dick, though. Once he saw it was me he didn't even say hello. He just up and ran out of there. A lime green Impala pulled up, and it was blasting a ton of bass. The door swung open and Fubu piled inside, and they drove off, tires squealing.
I think I heard Fubu cry out in pain, but I couldn't be sure.
I just know he was kind of a dick.
Heading back out, I pointed Mason Dixon north, thinking I'd head up to Maryland. I wanted to go see Ana, and Salad Tosser.
Here is a cool pic of Ana and ST, horsing around together, after dinner...

Ana's a really nice girl. Hospitable, too! She took me on a tour of their house, even stopping to show me their game room...

I got kinda tired though of ST's constant whimpering. Ana offered to let me stay the night; in fact, she insisted. No, she demanded, and I think I pissed myself a little.
I told her I'd already booked a room, but thanks for the offer.
Later that night, as I was riding down the highway, I had a weird feeling about those two. They seemed happy, but something about them just seemed a little bit left of center.
Anyway, all I knew was I couldnt wait for my head to hit the pillow...
So, that's Day 1 of my trip.
I think I'll ride up to Pittsburgh tomorrow, maybe stop in on Dave. If time allows, who knows, how far is Michigan from Pittsburgh? Kinda like to drop in on Mgo, too...