mvscal wrote:Van wrote:You'd also be insane, if you wouldn't concede it for rape victims.
Really? I would be "insane" to flush 30,000 citizens and taxpayers down the toilet? Seems to me we're going to need everyone we can get to help pay down the debt we are accumulating at an exponential rate.
You know full well the majority of those flushed would've only ended up becoming a further drain on our economy, as would their mothers and many of their fathers, had they not been flushed.
Aborting them falls right in line with your usual remedy of society benefitting from culling the herd, natural selection, letting the weak fail, etc.
Abortions are way more beneficial to an economy than welfare cases. You're not just talking the aborted, you're also talking about their mothers, many of whom would become welfare cases themselves, were they to be stuck in a life of being an unwed, unskilled mother.
It takes a village, to create a welfare village.
How much better would social security look right about now if we had 50 million or so more people paying into it?
They wouldn't be paying into it. By and large, they'd be taking away from it, as well as from every other economic faction in this country. All those welfare kids and their welfare parents would be committing crimes, collecting government assistance, swelling our prison population, occupying our emergency services, stuffing our hospitals and emergency rooms, increasing urban blight, increasing pollution, de-valuing property values, etc.
They wouldn't be upstanding taxpayers.
They'd be everything you hate about taxpayers having to support the dregs of society.
They'd also be fat, lazy, morose and stupid. Take whatever number of abortions you want, and double it, at least, because of all the parents involved, and that's the number of people you'd see dragging down our society.
Of course, there'd be those "good" exceptions within their ranks, but their number would be, oh, how did you put it?
Statistically insignificant. They'd barely be a drop of piss in a bucket. The vast majority of them would perpetuate a vicious cycle of poverty, crime, shitty tv and flabby bingo wings.