smackaholic wrote:
Sounds simple enough to me then. All we gotta do is have congress pass the "no terrorist left alive" law. All terrorists are to be head shot on site. This way we won't run the risk of any of them being waterboarded, since waterboarding headless camelfukkers is kinda boring and even less likely to get useful intel out of them than doing it to still headed breathing camelfukkers.
so what you seem to be saying here is that you're good with the President breaking the law? okey dokey bud
Did you know that when Clinton left office, the Bush White House spent 9 months investigating whether or not the Clinton's and their aides trashed the White House (which of course, they didn't)
"We need to look at to make sure exactly what happened is known to the public and to deter any future president from doing like behavior, if it was wrong, In that regard, if we can do it in a bipartisan fashion, I think that's what we should do. Every American benefits when you can control abuse of power. If this was an abuse of power, then we need to know about it."
Rep. Lindsey Graham
"We should at least take a look at what happened and ask ourselves, should we take some action to try to prevent abuses that do occur?"
Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
"Congress has an obligation to find out if this was appropriate, my panel will obtain 'subpoenas if necessary"
Dan Burton (R-IN)
"It needs to be investigated, I think it is worthy of investigation. The facts cry out for an answer....Until we get the answers to this question, that whole process is put in some jeopardy of being misunderstood by the public."
Rudy Giuliani
"While the president alone possesses the power to pardon, it's important to remember that he is not personally exempt from federal laws that prohibit the corrupt actions of all government officials."
Sen. Mitch McConnell
All of these statements were uttered by Republicans and directed at Bill Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich
suddenly their righteous indignation over a boneheaded pardon by Clinton has disappeared when it comes to investigating potential violations of the law by the Bush Administration....
why do you suppose that is?