Moving Sale wrote:Van wrote:
It doesn't even matter that you were wrong, in both instances.
How could it NOT matter?
The outcome was never in doubt, so it didn't matter. You were always going to be wrong. You were attempting to refute an argument that a tree isn't a living thing. Wrong. You were attempting a failed strawman. Wrong. You keep wanting to insist that I said SR is south of Mt Tam, which I never said.
You're still doing it. You're still hanging onto a failed strawman.
Anyway, the reason none of this matters is simple: The discussion was never worth having. You had no reason to come in and attempt to refute that a tree is the world's largest living organism; certainly not by attempting to argue that it's not a living organism, which is just absurd. You also added nothing to the Muir Woods discussion. Arguing south vs south/southeast was just you being intentionally pissy.
The point is that you consider both of those instances to be Exhibits A and B of your shining contributions to this board, when both instances were utter debacles for you. You became a punchline for Mt Tam smack and Dead Tree smack, and for what?
You had no reason to even bother. You just couldn't help yourself, but the best thing about all of it is you think you did well there.
The point is that you still think those are good examples of quality contributions you've made.
Bullshit. They are examples of how stupid you are.
I was correct in both instances. You were wrong about the tree thing and the only thing you managed in the Mt Tam thing was to differentiate a few degrees on a compass, between south/southeast.
Not a single sane person would agree with you that the GGB (the 101) is
not south of Mt Tam. It doesn't mattter that it's a few degrees east, as well. It's south of Mt Tam.
You shouldn't have gotten involved in either discussion...
Says who? You?
Says common sense, and the pummeling you took. No good was ever going to come of it, and you made it even worse on yourself with the dead tree thing.
I Laughed. You posted Bullshit. I called you on it and you are too big a turd to admit you screwed the pooch. Says more abouit you than me.
Yeah, I argued that a tree is a living thing and you argued percentages of tissue, and I'm the one who screwed the pooch? I argued that the 101 is south of Mt Tam and you argued failed strawmen and degrees on a compass, and I screwed the pooch?
With tactics like those, I'd destroy you in court, before any jury.
You ankle bite.
What does that mean? I responded to a post on a BB? Please Van enlighten me.
It means your purpose in responding had nothing to do with the thread, or the post to which you were responding. It means you saw my name, and posted, with a total non sequitur. You saw my name, and all it meant to you was another opportunity to come in and throw out your tired broken record insult.
That's the very definition of message board ankle biting.
You've become utterly worthless.
To an idiot that think SR it south of Mt. Tam I do.
I don't think SR is south of Mt Tam, nor does anybody else here, to the best of my knowledge. SR is plainly to the east of Mt Tam, and I've never stated otherwise. It's not my fault you don't seem to understand that a freeway can simultaneously exist on one place on a compass, say, at SR, yet also be at another place, such as south of Mt Tam. It's not my fault you can't grasp the concept of journeying south, and west, from one spot on a freeway to another.
Regardless, most of us here agree that you have in fact become utterly worthless as a poster.
You don't even adequately fill the village idiot role of "every board needs its tards."
I'm not a tard. YOU just don't like what I have to say.
Let's get one thing perfectly clear here. It's not just me. It's not just mvscal.
Many people here consider you to be a tard. You've been a tard here ever since you donned your tinfoil hat, and it's been exacerbated by your chicken little obsession with labeling everyone a "racist fuckstain."
If you ever were funny here, you stopped, a long time ago. If you ever were insightful or informative here, you stopped, a long time ago. You haven't posted anything even remotely interesting or worthwhile, in many a year.
You've been nothing but a humorless tard, for a long time now.
You're just a broken record
And until this board moves into the 21st Century I'm going to keep it up.
The definition of insanity certainly comes to mind.
First, off, you're the only one who thinks something here is broken. Secondly, what makes you think you'll ever change whatever it is you think needs changing here? Lastly, whatever solution you've attempted here, it obviously failed. Nothing's gotten better. You're still bitter about "us," and your bitterness is obviously growing. So, why are you continuing to try to apply the same broken solution to what's obviously an intractable problem?
Do you just enjoy pain?
Why do you even continue to stick around?
Why do you care you racist fuckhole?
Short of your spamming of this board with your incessant ankle biting, I don't. You haven't posted anything worthwhile in years. My only interest now in you is similar to Hannibal Lector's interest in studying the psychosis of the guy who liked to fling cum at Clarisse.
That guy ended up swallowing his own tongue. Food for thought.