mvscal wrote:There is nothing amorphous about that collection of cells. They are organized into separate organs.
Separate organs does not a separate living being make. Those organs have to be able to sustain themselves.
That "collection of cells" has its own heartbeat. It moves independently.
It has its own rhythm, but it doesn't beat independently. Remove the mother's heartbeat, you end the heartbeat of the fetus.
The fact that it is dependent on its mother is irrelevant. A two year old is dependent on its mother for survival. Is their any doubt that a two year old is a separate human being?
No, because, like a fluke, a two year old can change hosts. At two years old, any ol' mother will do. At two years old, a child can survive without a mother at all. A team of lettuce pickers or even a Cal football travel secretary could keep that child alive. A fetus isn't separate from its host, free to move to another host, or live independently. A fetus is a part of its host. The host can survive with the fetus, but up to a certain point the fetus can't survive without its specific host.
The heartbeat can be detected at 6-7 weeks.
A heartbeat by itself doesn't constitute a separate living being. A heart can be made to pump, with no body attached to it. A heartbeat is one component among many which will become necessary to sustain independent life, but at 6-7 weeks that fetus is still just a thing growing inside its host. In no way, shape or form is it able to sustain its own separate life.
So, this was your big play, which proves I'm "clueless"? Heartbeats, at 6-7 weeks? Two year old children, vs a fetus?
I'm thinking maybe
you might need to crack open that remedial biology book again. I understood what it said, just fine.
Also, like I said, "at a certain point." What about
before 6-7 weeks? Is it okay to abort when there's no heartbeat yet?
Sorry you wasted your life in a barren, childless marriage. Well, I suppose you have your own selfish pursuits to sustain you.
You ever slaughter any of your own progeny because you were too busy with your own "life"?
No. Never went through any abortions or pregnancies. My wife had
cesarean cervical (

) cancer. She's unable to bear children. I've helped "raise" her son (from a previous marriage) for sixteen years now.
Thanks for asking.