"Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

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"Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Anybody else here see it? Damn, that was awesome.

Ferdie Pacheco comes off like mvscal. Dude kept cracking me up with the way he would insult the interviewer, and the way he just kept going out of his way to be so un-P.C.

Ali was a staight up jerk. What an ingrate, and what a cloying puppet.

Joe? Nah, he's not still bitter, not at all!


Sure does suck though, to see a gold medal Olympian, a national treasure of sorts, living in near squalor, the way Joe does.

Watching those three fights, it's amazing how close they were. That third fight, that was a razor's edge, as to who would or wouldn't come out for the fifteenth round.

And wasn't it great to still actually have fifteen rounds?

Great documentary. This one is right up there with Champions Forever, which covered the Ali/Frazier/Foreman/Norton/Holmes golden era of heavyweight boxing...
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

STFU you Racist fuck
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Yuck it up you sheet loving fuckhole.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Having a nice Tuesday, Pony boy? I notice you've logged on to a few different threads, merely to leave uncreative one liner insult droppings everywhere you go.

Would it kill you to bring even a little bit to the table, for once?

Btw, your response in this thread is the very definition of ankle biting. You might just want to go ahead and die.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by indyfrisco »

Van wrote:Would it kill you to bring even a little bit to the table, for once?
I think so.
You might just want to go ahead and die.
It is more punishment for him (and us) to live.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: Would it kill you to bring even a little bit to the table, for once?
For once?
Like the time I schooled you on Mt. Tam?
How about the time you lied about what I said about how much of a tree is alive?
You mean like that?
Why Van? Why would I want to waste more than a few sentences on a stooopid fucking racist like you?
Go suck mvskkkal's dick some more and tell him how funny and smart he is.
You sicken me you self-loathing fuckchuck.
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: That is a one-two combo that is sure to leave him reeling in fright and dismay.
I think he's proud to be a racist fuckhole that sucks your brown cock, so it's not so much about making him reel as it is about doing the right thing.
Now fuck the fuck off you self-loathing assfuck.
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Not that it's anything to brag about but I am both more intelligent and more entertaining than you.
Nice try racist.
Any other crap you want to throw against a wall?
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote: Would it kill you to bring even a little bit to the table, for once?
For once?
Like the time I schooled you on Mt. Tam?
How about the time you lied about what I said about how much of a tree is alive?
You mean like that?
Precisely. You were a ragingly anal douche who accomplished nothing but your own embarrassment in both instances.

See, TVO, that's your problem. Those are your ideas of bringing something to the table: laughable compass semantics, and being wrong about whether a tree is a living thing.

It doesn't even matter that you were wrong, in both instances. That's really not the point. The point is that you still think those are good examples of quality contributions you've made. That's how low you've sunk. That's how delusional you've become.

Dude, those were pathetic. You shouldn't have gotten involved in either discussion, when that was all you had to bring to the table. You needed to curb your compulsion to try to "get Van," the minute you saw my name.

Instead, nope, you couldn't help yourself. You had to come in and shit the bed.

Now, this. A thread about boxing, and what do you do? You ankle bite. Again. Congratulations, TVO, this is what you've been reduced to. You're now GOSD, to my mvscal. Only, you're worse. GOSD only yapped at mvscal's ankles. You? You're now the same sort of worthless ankle biting bitch, except you serve two masters.

You've become utterly worthless. You don't even adequately fill the village idiot role of "every board needs its tards." You don't post enough weirdly mockable shit to be our lovable tard. You simply drop uninteresting, unimaginitive ankle biting one liners.

Nobody applauds...nobody cares.

You're just a broken record, stuck on bitter. Why do you even continue to stick around? What do you get out of perpetuating your worthlessness, with this insipid ankle biting?

Sure, your ankle biting doesn't take much effort, but neither does missing the toilet. They're both pathetic ways of enjoying your own hand on your dick.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

So, ummm, mvscal, were you even into boxing much?

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Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: It doesn't even matter that you were wrong, in both instances.
How could it NOT matter?
The point is that you still think those are good examples of quality contributions you've made.
Bullshit. They are examples of how stupid you are.
You shouldn't have gotten involved in either discussion...
Says who? You? I Laughed. You posted Bullshit. I called you on it and you are too big a turd to admit you screwed the pooch. Says more abouit you than me.
You ankle bite.
What does that mean? I responded to a post on a BB? Please Van enlighten me.
You've become utterly worthless.
To an idiot that think SR it south of Mt. Tam I do.
You don't even adequately fill the village idiot role of "every board needs its tards."
I'm not a tard. YOU just don't like what I have to say.
You're just a broken record
And until this board moves into the 21st Century I'm going to keep it up.
Why do you even continue to stick around?
Why do you care you racist fuckhole?

Now pull your head out of your ass or get used to being mocked for your stupidity and racism.
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: Sorry, my cock isn't brown so update your spreadsheet accordingly.
Nice try you self-loathing fuckhole.
Nice ethnic generalization there, you racist fukkkstikkk.
Gawd you are an idiot. Saying a brow person has a brown cock is not a racist generalization you vapid fuckchip.
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Of course it's a generalization. I'm not a "brown person." My hispanic ancestry is Spanish. I have no indian blood at all. You just assumed that all hispanics are "brown people" which makes you, by your own criteria, a vapid racist fukkkchip.
We all know that you're a brown, self-loathing fuckhole who jumped the border and are now trying to cut yourself off from your past because of said self-loathing... and a liar to boot. Nice try you stupid racist fuck.
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Link?
You first appearance smacker.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote: It doesn't even matter that you were wrong, in both instances.
How could it NOT matter?
The outcome was never in doubt, so it didn't matter. You were always going to be wrong. You were attempting to refute an argument that a tree isn't a living thing. Wrong. You were attempting a failed strawman. Wrong. You keep wanting to insist that I said SR is south of Mt Tam, which I never said.

You're still doing it. You're still hanging onto a failed strawman.

Anyway, the reason none of this matters is simple: The discussion was never worth having. You had no reason to come in and attempt to refute that a tree is the world's largest living organism; certainly not by attempting to argue that it's not a living organism, which is just absurd. You also added nothing to the Muir Woods discussion. Arguing south vs south/southeast was just you being intentionally pissy.

The point is that you consider both of those instances to be Exhibits A and B of your shining contributions to this board, when both instances were utter debacles for you. You became a punchline for Mt Tam smack and Dead Tree smack, and for what?

You had no reason to even bother. You just couldn't help yourself, but the best thing about all of it is you think you did well there.

The point is that you still think those are good examples of quality contributions you've made.
Bullshit. They are examples of how stupid you are.
I was correct in both instances. You were wrong about the tree thing and the only thing you managed in the Mt Tam thing was to differentiate a few degrees on a compass, between south/southeast.

Not a single sane person would agree with you that the GGB (the 101) is not south of Mt Tam. It doesn't mattter that it's a few degrees east, as well. It's south of Mt Tam.
You shouldn't have gotten involved in either discussion...
Says who? You?
Says common sense, and the pummeling you took. No good was ever going to come of it, and you made it even worse on yourself with the dead tree thing.
I Laughed. You posted Bullshit. I called you on it and you are too big a turd to admit you screwed the pooch. Says more abouit you than me.
Yeah, I argued that a tree is a living thing and you argued percentages of tissue, and I'm the one who screwed the pooch? I argued that the 101 is south of Mt Tam and you argued failed strawmen and degrees on a compass, and I screwed the pooch?

With tactics like those, I'd destroy you in court, before any jury.
You ankle bite.
What does that mean? I responded to a post on a BB? Please Van enlighten me.
It means your purpose in responding had nothing to do with the thread, or the post to which you were responding. It means you saw my name, and posted, with a total non sequitur. You saw my name, and all it meant to you was another opportunity to come in and throw out your tired broken record insult.

That's the very definition of message board ankle biting.
You've become utterly worthless.
To an idiot that think SR it south of Mt. Tam I do.
I don't think SR is south of Mt Tam, nor does anybody else here, to the best of my knowledge. SR is plainly to the east of Mt Tam, and I've never stated otherwise. It's not my fault you don't seem to understand that a freeway can simultaneously exist on one place on a compass, say, at SR, yet also be at another place, such as south of Mt Tam. It's not my fault you can't grasp the concept of journeying south, and west, from one spot on a freeway to another.

Regardless, most of us here agree that you have in fact become utterly worthless as a poster.
You don't even adequately fill the village idiot role of "every board needs its tards."
I'm not a tard. YOU just don't like what I have to say.
Let's get one thing perfectly clear here. It's not just me. It's not just mvscal. Many people here consider you to be a tard. You've been a tard here ever since you donned your tinfoil hat, and it's been exacerbated by your chicken little obsession with labeling everyone a "racist fuckstain."

If you ever were funny here, you stopped, a long time ago. If you ever were insightful or informative here, you stopped, a long time ago. You haven't posted anything even remotely interesting or worthwhile, in many a year.

You've been nothing but a humorless tard, for a long time now.
You're just a broken record
And until this board moves into the 21st Century I'm going to keep it up.
The definition of insanity certainly comes to mind.

First, off, you're the only one who thinks something here is broken. Secondly, what makes you think you'll ever change whatever it is you think needs changing here? Lastly, whatever solution you've attempted here, it obviously failed. Nothing's gotten better. You're still bitter about "us," and your bitterness is obviously growing. So, why are you continuing to try to apply the same broken solution to what's obviously an intractable problem?

Do you just enjoy pain?
Why do you even continue to stick around?
Why do you care you racist fuckhole?
Short of your spamming of this board with your incessant ankle biting, I don't. You haven't posted anything worthwhile in years. My only interest now in you is similar to Hannibal Lector's interest in studying the psychosis of the guy who liked to fling cum at Clarisse.

That guy ended up swallowing his own tongue. Food for thought.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by The Seer »

Moving Sale wrote: I'm not a tard. YOU just don't like what I have to say.
Whoa. That set off just about every bullshit alarm within typing distance...
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by The Seer »

Van wrote:
Ali was a staight up jerk. What an ingrate, and what a cloying puppet.
Back in the day, in my naive young age, I looked up to Ali. Loved how he mocked Frazier, snubbed his nose at the Govt, etc....Now, revisiting that period, I still admire Ali's skill as a boxer but he was a real cunt - and actually the real uncle tom.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Seer, what, do just want to be called a vapid, racist fuckstain?


In all seriousness, why did you ever look up to Ali for mocking Frazier the way he did?

I always thought it was pretty despicable. It was clear that Ali was the brighter man, the glibber man, but what he was doing just isn't done in professional sports. That short of "intelligence smack" Ali ran at Joe, that wasn't cool.

Joe grew up a simple farm boy. Clearly, he was uneducated, and uncomfortable with public speaking. Beyond that, you're right, if anything Ali was far more the Tom than Joe, who literally grew up as "black" as it gets.

I couldn't stand Ali, even before I found out what an ingrate he was. Knowing now what Joe did for Ali, and seeing Ali repay him the way he did?

That guy was 100% dirtbag.

Every time I watch a Frazier fight, I come away thinking the same thing: I just wish Joe had been the same physical size as Ali, or Foreman. Joe always looked like he was fighting uphill.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Mikey »

We don't get HBO.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by War Wagon »

Van wrote: That's the very definition of message board ankle biting.
That's an insult to ankle biters.

TVO's game is to ankle biting what T-ball is to MLB... wait, that's not right... I have more respect for a game of healthy 6 year olds playing T-ball, so I'll try again....

86 year old parapalegics on ventilators playing a 0-0 T-ball game that never ends until they all die and they cart them off the field... that's closer.
Regardless, most of us here agree that you have in fact become utterly worthless as a poster.

Your statement presumes this piece of message board trash had ever been anything but utterly worthless, of which I've never seen the slightest bit of evidence.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by War Wagon »

Van wrote: Every time I watch a Frazier fight, I come away thinking the same thing: I just wish Joe had been the same physical size as Ali, or Foreman. Joe always looked like he was fighting uphill.
What Smokin' Joe lacked in stature, he more than made up for in guts, determination, and heart.

He will always be my all time favorite boxer.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Don't mean to interrupt your "black cock" dialogues, but on the matter of Ali jabbing his way in Manila to some claim of The Greatest Of All Time, I've never bought in. In fact, when you look at his career he's barely in the top ten. First, how did he beat Liston twice? In the first fight he never delivers a serious punch--Liston just quits--and in the ludicrous rematch he barely touches him at all. And Liston, despite the inane opinions of such phonies as Howard Cosell, was truly a gifted and great heavyweight. Fix? Quite possibly. Ali then barely beats some decent fighters like Chuvalo and so forth, and at this point is at his best. No doubt the fastest heavyweight ever, but certainly no real stopping power. Five years off, but still in his twenties, he gets his ass absolutely kicked by Frazier in the first of their bouts. Look carefully at the first five rounds as Ali unloads with his biggest bombs right on Frazier's dome--and Joe just shakes them off. That Ali even survived the 11th is a miracle, same with the 15th. Okay, so now Ali gets his ass kicked by fucking Norton, a total journeyman. But because Norton loses to Foreman, Ali vaults into a title match with big George. The Rumble in the Jungle has some quality moments, but is basically a farce: loose ropes, tiny ring, three in the morning. But to his credit Ali (who at this time was truly the Greatest whore monger in modern athletics/rock music, etc., btw) tires him out and regains the title. No rematch, of course. Ali would have just as soon converted to Judaism as fight Foreman again. Okay, he then loses again to Norton--despite the shameless decision, barely beats a damaged Frazier in their second fight, and then loses to Norton for a third time--and this decision is way beyond mere shameless, it's criminal. So we 're left with the Thrilla in Manila upon which to hoist the claims of Ali's Greatest Of All Time designation. Brutal fight, no question. Ali was a lion heart, but Frazier was a shell. And the remainder of Ali's career is better left unexamined.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote: Every time I watch a Frazier fight, I come away thinking the same thing: I just wish Joe had been the same physical size as Ali, or Foreman. Joe always looked like he was fighting uphill.
What Smokin' Joe lacked in stature, he more than made up for in guts, determination, and heart.

He will always be my all time favorite boxer.
Mine too, or at least he's in my Top Three.

Yeha, he made up for his lack of size, but imagine if he didn't have to. Imagine how he would've done against Ali had he been were five inches taller and forty pounds heavier, with a commensurate increase in reach. Imagine how much more devastating that lef'hook of his would've been, had he been packing George Foreman sized oomph behind it.

Imagine how easily he would've walked through Ali. I sure enjoy doing so.
Last edited by Van on Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Nick, agreed, 1000%.

I'll go you one further: Ali is the most overhyped media built fraud in the history of American sport.

Shit, the only reason he beat Frazier at all was Frazier's inability to see. Even then, if it weren't for Eddie Futch throwing in the towel, Ali might not've made that 15th round either. According to his handlers, he was already done. He wasn't coming out, but Futch beat him to the quit.

Jimmy Young handed Ali his ass. Henry freaking Cooper had Ali knocked out, until Dundee saved him.

The guy was fast, and he had a good chin, but take away his mouth and his posturing (both inside the ring and out) and he wasn't that exceptional as a heavyweight champ.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by poptart »

Van wrote:And wasn't it great to still actually have fifteen rounds?

- Duk Koo Kim
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by poptart »

Moving Sale wrote:How about the time you lied about what I said about how much of a tree is alive?
An issue of critical importance.

I'll log back on to this thread when it reaches page 17 and see if a consensus has been reached.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

poptart wrote:
Van wrote:And wasn't it great to still actually have fifteen rounds?

- Duk Koo Kim
Yeah, welll...

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Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: You were attempting to refute an argument that a tree isn't a living thing.
Liar Liar. I said a tree is about 1% alive. You know I said it. I know I said it and you are a lying fuck to say otherwise.
You keep wanting to insist that I said SR is south of Mt Tam, which I never said.
You said: 'Mt Tam is north of 101 as it leaves SR. That is a fucking lie. Lair Liar. At least we all know your MO now.
The discussion was never worth having.
It's a smackboard. It's ALWAYS worth calling some tard out for being wrong.
You had no reason to come in and attempt to refute that a tree is the world's largest living organism;
Do you remember the thread? YOU were asking what the definition of WLLO was. You were not even sure it was a tree...until I said it wasn't...THEN you were sure it was. What a transparent dumbass you are.
certainly not by attempting to argue that it's not a living organism,
Lie much you Racst tard?
You became a punchline for Mt Tam smack and Dead Tree smack, and for what?
By whom? Braindead fucks like yourself? Bummer.
Mt Tam thing was to differentiate a few degrees on a compass, between south/southeast.
Bullshit. You said Mt Tam is north of 101 as 101 leaves SR. That is false. Be a man and sack up.
the pummeling you took.
By whom? U? I Laughed!!
With tactics like those, I'd destroy you in court, before any jury.
You're an idiot.
It means your purpose in responding had nothing to do with the thread
I hijacked a thread? For sham. STFU you whining cunt.
I don't think SR is south of Mt Tam
See the light much?
I've never stated otherwise.
'Mt Tam is north of the 101 as the 101 leaves SR.'
Spin it anyway you want. You still said it.
It's not my fault you don't seem to understand that a freeway can simultaneously exist on one place on a compass
As 101 leaves SR it is NOT south of Mt Tam you stupid fuckstick.
It's not just mvscal. Many people here consider you to be a tard.
Other racists tards think I suck? Big fucking deal.
You've been a tard here ever since you donned your tinfoil hat
You suck Bush's cock and swallow his jizz and *I'M* the tinfoil hat donner? You're an idiot.
and it's been exacerbated by your chicken little obsession with labeling everyone a "racist fuckstain."
Name one person I have called a racist who isn't. It not my fault this BB has turned into a klan meeting.
If you ever were funny here, you stopped, a long time ago.
You NEVER were, even when you tried.
First, off, you're the only one who thinks something here is broken.
You like the Racists. I get it.
Secondly, what makes you think you'll ever change whatever it is you think needs changing here?
Nothing will change. You'll still be a stupid racist shitstain.
My only interest now in you is similar to Hannibal Lector's interest in studying the psychosis of the guy who liked to fling cum at Clarisse.
You are too stupid to be a HL.
That guy ended up swallowing his own tongue. Food for thought.
Keep it up fuckhead.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Amazing. You even suck with quotes. Nice, though, the way you alter them, and delete portions of them, in an attempt to build your faggot strawman.

Oh, and yes, by arguing the % of the tree which you consider to be "living" you were in fact specifically attempting to refute the notion that the General Sherman tree is a larger living organism than a blue whale.

Fail, faggot.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

P-tart, if you're going to roll out the big bomb--"Liar, Liar"--you've got to indicate that the man's pants are in fact on fire.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

Nick, that was most assuredly not p-tart...
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Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:Amazing. You even suck with quotes. Nice, though, the way you alter them, and delete portions of them, in an attempt to build your faggot strawman.
Nice white flag you pathetic fuck.
Oh, and yes, by arguing the % of the tree which you consider to be "living" you were in fact specifically attempting to refute the notion that the General Sherman tree is a larger living organism than a blue whale.
No I was arguing that it is not as big of a 'living' organism as you said it was.
Fail, faggot.
Go suck a dick.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

TBO wrote:No I was arguing that it is not as big of a 'living' organism as you said it was.
Which is an incorrect argument. The tree itself is a single living organism, the fact of which is recognized by EVERYONE BUT YOU.

Your stamping your little foot like Shirley Temple and crying that YOU don't think so, well...

Fail again, faggot.
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Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: The tree itself is a single living organism, the fact of which is recognized by EVERYONE BUT YOU..
Changing your font size does not make it true. No botanist on earth thinks a tree is made up of 100% live cells. Not one. That is not how a tree grows. Much like you are made up of 99% dead brain cells.

Now STFU you racist fuckchip.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

No botanist on earth considers the General Sherman tree to be anything but a living organism. Botanists don't consider living trees to be only "slightly alive, by tissue percentage." Botanists consider sequoias to be alive, or dead, as a single entity.

Botanists and marine biologists consider the General Sherman tree to be a larger living organism than any blue whale.

THAT was the argument, and you failed...again.
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

mvscal, you fucking idiot, you just don't get it...

TBO doesn't consider it to be so, so it isn't so. Fuck! How difficult is this??

(Believe me, he was already hit with those stats, as well as many others. His argument is that the GS isn't that large of a living organism because tissue within the tree is "dead," so the overall volume of the tree is moot. A blue whale's living tissue comprises greater volume, was his argument...nevermind that a blue whale is, what, 70% water?

No matter. That's what we're dealing with here, with this guy.)
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Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:No botanist on earth considers the General Sherman tree to be anything but a living organism.
That happens to be 99% dead. It may be the LLO, but the weight that is stated as it's 'weight' it made up of 99% dead tissue.

How much of a whale is water? How much of the living part of GS is water?

Again Van. YOU were wondering what the definition of the LLO was, that is until I chimed in THEN you were sure it was the GS all because I said it wasn't.

And I'M the contrarian?
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Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Van »

TBO, the only pertinent alternative argument offered up in that thread came from Dins, with his giant fungus in Oregon. Also, my own addition of that grove of aspens in Utah, which somewhat share the same root structure.

Your blue whale inclusion was pure lunacy, since the debate was about LLO, and the GS is obviously a LO.

You then compounded it, by saying YOU consider a blue whale to be a larger LO than the GS ("so not EVERYONE considers the GS to be a LLO," you said), and that was when you completely fell off the deep end.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
Moving Sale

Re: "Thrilla in Manilla" HBO special

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:TBO, the only pertinent alternative argument offered up in that thread came from Dins, with his giant fungus in Oregon. Also, my own addition of that grove of aspens in Utah, which somewhat share the same root structure.
That is what I'm talking about Van. As long as it was you and Dins everything was fine. As soon as I added my 2cents. I was off the deep end and an idiot. It can't be a fungus, some aspens AND the GS. All I was donig was trying to get you to think, but it's quite obvious now that that is never going to happen.

Have fun being ignorant.
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