Undiscovered fun around every corner of this place.
Here's a pic I snapped of two lovelies smokin' it up with their two offspring strapped to the back seat. (difficult to see in the picture) Mega points for safely securing their young inside their vehicle, where.....should they be rear-ended by another vehicle, they'd be unable to accidentally fly out the front windows and escape the deadly second hand smoke their mothers undoubtedly subject them to every fucking time they're inside the vehicle:

Here's a fella I couldn't help but notice at my son's soccer game a few weeks ago. There's something interesting about a man that's not put off by a crowd, when internally grooming himself in public. This cat clearly wasn't afraid to "dig a little deeper" to achieve greatness:

Speaking of greatness, here's a guy that's nothing short of "Super".....apparently.
Even a tattoo of the Tasmanian Devil with the caption "bite me" above it, is laughing at this guy:

I suppose you could find this in any county, in any state in the U.S., but since I found it here.....at Wal Mart, I figured I'd include it.
I'm just gonna assume that this person must've been Wicomico County's 2009 spelling bee champion.

And on my way out into the parking lot, I spotted this gem.
Still not sure whether they were joshing me or not, but accounting for everything else I've seen out here so far.....I just don't think these people are clever enough.