never caught it as it was originally airing on HBO a few years back, recently watched the first whole season, and all but the last 2 episodes of the 2nd season (i just dont want it to end so i'm holding off on watching them). I gotta say...what a series.
Altho i know alot of it is fabricated and extremely loose when it comes to actual historic events...the show was epic.
Pullo has gotta be one of my favorite characters in any series. When he catches the dude cheating him in the bar and puts the dagger thru his neck...pretty fuckin badass.
I Claudius is great, though it's a generation after where the HBO Rome leaves off. i enjoyed the HBO series, would have been nice to see how they resolved the end of the Republic into the Augustan period and early Empire.
""On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!"
Moby Dick wrote:Altho i know alot of it is fabricated and extremely loose when it comes to actual historic events...the show was epic.
My biggest problem with it was that the timeline was so heavily compressed, that it was difficult to establish a coherent narrative of the events. The series covers 25 years from the surrender of Vercingetorix at Alesia to the principate of Augustus. Very well acted and it succeeded in giving you the feel of Rome rather than the history.
The opening battle scene of the 1st episode was the best depiction of legionary combat that I've seen.
they play fast a loose with a lot of it. for instance, Brutus and Cassius aren't both at Phillipi.
""On a lonely planet spinning its way toward damnation amid the fear and despair of a broken human race, who is left to fight for all that is good and pure and gets you smashed for under a fiver? Yes, it's the surprising adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!"