Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »

Another thread where Pinks is getting reamed, color me shocked.
Feelsdix wrote: you fuckwits are going to trying to get out of the hole you dug for yourself for a long time to come...and to think, you've got GW Bush to thank for it all
Pretty much all you've got left now.

It's all Bushs' fault and no matter what Obama does, it can't be any worse.

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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
But seriously, you don't have one single shred of evidence to support that conclusion, yet you will cheerfully bankrupt the country for this snake oil scam...because you are stupid. Morons like you should be stood against a wall and shot and I mean that quite literally.
I've posted it before, and you obviously didn't watch it then, but I'll post it again in the hopes you might pull your head out of your ass and wake the fuck up.....

there are 3 videos in this series...I suggest you watch them, then if you've something to dispute what the videos present, then by all means present them and we can discuss it




but then again, I guess ice chunks the size of Texas falling away from the Arctic Ice Shelf are pretty common-uh, no it's not-as matter of fact, these types of ice shelf breaks are unprecedented....of course, since science has be documenting it they've never seen the ice shelves receding at the rate they are...but you just keep believing that it's all simply a cycle of nature.....
He's investing heavily into renewable energy sources

In other words, he's wasting money on inefficient and unreliable technologies which are not even remotely market ready.[/quote]

you're right, there will always be and endless supply of oil...oops, no there won't...but by the time it's all gone, you'll be nothing but dust so you've decided to adopt your standard "let somebody else worry about it".....damn dude, I thought I was pretty selfish at times, but you make me look like Andrew fucking Carnegie
Guess again, fool.
so your saying that Obama is not cutting subsidies to gas and oil companies? if you've got something that disputes that, then by all means present it or shut the fuck up
What relevance does that have to the conditions we face today?
rich people are paying less in taxes as a percentage then they were under Reagan.....do you have a problem with that?
Oh...OK. :meds:

Die. Save a tree or a whale and blow your fucking brains out, you stupid, pinheaded cocksucker.
you're pretty emotional
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

War Wagon wrote:
It's all Bushs' fault and no matter what Obama does, it can't be any worse.
no dude, you forgot, it was all Clinton's fault...fuck you've got a short memory
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:Morons like you should be stood against a wall and shot and I mean that quite literally.



Good Lordy!
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Tom In VA »

Felix wrote:... these types of ice shelf breaks are unprecedented....of course, since science has be documenting it they've never seen the ice shelves receding at the rate they are...
How long has "science" be documenting it dog ? What it is yo ?

Yo humanity be evolving and shit for a long time befo humanity got all scientific and shit, yo. It's like this, you had the New Boys, the Elected Ones and the Pros. Then one day some brutha went back to the Motherland and found out that "tron" or "ton" meant STRONG, so the hood boys changed they names to the Protons, the Neutrons, and the Electrons.

Seriously dude, for someone who basis so much on "science", you'd think you would know a little about it. AND the fact there are those with more scientific knowledge in their fingertip than Al Gore has in his whole brain - who DISAGREE - they DISAGREE based on SCIENCE.

Yet nobody wants to hear them. They get "excommunicated" as if it's the Holy Roman Empire all over again.

Now we all know, that's not SCIENTIFIC.

At least I do.

Do you ?
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »

Felix wrote: I guess ice chunks the size of Texas falling away from the Arctic Ice Shelf are pretty common...
uh, I thought the Texas size chunks were falling of Antartica and the Arctic ones were only the size of Iowa. In either case, I didn't notice nor do I care. Just went thru another cold ass winter and you global warming climate change dipshits can go fuck yourselves.

I want to burn coal and oil, and plenty of it, if it really does cause global warming I'm all for it. I'm going to do my part.
...these types of ice shelf breaks are unprecedented....of course, since science has be documenting it they've never seen the ice shelves receding at the rate they are...but you just keep believing that it's all simply a cycle of nature.....
unprecedented? really? You mean like before Jesus walked the Earth?

that unprecedented?

Wow, 2,000 years is a long time. How old did you say the Earth was again? Like 6 billion years? Or have we graduated to trillions yet, like the Obama budget projected deficit?

These numbers just stagger me. I'm glad we have someone like you around who really understands all this complicated stuff.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Tom In VA »

Yeah but the cooling trend is a direct result of the warming trend.

Global Warming mvscal, you have to have faith.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Tom In VA »

mvscal wrote::lol:

Not exactly a big fan of religion here.
You mean you're denying Global Warming exists ? Where would you be without Global Warming ?

It's the Judas Cradle for you until you repent.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Yeah, I guess they are.
no, it's not ever been seen
In our whopping decade or two of studying it? Should I be impressed?
you didn't watch the videos did you...of course not, you'll never be convinced of what it is you want to believe no matter how much scientific evidence is provided
When all else fails, blantantly lie. Good job, douche. Of course global ice levels are experience a net increase.
so you choose to get your science from a writer from the Washington Post, that may or may not have any knowledge of what the fuck he's talking about, hasn't submitted his conclusions to scientific peer review, and hasn't published it in a scientific journal....oh, I see where this is going....okay, lets see how many more scientifically reviewed studies you can produce that support this assertion...go ahead and take your time, because you're going to be looking for a long, long time....
Which makes sense because we aren't in a warming period, but are actually in a cooling trend now...
flatout, straight-up a baldfaced fucking lie, which if you'd watched the video's you'd know why it's horseshit
by all means, pull up the scientific peer reviews of the Hadley Centre for Climate Change study, and lets have a look and see what actual scientists have to say about it

and Antarctica never did warm up in the first place...

http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/200200 ... _sys.shtml
nor are the oceans showing any signs of this alleged warming.

http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... d=88520025
I looked high and low for any listing for a Kate Melville, that holds a scientific degree in climatology, nature sciences, etc. a big fat zero....you see, any dipstick (like you) with no scientific background whatsoever can claim anything they want and could probably cull enough "facts" from various places to back up their assertions....but the cold hard fact of the matter is, until a theory has been formalized (such as global warming) and articles have been published in a scientific journal, where they can be reviewed by other scientists to find potential problems or flaws in the conclusions, the paper it's written on is worthless as a scientific study....sorry buddy, that's the way science works...scientific advancement isn't made by shitkickers named Steven Goddard that throw some graphs together, put out some wingnuttia theory and call it good.....if this story has any merit, you should easily be able to find it reprinted in a scientific peer reviewed journal....

same thing goes with every other link you provided....they should be easy to find

then start culling.....good luck
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by indyfrisco »

ltr: Felix, T1B, mvscal

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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

nice pic

but the fact remains the articles mvscal has supplied have no scientific basis.....if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to post scientifically reviewed articles that confirm exactly what the videos I posted demonstrate.

I've never said that global warming has been proven to be a result of human activity-no scientist in the world has ever made such a claim...but the evidence points in that direction....

but in the final analysis, by the time it has any substanative effect on the earth (if in fact, that is what is causing the earth to warm), I'll be worm fodder so it really won't have any direct affect on me....

I'm just one of those types that likes to leave a place in as good (or better) condition than when I got there
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by indyfrisco »


Some scientists say that 99+% of global warming comes from seismic activity. If that's the case, there ain't shit we can do about it. Why is it you choose to have faith in some science while dismissing other science? What science is right?

Save the planet? The planet is fiiiiiine. The planet isn't going anywhere. WE ARE! It'll shake us off like a bad case of the fleas.
- George Carlin

^^^^ All the science I need ^^^
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

IndyFrisco wrote:Felix,

Some scientists say that 99+% of global warming comes from seismic activity.

If that's the case, there ain't shit we can do about it. Why is it you choose to have faith in some science while dismissing other science? What science is right?
I don't "dismiss" any science nor any supported scientific theory.
I'd venture to say that without culling the scientific journals a theory that seismic activity is causing the temperatures on earth to increase would be in a distinct minority, but if that were the case, then yes there's not a lot we could do

my only problem is when douchecanoes that haven't bothered to study the science of global warming simply dismiss it because some uneducated screech monkey tells them it's all big scam to keep climate scientists well fed....
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
You just did, you lying sack of shit and served it all up with a heaping stack of ad hominem bullshit which did nothing to support your position. You're a fucking tard.
Personally, I've never heard of any scientist claiming that seismic activity contributes to global warming, but I certainly wouldn't dismiss it....I'd be very interested in reading about the theory...If you or Indy would like to find an article and post it here, I'd love to see it....insofar as what you posted look bud, you provided a bunch of links to what appears to be some dudes opinion, some women's ramblings, and a report prepared by a scientific sounding institute that I have no idea whether that report has been peer reviewed or published in a scientific journal....don't be so fucking hostile, simply present something that has been scrutinized by the scientific community for it's veracity
Just out of curiousity, how many peer reviewed studies has algore published and where did he get his degree in climatology.
now I know you didn't watch the video links I posted, because if you had, you'd know that in the first one, Al Gore and his rantings were pretty much dismissed summarily....seriously, the videos are on the SCIENTIFIC studies of the global warming debate, not the ramblings uneducated scare mongers like Gore


I've done some preliminary leg work for you...following is a list of scientific journals related to earth sciences, geology, climatology, etc.

Eos (American Geophysical Union; ISSN 0096-3941)
Geophysical Research Letters (American Geophysical Union; ISSN 0094-8276)
American Journal of Science
Canadian Journal of Earth Science ([1] journal home)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Earth in Space
Earth Interactions
Earth-Science Reviews
Global Environmental Change (an excellent place for you to start your search)
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Geochemical Transactions
Bulletin of Volcanology
Journal of Geology
Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of Structural Geology
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Northeastern Geology
Episodes (International Union of Geological Sciences, ISSN [4])
Geophysics ([5] journal home) (Society of Exploration Geophysicists, ISSN [6])
ISSN 0392-6672)
Journal of Earth System Science (Journal home page)
Journal of Geophysical Research (American Geophysical Union, ISSN 0148-0227)
Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets
Journal of Geophysical Research- Solid Earth
Reviews of Geophysics
Journal of Glaciology (International Glaciological Society, ISSN 0022-1430)
Annals of Glaciology (International Glaciological Society, ISSN 0260-3055)
Geophysical Journal International formerly Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society (Royal Astronomical Society)
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Environment
Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Science Letters
Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Climate Dynamics
Climatic Change

Contributions to Atmospheric Physics
Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology
International Journal of Biometeorology
International Journal of Climatology
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-terrestrial Physics
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
Journal of Climate
Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Journal of Paleoclimatology
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Monthly Weather Review
Progress in Biometeorology
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
National Weather Digest
Tellus. Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology
Weather and Forecasting (American Meteorological Society; ISSN 0882-8156)
Weather (Royal Meteorological Society; ISSN 0043-1656)

all scientific journals and all peer reviewed....happy hunting for your assertion that in fact the earth is cooling
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by indyfrisco »


Once again....wrong choice of words by me. :oops:

I meant volcanic activity. Not seismic.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

IndyFrisco wrote:Felix,

Once again....wrong choice of words by me. :oops:

I meant volcanic activity. Not seismic.
thanks for the clarification...I thought I was missing something
I've heard a little about it, but you've peaked my interest now and will follow it up...I'm interested to read the theory
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Van »

Felix, IIRC, one of your first two video links mentioned seismic activity as a possible factor in climate change. Volcanic change was definitely mentioned.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by indyfrisco »

Van wrote:Felix, IIRC, one of your first two video links mentioned seismic activity as a possible factor in climate change. Volcanic change was definitely mentioned.
I thought seismic activity was a possible result of it? Hell I don't know. Nor do I care. I don't believe any of that shit anyway. If we were setting off a couple hundred nuclear bombs worldwide each year, maybe...
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Van »

Indy, the overriding feeling I got from seeing Felix's videos, and from everything else I've read and seen on the subject, is that the scientific community is certain only regarding basic physics premises. Ie, clouds, man made particulates and other elements in our atmosphere reflect the sun's rays, while also holding in the heat returning from the earth, back into the atmosphere.


What they don't seem to know is the cause and effect, nor the degree, of each situation. Will the reflecting of the sun's rays be overcome by the Green House effect, causing warming, or will the same things which cause the Green House effect actually be more than balanced out by the reflecting of the sun's rays, keeping the earth's temperature intact...or even cooler.

It also seems that much of the data gathered is dependent on when and where it was gathered. It seems that different results are achieved through such variables, and those results can be predicted and manipulated to advance one's specific cause.

This is all fairly new science, this study of climate change and global warming. It just seems that the scientific commmunity doesn't yet have enough cyclical mapping to be able to definitively ascribe any concrete answers to what's going on. They don't know that something similar hasn't already occured many times throughout earth's history.

I also suspect that in another thirty years we'll have a whole new crop of scientists employing a whole new crop of data gathering methods, and their findings will render moot what people are theorizing today. Check back in a hundred years...even moreso.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:Really?
Yes you really are a stupid Racist fuckhole that has right about 1% of the time. And that is being generous.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote: And we should destroy our economy based on this?!? Are you out of your fucking mind?
so now a cap and trade is going to destroy our economy?
Jeezus bud, get a fucking grip
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »

Would you prefer cripple? I understand that your intellectual capacity is somewhere between 'bag of hammers' and 'box of rocks', so I will help you out.

Freaking sig material.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:I'm just one of those types that likes to leave a place in as good (or better) condition than when I got there
Then for the sake of our board, kill yourself.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:
Felix wrote:I'm just one of those types that likes to leave a place in as good (or better) condition than when I got there
Then for the sake of our board, kill yourself.
That would result in a significant, if transient, spike in greenhouse gases.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »

poptart wrote:
Felix wrote:I'm just one of those types that likes to leave a place in as good (or better) condition than when I got there
Then for the sake of our board, kill yourself.
Fucking ouch...

That's kinda' harsh, 'tart.

Maybe a good waterboarding is in order, but in this economy, we can't afford to lose a solid JFFL contributor.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote: Then for the sake of our board, kill yourself.
pretty "christian" of you bud...go fuck yourself
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »


Nobody ever said Christians have to play nice all the damn time.
KC Scott

Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by KC Scott »

mvscal wrote::lol: Not exactly a big fan of religion here.
You are going to hell if you don't believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior
My Religion states it and I believe it
I am going to heaven.
I sit in judgement of you beacuse of my beliefs.
By defacto standard - I am better than you.


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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Tom In VA »

You are going to die if you don't believe in global warming.
Leonardo DiCaprio states it, I believe it.
I am going to live in a green paradise
I sit in judgement of you beacuse of my beliefs.
By defacto standard - I am better than you.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by War Wagon »

KC Scott wrote: I sit in judgement of you beacuse of my beliefs.
By defacto standard - I am better than you.
How long has 'tart been up in your head, Scott?

The fact he's never posted anything remotely close to that is beside the point, right? You've got a guilty conscious to assuage, so damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
KC Scott

Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by KC Scott »

I'm just yanking his Chuch Lady Chain Wags.

But I am better than you, so I understand your sensitivity
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by poptart »

Felix can live, I repent.

I just don't want any future Felix'.

From his posting style, I am assuming his balls were, in fact, removed in a farming accident.

So I would just request that he eat whatever children he has already produced, and we'll call it even.
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Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote:Felix can live, I repent.
I don't want your repentance, and I don't want your prayers

once again, go fuck yourself
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Moving Sale

Re: Tea Party - No Respect for National Anthem

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote:I love using Coal and Oil, which puts my intellectual capacity somewhere between 'bag of hammers' and 'box of rocks'.
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