I'm still lost. WTF does "pretty much the same poster" mean?Van wrote:To me, Salad Tosser and Fatsack are pretty much the same poster.
I'm asking about the real people. That might have been what threw you off. :doh:
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
I'm still lost. WTF does "pretty much the same poster" mean?Van wrote:To me, Salad Tosser and Fatsack are pretty much the same poster.
Not for my purposes, but thanks for trying.Van wrote:Anyway, ergo, "close enough."
I know what you mean. BTW, thanks for retiring your 'Annie' persona.Van wrote:I'm not certain they're not the same person. They post the same. They're both primarily famous for sticking a pog up their own ass; at least Fatsack is, and I wanna say ST also had something to do with it.
They always have each other's backs, and they post in such similar fashion that I've always thought of them as being the same person, the way I always thought of Rootbeer and Broken Staple as being the same person...or Crown Royal, and Tiberious.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
:doh: :doh: :doh:smackie wrote:That vai incantation shit is definitely uhhhh different. I prefered the second studio version.
Besides all that shit I just wrote about how he made his band perform it live for that night's show after just a single one-through, wasn't the crowd chanting kind of a give away that it was a live concert performance??Here's the hairball thing...
You know how you'd mentioned earlier that it must have taken that symphony orchestra a thousand rehearsals to get the timing down on that Aaron Copeland piece? Well, in each of the songs Vai wrote for this tour, for this live album, he didn't do rehearsals. He'd spring the song on his band, who'd get maybe one through of it during sound check, before having to perform it live that night.
No sheet music. No orchestral leader. It's a rock band.
One run through.
"Take a look at this guys, I just wrote it. We're doing this tonight..."
He'd let them watch him play it, they'd take a stab at it...bam. Done. Brutal. Just like Zappa did to him, all the time.
This is the original version of "Incantation," performed for the first time by his full band, with no rehearsal time. Check out the section where he plays some indigenous stringed instrument, like a bouzouki, or something. Again, I can't recall what it is, but as with the accordion bit in the Parisian waltz he threw in a hunk of bouzouki with this Turkish piece.
Unfortunately there's no true video to go with the audio here, but this is the real live performance. Considering the achievement represented here, including the crazy time signature, with almost no rehearsal, this is just mind boggling for a first live performance...
.Van wrote:"Valley"? What, I don't even get well defined boundaries? It's just a sorta wide open, meandering, borderless space? I don't even get any friction?
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:Yes, that just happened.Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
I appreciate the otherwordly musicianship of the group being able to pull something like that off. Just saying that going back to the studio and polishing it up a bit sometimes ain't a bad thing.Van wrote::doh: :doh: :doh:smackie wrote:That vai incantation shit is definitely uhhhh different. I prefered the second studio version.
Besides all that shit I just wrote about how he made his band perform it live for that night's show after just a single one-through, wasn't the crowd chanting kind of a give away that it was a live concert performance??Here's the hairball thing...
You know how you'd mentioned earlier that it must have taken that symphony orchestra a thousand rehearsals to get the timing down on that Aaron Copeland piece? Well, in each of the songs Vai wrote for this tour, for this live album, he didn't do rehearsals. He'd spring the song on his band, who'd get maybe one through of it during sound check, before having to perform it live that night.
No sheet music. No orchestral leader. It's a rock band.
One run through.
"Take a look at this guys, I just wrote it. We're doing this tonight..."
He'd let them watch him play it, they'd take a stab at it...bam. Done. Brutal. Just like Zappa did to him, all the time.
This is the original version of "Incantation," performed for the first time by his full band, with no rehearsal time. Check out the section where he plays some indigenous stringed instrument, like a bouzouki, or something. Again, I can't recall what it is, but as with the accordion bit in the Parisian waltz he threw in a hunk of bouzouki with this Turkish piece.
Unfortunately there's no true video to go with the audio here, but this is the real live performance. Considering the achievement represented here, including the crazy time signature, with almost no rehearsal, this is just mind boggling for a first live performance...
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
But that's not what you said. You said you liked the second version, the "studio version," better.I appreciate the otherwordly musicianship of the group being able to pull something like that off. Just saying that going back to the studio and polishing it up a bit sometimes ain't a bad thing.
That second version includes an off the cuff bouzouki solo. That's a bit of improv, in anybody's book, and the whole thing was so well done that you thought it was a studio version.What I really like to see is live stuff that still has a bit of improv to it, but, is so fukking well done that it has the studio flawlessness.
How do you figure they didn't get there anyway? That first live performance version (the second clip) wasn't exactly sloppy. In fact, you originally thought it was a polished up studio version.I'm pretty sure that steve and his boys would have gotten there with a few hours of rehersal.
For the life of me, I'm not aware of Vai ever doing any reggae. I'd like to see it. I'd like to see Vai's cover of "Get Up, Stand Up."But what fun is that? The next night he probably turned around and smiled at his boys and said, all right, incantation, in 7/8....reggae!!!!
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Excellent, since the version you prefer is the one they performed live after having only ran through it one time.What I said, or at least attempted t say was that the second version, which I mistakenly called a studio version was definitely tighter and in my completely subjctive opinion was "better" for me. And that's all that matters, being a self centered asshole and all.