Tom In VA wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:War Wagon wrote:It is comical though how those who ruthlessly bashed Bush for 8 years (and still do) are now so sensitive to any criticism, perceived or otherwise, of the current occupant.
At least within the confines of this board, there is no comparison between the criticism of Bush and the criticism of Obama. I'm reasonably certain that no one on these boards labeled Bush as, or even implied that he was, the "worst President ever" before he even had reached the 100 day mark.
As for criticism of Obama, while I certainly can't speak for anyone else, as far as I'm concerned, criticize his policies all you like. But should you elect to run name smack on him, know that your criticism just descended to the intellectual level of the 5th grade schoolyard playground, and it will be treated as such.
And speaking of comical, to me it's just a tad comical that someone would criticize another as "un-American" because someone else gave him Hussein for a middle name, yet defend someone who named her kids Track, Bristol, Willow and Trig as "mavericky." Just sayin'.
Do you try to lack any semblence of intellectual integrity or does it come naturally.
1. Bush wasn't labelled "worst President ever" before he reached the 100 day mark for one reason. You, yes you, that bitch who liked the Redskins and a host of other Democrat shills didn't even acknowledge the he WAS THE LEGITIMATE President. You lied then, like you're lying now.
I never said that Bush wasn't the legitimate President. In fact, I called out I think his name was Hangman for using the "America held hostage" line to describe the Bush Presidency, for much the same reason that I was critical of your boy, Rush Limbaugh, for using it to describe the Clinton Administration.
2. Yeah, okay, so the idealogy fueled by Alinksy that won in November and continues to wage their campaign in America is calling out people for "5th Grade" smack. Fucking please. 8 years of "You're stupid", "Bush Lied People Died", and the Kanye West's of the nation speaking badly about Bush. Okay, so your side of the aisle resorts to Kindergarten tactics, seems to me the Republican's resorting to 5th grade level still has your side beat with respect to class, dignity, and oh --- honesty.
See above. "America held hostage" to describe a legitimately elected President (and not by a Hangman either, by a guy who, according to your side, draws 19 million listeners). You lose, again.
3. Can't leave a Pro Life broad alone can you ? God you're a sad fucking sack. You really are. And I'm not "just sayin'". I fucking mean it.
Where did I criticize Palin for being pro-life? In fact, I didn't even criticize her for the bizarre names she laid on her kids (I suppose I can live with Piper, but the others . . . ). Rather, I criticized you, yes you, and the rest of the dittosheep, for implying that Obama was un-American because of a name he undoubtedly did not pick for himself, while simultaneously ignoring the weird names Palin gave her own offspring.
All is said and done here's what I'll call Barack Obama. Mr. President. He's earned that(Same as Bush did in 2000 and 2004).
We agree on that.
Aside from that his agenda, his supporters, and his idealogy all suck ass so far, in my opinion.
At least on this board, Obama's supporters seem far more realistic about him than the amen corner, "Rack Dubya!" crowd that dominated political discourse on these boards, at least until his poll numbers went south, was about Bush.
War Wagon wrote:That "worst president ever" gloss must really sting you libs, eh?
Nah, mostly I think you just look awfully silly throwing it around at this point in his presidency.
In fact, I've stated on more than one occasion that most legitimate historians I've read have stated that you can't fairly evaluate any President until 25 years after he has left office. I've also stated that if anything, that number is a little low imho. So you can't criticize me for throwing that around to describe Bush.
I also find it a little ironic that you and the rest of the Bush dittosheep bandy it about so frequently about Obama, given that the final judgment on Bush will depend, in no small part, on the extent of Obama's success in cleaning up the flaming sack of doo-doo that Bush left behind.