Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

BSmack wrote:1. Obama is pushing to except the detainee photos from FOIA via legislative action. I disagree with him on this count, but that is what he is doing. If that fails, I suspect an EO will be forthcoming. Why you are criticizing Obama for attempting to shield these photos via the legislative branch escapes me.
This is already a legislative provision that provides the President the ability to exempt such photos from FOIA. There's no need for any additional legislative action. He's passing the buck. He could easily issue an EO right now and end this issue. But he won't because he knows that the lefty whackos will go bonkers, though he recognizes that releasing the photos will put our troops in greater danger. FOIA contains nine exemptions one of which states that FOIA does not apply to matters that "specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and (B) are in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order." http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foia_updates/V ... /page2.htm

In other words, B, Obama could, today, issue an EO stating that the photos should be classified secret in the interest of national security. In other words, he doesn't need another legislative act. In other words, he's a coward.
2. Closing Gitmo has nothing to do with "protecting Americans" or any other such drivel. We are perfectly capable of maintaining detention facilities in country to handle these alleged criminals. Ever head of supermax prisons? The only reason for places like Gitmo is so that we can torture detainees indefinitely.
Sure, we put them in a supermax facility in the middle of a wide open US and what, there's no reasonable expectation that their terror pals don't attempt to bring their version of justice to American communities or attack those facilities? I mean, it's way safer to place a new multi-billion dollar prison in the domestic US rather than using an very isolated, easily defended, already constructed detention facility at Gitmo? That makes real sense. :lol:
3. The commissions were never the issue. The issue was balancing the rights of the accused with protecting Americans.
Uh, the commissions were the central issue. Hence, SCOTUS reviewing the executive commissions procedures. Then Congress drafting commissions legislation. Then Obama suspending them and then restarting them on the lie that major changes were made.
I personally think that anyone calling this last trip an "apology tour" is a mouth breathing retard.
Given your totally ignorant comments I addressed above, your opinion matters as such as Cher's.
And he never declared himself as such. The Saudi King is like 5'2". Was Obama supposed to offer his dick to him?
Obama subjected himself to the King's authority by bowing to him.
Wow. There's a special place in hell for that kind of stupid. This woman wants Obama to call out members of Congress and brand them as criminals? Has this ignorant twat ever read the Constitution? Even Republican members were absolutely apoplectic when the FBI raided William Jefferson's Congressional Office, and he fucking DESERVED it. Has she even a scintilla of a clue?
Funny you should ask if she's read the Constitution. The same could easily be asked of our constitutional scholar President.

BTW - Republican members of Congress were pissed only because they now saw their own offices under threat of search. They should be worried.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Felix »

JMak wrote:
though he recognizes that releasing the photos will put our troops in greater danger.
but I thought torture saved lives-you mean it doesn't?
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Felix wrote:
JMak wrote:
though he recognizes that releasing the photos will put our troops in greater danger.
but I thought torture saved lives-you mean it doesn't?
Like I said in another thread, you're divorced for reasonable and rational thinking, aren't you...

I'm not sure why you thought torture saved lives. Perhaps it does, But the techniques that Cheney, et al are claiming saved lives, they don't believe that it's torture. The administration of those techniques do not meet AG Holder's definition of torture where there's an intent to torture, so apparently, the Obama administration also doesn't think that those techniques constitute torture.

When asked whether he believed that our SEALs were being tortured when waterboarded during their training, Eric Holder responded that it's “a fundamentally different thing,” because "we’re doing something for training purposes to try to equip them with the tools to, perhaps, resist torture techniques that might be used on them. There is not the intent to do that which is defined as torture — which is to inflict serious bodily or mental harm. It’s for training. It’s different." Well, the CIA interrogators that interrogated KSM and used waterboarding were attempting to solicit information, not to intentionally inflict serious harm.

Besides, the Obama administration relied on this "it ain't torture if there's no specific intent to cause serious harm" argument the DoJ filed in late April in the Pierre case.

No stfu, clown and quit treating torture and war as mere political punchlines.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

JMak wrote:
Felix wrote:
JMak wrote:
though he recognizes that releasing the photos will put our troops in greater danger.
but I thought torture saved lives-you mean it doesn't?
Like I said in another thread, you're divorced for reasonable and rational thinking, aren't you...

I'm not sure why you thought torture saved lives. Perhaps it does, But the techniques that Cheney, et al are claiming saved lives, they don't believe that it's torture. The administration of those techniques do not meet AG Holder's definition of torture where there's an intent to torture, so apparently, the Obama administration also doesn't think that those techniques constitute torture.

When asked whether he believed that our SEALs were being tortured when waterboarded during their training, Eric Holder responded that it's “a fundamentally different thing,” because "we’re doing something for training purposes to try to equip them with the tools to, perhaps, resist torture techniques that might be used on them. There is not the intent to do that which is defined as torture — which is to inflict serious bodily or mental harm. It’s for training. It’s different." Well, the CIA interrogators that interrogated KSM and used waterboarding were attempting to solicit information, not to intentionally inflict serious harm.

Besides, the Obama administration relied on this "it ain't torture if there's no specific intent to cause serious harm" argument the DoJ filed in late April in the Pierre case.

No stfu, clown and quit treating torture and war as mere political punchlines.
Get it straight, creep, the reason the photos would put our troops "in greater danger" is simply that if these people whose land we invaded and disspoiled on fake premises found out what we were actually doing behind closed doors, they would be driven into such a fury that they might just engage in violent attack. This is precisely reflective of the overall situation in the entire region--as we've engendered a justified hatred of all things American/Israeli for generations to come.

Your weaselly squirming about in technicalities is just a load of tedious bullshit. Consider yourself examined and dismissed.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Felix »

JMak wrote:
I'm not sure why you thought torture saved lives.
because the Bush goons said it did...Cheney claimed it saved an attack on Los Angeles until that was exposed as a BLATANT LIE
Perhaps it does, But the techniques that Cheney, et al are claiming saved lives, they don't believe that it's torture.

I could give a fat rats ass how many underlings they have type out bogus fucking memo's that support what they want them to support, but ask anybody that's undergone it and flat out, they say it's torture...no if ands or buts about it.....I love Jesse Ventura's take on it (who as a Navy Seal was in fact waterboarded).

"It's torture and I'll tell you it's a good thing I'm not President because if I was everyone involved would be in trouble....I'd prosecute the people who ordered it, I'd prosecute the people that did it because IT'S AGAINST THE LAW"
The administration of those techniques do not meet AG Holder's definition of torture where there's an intent to torture, so apparently, the Obama administration also doesn't think that those techniques constitute torture.
yeah, that's why Obama put an immediate stop to it because he didn't think it was torture. Quit defending these scoundrels
When asked whether he believed that our SEALs were being tortured when waterboarded during their training, Eric Holder responded that it's “a fundamentally different thing,” because "we’re doing something for training purposes to try to equip them with the tools to, perhaps, resist torture techniques that might be used on them. There is not the intent to do that which is defined as torture — which is to inflict serious bodily or mental harm. It’s for training. It’s different." Well, the CIA interrogators that interrogated KSM and used waterboarding were attempting to solicit information, not to intentionally inflict serious harm.
go to YouTube and look up "Christopher Hitchens gets waterboarded", then come back and explain to me again how it's not torture....Hitchens is generally the smartest guy in any room he walks into and a strong proponent of our invasion of Iraq.

Obama has ceased any and all uses of "enhanced interrogation" (nee. torture) so quit trying to peddle some slop about Obama agreeing that it's not....you're seriously full of shit and why you continue to defend the despicable and lawless acts of these fucking mutton heads is beyond me....
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

So, wait. Let me get this straight. According to Nick, if our barbaric Islamofascist enemies were to find out we torture people, they might just respond by wanting retribution. They might just try to attack us, 'cause, apparently, they're pissed at us for torturing people.

In effect, we're motivating those people to want to attack us, by using torture.

Did I read that right?

Hmmm. Coulda sworn that even before any of this "Oh noz! The U.S. tortures people too!" hand wringing began those same Islamofascists already hated us, they were already attacking us and they sure as fuck were using much more severe torture methods than we ever have, and they've been doing so for thousands of years.

Something just doesn't seem quite right here. Why do I get the feeling that Nick may be overlooking something here?

It's just this nagging feeling.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Wrong, Van--and really stupid as well. The folks who would be so enraged by these new vivid revelations of America's character in bringing Democracy, etc, are the very folks who previously would never have dreamed of behaving in any such manner. Just some schmuck like yourself who after seeing photos of a relative or friend being horribly abused by some gangster invaders--decided to fight back. Your stupid (very O'Reilly-like) take suggests that the actual jihadist fundamentalists are (or were) ever more than a tiny fraction of any of the various nations now caught up in this nightmare. We're the insane terrorists in this one--think about it.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

Sorry, Nick. Deny it all you want but whenever any successful attack on U.S. assets occurs there are always thousands of "tiny fraction" jihadists celebrating in the streets. Jihadists don't have a place to hide or a base from which to work if they represent the feelings of only a "tiny fraction" of the local populace. They'd represent too much of a danger to that local populace, if that were the case. The local populace would make them leave, for fear of the danger which would threaten them all due to harboring that "tiny fraction."

No, the reason those LARGE safe havens exist all across the Muslim world is because those jihadists are not very much out of step with what a large number of the locals think and feel. The local populace, by and large, is made up of sympathizers. They may not all take active roles, but they aid and abet through non-action; through tacit complicity.

They could stop it, if they wanted to stop it. Cleary, they don't stop it, and clearly they don't want to stop it. They simply don't want to receive the blame for it, when the retribution comes.

Those types of jihadist barbarians act on opportunity; strictly on opportunity. Their motivation isn't driven by some fluffpiece news article which says that the U.S. committed the same type of torture jihadists have always considered a daily part of their nutritional breakfast.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What's this jingoistic bullshit! Have you been cleaning out Avi's diapers again--and got shot by one of his toxic blurts? Sounds like it. The assumption that these "barbarians" you're speaking of are somehow the norm anywhere is ludicrous--again, total O'Reilly jabber. The degree to which American policy and actions have poisoned our reputation around the world is long and robust--and in the the context of this catastrophe (no end in sight, remember), it's all but terminal. Back it waaay up...cut the O'Reilly huffing and puffing...and remember--9/11 was a crime committed by a small group. It was not a "war" in any sense of the word, and our subsequent actions have been profoundly misguided--illegal, immoral, and completely impractical. We can argue all day about who is to blame and why. Of course I'm clear in my opinion that the PNAC ZioNAzis wanted--and felt they needed--this insane Permanent War. And a lot of people from a wide spectrum of political perspectives agree. What's your take anyway? I mean beneath the absurdly ignorant Avi soilings, etc.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:Obama has ceased any and all uses of "enhanced interrogation" (nee. torture)
How the fuck would you know?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Considering that his AG said, in his confirmation hearings, that water boarding was torture, and considering that the U.S. is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which prevents torture . . .

Well, let''s just say that if he hasn't, he's setting himself up for a fall. Big time.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

Does anybody here truly believe that everybody hasn't always employed torture, the U.S. included?

All this recent hand wringing about it, christ. The only difference is now people are becoming aware of it.

People always have tortured, and they always will torture, any time they think it's the best and/or most expedient way to access information from a prisoner. Right or wrong, it's always occured, and it always will occur.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Van wrote:Does anybody here truly believe that everybody hasn't always employed torture, the U.S. included?

All this recent hand wringing about it, christ. The only difference is now people are becoming aware of it.

People always have tortured, and they always will torture, any time they think it's the best and/or most expedient way to access information from a prisoner. Right or wrong, it's always occured, and it always will occur.

What about on a domestic level? Cops torturing suspects to extract information?

The FBI torturing anti-abortion activists?
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by socal »

Van wrote:People always have tortured, and they always will torture, any time they think it's the best and/or most expedient way to post information in this sordid clambake.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

Marty, yes, I daresay police and the FBI (and the CIA) have always employed torture, to varying degrees. Certainly I wouldn't expect the local police to employ the same severity as the CIA, but yeah, where individuals are involved and where emotions are running high torture happens.

Always has, always will...even in Canada. The variables involve type, frequency and severity. Intent, too, sometimes.

One would have to be naive beyond belief to think U.S. police personnel have never employed some types of torture down through the years.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Felix wrote:because the Bush goons said it did...Cheney claimed it saved an attack on Los Angeles until that was exposed as a BLATANT LIE
No. Cheney claimed the enhanced interrogation techniques prevented further attacks. Not torture. You may consider it torture. But don't project that to Bush/Cheney and then say one of them claimed torture works.
I could give a fat rats ass how many underlings they have type out bogus fucking memo's that support what they want them to support, but ask anybody that's undergone it and flat out, they say it's torture...no if ands or buts about it.....I love Jesse Ventura's take on it (who as a Navy Seal was in fact waterboarded).
There's the intellectual dishonesty we all know and love from the left. Any disagreement with a lefty necessarily means that his opponent is retarded, a fearmonger, a Nazi, etc.

Jesse ventura's opinion of what torture is is irrelevant. The law is the law. Obama's own AG doesn't believe it's torture, at least as far as the law reads.
"It's torture and I'll tell you it's a good thing I'm not President because if I was everyone involved would be in trouble....I'd prosecute the people who ordered it, I'd prosecute the people that did it because IT'S AGAINST THE LAW"
Is there a point in this?
yeah, that's why Obama put an immediate stop to it because he didn't think it was torture. Quit defending these scoundrels
Don't argue with me...argue with Obama's AG.
go to YouTube and look up "Christopher Hitchens gets waterboarded", then come back and explain to me again how it's not torture....Hitchens is generally the smartest guy in any room he walks into and a strong proponent of our invasion of Iraq.
AG Holder already explained it so. Whatever Hitchens thinks is irrelevant and you're engaged in a wicked apeal to authority here. Torture is a specific intent crime. In other words, there must be specific intent to inflict serious harm. Waterboarding does not intend to cause serious harm, but to solicit information. And you cannot argue that interrogators were intending to cause such harm because they were adhering to extensive regulatory guidelines when administering such treatment precisely to avoid serious harm.

Deal with it...your caterwauling on this issue is nonsensical and illogical.
Obama has ceased any and all uses of "enhanced interrogation" (nee. torture) so quit trying to peddle some slop about Obama agreeing that it's not....you're seriously full of shit and why you continue to defend the despicable and lawless acts of these fucking mutton heads is beyond me....
I didn't say Obama didn't think it was torture. I said his AG doesn't think it is and the Obama administration relied on it ain't torture without specific intent argument in Pierre earlier this year.

If Obama thinks it's torture then why is he arguing otherwise in Pierre? Maybe because he's a political string puller who's playing you like a puppet.

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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:Considering that his AG said, in his confirmation hearings, that water boarding was torture, and considering that the U.S. is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which prevents torture . . .

Well, let''s just say that if he hasn't, he's setting himself up for a fall. Big time.
Uh, well, then Holder fits the Obama mold perfectly....say anything to get elected (confirmed) and then completely reverse course.

Does anyone remember who John Yoo and Jay Bybee are? They're the guys that the left exploded against for writing the so-called torture memos wherein both developed and presented the opinion that torture is a “specific intent” crime. As the lawyers concluded after studying the relevant history, this means it was narrowly drawn by Congress and the ratifiers of CAT to make certain that only those who had an evil motive to inflict severe pain and suffering could be prosecuted. That is, even if the victim of government abuse would surely feel severe pain and suffering, there could be no finding of torture unless the responsible government official was acting with a deliberate and conscious purpose to torture him. It is this theory that has provoked howling on the antiwar Left, which alleges that it was the lawyers’ clever way of green-lighting unlawful prisoner abuse.

Yet, this is the same exact theory that the Obama admin is presenting to US federal court. In fact, a day after Holder announced that he would be investigating Yoo and Bybee, he presented their torture analysis to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals involving John Demjanjuk, a Nazi collaborator who has been fighting his removal from the United States.

So, clearly, it doesn't matter wtf Holder said at his confirmations. He as much a liar as Obama is on this topic.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Van wrote:Marty, yes, I daresay police and the FBI (and the CIA) have always employed torture, to varying degrees. Certainly I wouldn't expect the local police to employ the same severity as the CIA, but yeah, where individuals are involved and where emotions are running high torture happens.

Always has, always will...even in Canada. The variables involve type, frequency and severity. Intent, too, sometimes.

One would have to be naive beyond belief to think U.S. police personnel have never employed some types of torture down through the years.
You've successfully reduce torture to the well everybody does it so it's no big deal level. Pathetic. Kinda like how the American left has completely undermined the importance and true horror of the Holacaust by characterizing anyone they disagree with as Nazi's.

Torture, like the Holacaust, should be representative of the most extreme of evil behavior. But you've turned it into just another example of a cop slapping around a suspect. That's quite disgusting.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

I didn't make a value judgment about it, so save the sanctimony for another day. All I did was say the sky is blue.

Torture exists, and it always has. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a delusional clown. The U.S. didn't suddenly just begin doing it. The American people and the Arab world recently became aware that we do it, so now it's the latest cause celebre. That's all I'm saying, and I highly doubt anyway that the Arab world was ever operating under any illusions concerning the willingness of the U.S. or any of its allies to use torture.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Van wrote:I didn't make a value judgment about it,
No? You argued that everyone does torture. That statement inherently equates torture to common practice. You needn't express a value judgment to minimize the importance of torture.
Torture exists, and it always has. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a delusional clown. The U.S. didn't suddenly just begin doing it. The American people and the Arab world recently became aware that we do it, so now it's the latest cause celebre. That's all I'm saying, and I highly doubt anyway that the Arab world was ever operating under any illusions concerning the willingness of the U.S. or any of its allies to use torture.
Nice strawman. Who is arguing that torture didn't exist? Kinda like Obama fighting his strawmen everyday and thinking he's won an argument about something.

Though I agree that the jihadis or their so-called moderate neighbors never believed that the US would not torture when necessary.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Weasel, you're weaseling much in the manner of disgraced lawyer John Yoo in this little parade of pissy parse. He's getting outted as we speak

Attorney General Eric Holder restated his intention on Wednesday to release a comprehensive report, declassified to the fullest extent, on the legal advice provided by the Bush administration in its authorization of enhanced interrogation techniques.

and your comparison of "torture" with the Nazi Holocaust is silly at best--tell it to the suspects who were merely subjected to Enhanced Armenia techniques, etc.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Van »

JMak wrote:
Van wrote:I didn't make a value judgment about it,
No. I merely stated that it's there, that it happens.
You argued that everyone does torture.
Yep. The sky is blue, too. That's not a value judgment either. They're both "Sincerely, MA" observations.
That statement inherently equates torture to common practice.
Correct. Torture is a common practice. Always has been, always will be. When people with a job to do feel it's necessary, and they feel they can get away with it, they sometimes do it. From your short time on this board under this nic (what was your old nic, anyway?) it's clear that you're smart enough to already understand that this is now and has always been the case.
You needn't express a value judgment to minimize the importance of torture.
Apples and oranges. Importance is a value judgment. I'm not making any value judgments. I'm only addressing this laughable notion that the U.S. doesn't do it.

Now, if you'd like me to offer a value judgment about the use of torture, I'd be glad to.
Torture exists, and it always has. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a delusional clown. The U.S. didn't suddenly just begin doing it. The American people and the Arab world recently became aware that we do it, so now it's the latest cause celebre. That's all I'm saying, and I highly doubt anyway that the Arab world was ever operating under any illusions concerning the willingness of the U.S. or any of its allies to use torture.
Nice strawman.
No strawmen there. I'm making the above statement. I'm not attempting to assign it to anybody else.
Who is arguing that torture didn't exist?
Do you deny that a lot of Americans are reacting with feigned shock and self-righteous indignation over the recent news that the U.S. has employed torture tactics?

Not possible. I know you know better than that.

"It's against the law! We CANNOT support it! Gitmo must be closed, it's a torture chamber!"

Or, better yet, Nick's comical claim that we're only creating further anti-U.S. motivation in the jihadist's heart, by torturing Arab prisoners.

Nonsense. There is no new news here, other than the average American has now become privy to information which wasn't available in previous eras.
Though I agree that the jihadis or their so-called moderate neighbors never believed that the US would not torture when necessary.
The very notion is completely laughable.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Weasel, you're weaseling much in the manner of disgraced lawyer John Yoo in this little parade of pissy parse. He's getting outted as we speak

Attorney General Eric Holder restated his intention on Wednesday to release a comprehensive report, declassified to the fullest extent, on the legal advice provided by the Bush administration in its authorization of enhanced interrogation techniques.
Good luck with that...I wonder how Holder and Obama will square their intense condemnation of the Bush administration on this issue with the fact that they're using the very same torture analysis that Yoo developed in federal court?
and your comparison of "torture" with the Nazi Holocaust is silly at best--tell it to the suspects who were merely subjected to Enhanced Armenia techniques, etc.
No such comparison was made...that you couldn't tell that demonstrates your general inability to comprehend what you read.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Van wrote:Correct. Torture is a common practice. Always has been, always will be. When people with a job to do feel it's necessary, and they feel they can get away with it, they sometimes do it. From your short time on this board under this nic (what was your old nic, anyway?) it's clear that you're smart enough to already understand that this is now and has always been the case.
You missed the point. Your initial comments suggested that torture is something that everyone does...as common as a liquor store robbery. I disagree. Sure, torture has existed for probably all of human existence. But that doesn't mean it's a common behavior of US soldiers or intel interogators notwithstanding the clear implication that it is. Sure, techniques considered torture have been used but under very limited circumstances with very stringent regulatory controls.
I'm only addressing this laughable notion that the U.S. doesn't do it.
Strawman. Who has argued this?
No strawmen there. I'm making the above statement. I'm not attempting to assign it to anybody else.
A statement whose principal premise is the perception that torture didn't exist. That's the strawman.
Do you deny that a lot of Americans are reacting with feigned shock and self-righteous indignation over the recent news that the U.S. has employed torture tactics?
That's not the equivalent of arguing that torture didn't exist which was the premise of your initial comments.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Felix »

JMak wrote: Cheney claimed the enhanced interrogation techniques prevented further attacks. Not torture. You may consider it torture. But don't project that to Bush/Cheney and then say one of them claimed torture works.
look, they can dress it up and call it "enhanced interrogation", but the fact remains that the United States prosecuted and hung Japanese soldiers for waterboarding our soldiers in WW2....you seem to be implying that by calling it something other than what it is makes it okay
There's the intellectual dishonesty we all know and love from the left. Any disagreement with a lefty necessarily means that his opponent is retarded, a fearmonger, a Nazi, etc.
and right on cue, the rightwinger starts accusing me of things I never said.....I'm not sure how Bush's AG came to the conclusion that something we previously prosecuted people for is okey dokey for us to employ simply because they label it something other than what it is.....
Jesse ventura's opinion of what torture is is irrelevant. The law is the law. Obama's own AG doesn't believe it's torture, at least as far as the law reads.
he's gone through it....his opinion is perfectly relevant...and if Holder in fact doesn't believe it's torture, then he's out of his fucking mind....
Is there a point in this?
yeah, torture is against the law....
Don't argue with me...argue with Obama's AG.
sure thing...what name does he post under?
AG Holder already explained it so. Whatever Hitchens thinks is irrelevant and you're engaged in a wicked apeal to authority here. Torture is a specific intent crime. In other words, there must be specific intent to inflict serious harm. Waterboarding does not intend to cause serious harm, but to solicit information. And you cannot argue that interrogators were intending to cause such harm because they were adhering to extensive regulatory guidelines when administering such treatment precisely to avoid serious harm.
why do you keep referring to Holder? I could give a shit whether he thinks it's not torture or not..you accuse me of "appealing to authority" then pull Holders name out like a gun...if he doesn't think it's torture, then he is seriously fucking deluded...again, WE FUCKING EXECUTED Japanese soldiers for exactly the same thing....what's changed since then?
I didn't say Obama didn't think it was torture. I said his AG doesn't think it is and the Obama administration relied on it ain't torture without specific intent argument in Pierre earlier this year.
"appeal to authority"...every time you say "Holder says it's not" I'm going to remind you that we executed Japanese soldiers for doing the same exact thing to our soldiers in WW2
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Felix wrote:look, they can dress it up and call it "enhanced interrogation", but the fact remains that the United States prosecuted and hung Japanese soldiers for waterboarding our soldiers in WW2....you seem to be implying that by calling it something other than what it is makes it okay
You ca continue to misrepresent that instance all you want, but it doesn't make your version of it accurate. You're a good little doggy, though, as you can very nearly repeat the standard lefty talking point on this.

All waterboarding is not the same. How the Commie Chinese have used it, how the Japs used it during WWII varies substantially from how US interrogators used it. In those instances, the intent was to seriously harm those who were waterboarded, as it was referred to then as "water torture." On the other hand, you have interrogators using waterboarding not with the intent to cause serious harm, but to solicit life-saving information. As well, what you and the rest of the liberal tards ignore regarding the prosecutions of Jap soldiers is that they were ot prosecuted for onyl water torture, but also for sveral other acts of brutality, e.g., beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; … burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward, etc. over sustained periods of time with the only intent being to harm the prisoners.
and right on cue, the rightwinger starts accusing me of things I never said.....I'm not sure how Bush's AG came to the conclusion that something we previously prosecuted people for is okey dokey for us to employ simply because they label it something other than what it is.....
That's the implication I drew from your comments. My apologies.

Bush's AG did not conclude that something we prosecuted people for long ago was now okey-dokey. You're totally misrepresenting the Jap prosecution for war crimes. You're also ignoring the plain language of the torture statutes which defines torture as a specific intent crime. In other words, for treatment to be torture there must be specific intent to cause serious harm. The interrogators were not specifically intending to cause harm. Even Obama's AG clearly recognizes that torture is a specific intent crime and that's why, for example, he declined to label waterboarding used in training as torture. Don;t argue with me...argue with the law.
he's gone through it....his opinion is perfectly relevant...and if Holder in fact doesn't believe it's torture, then he's out of his fucking mind....
Jesse may feel that it's torture. You may feel that it's torture. But the law is clear. And that law wasn't made during the Bush administration.
yeah, torture is against the law....
No shit, dummy. The question is whether certain interrogation techniques satisfy that legal definition. You won't argue that. Why not?
why do you keep referring to Holder? I could give a shit whether he thinks it's not torture or not..you accuse me of "appealing to authority" then pull Holders name out like a gun...if he doesn't think it's torture, then he is seriously fucking deluded...again, WE FUCKING EXECUTED Japanese soldiers for exactly the same thing....what's changed since then?
Again, no we did not prosecute Jap soldiers for the very same thing.

Second, I raise Holder because he's just the most recent AG to conclude that torture is a specific intent crime. Lets look at the DoJ's recent brief to the 6th Cicruit Court of Appeals back in March:
Torture is defined as “an extreme form of cruel and inhuman treatment and does not include lesser forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. . . . ” 8 C.F.R. § 1208.18(a)(2). Moreover, as has been explained by the Third Circuit, CAT requires “a showing of specific intent before the Court can make a finding that a petitioner will be tortured.” Pierre v. Attorney General, 528 F.3d 180, 189 (3d Cir. 2008) (en banc); see 8 C.F.R. § 1208.18(a)(5) (requiring that the act “be specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering”); Auguste v. Ridge, 395 F.3d 123, 139 (3d Cir. 2005) (“This is a ‘specific intent’ requirement and not a ‘general intent’ requirement” [citations omitted.] An applicant for CAT protection therefore must establish that “his prospective torturer will have the motive or purpose” to torture him. Pierre, 528 F.3d at 189; Auguste, 395 F.3d at 153-54 (“The mere fact that the Haitian authorities have knowledge that severe pain and suffering may result by placing detainees in these conditions does not support a finding that the Haitian authorities intend to inflict severe pain and suffering. The difference goes to the heart of the distinction between general and specific intent.”) [my bold italics and brackets]. .
So what's this mean? The torturer must specifically intend to cause serious harm for the treatment to be torture. That pain and suffering may result is not sufficient to classify the treatment as torture.

This ain't my analysis. This is John Yoo's analysis that the Obama administration, despite their previous condemnation of it, are presenting as legal principal to the federal courts.
"appeal to authority"...every time you say "Holder says it's not" I'm going to remind you that we executed Japanese soldiers for doing the same exact thing to our soldiers in WW2
Uh, moron, US interrogators did not do exactly the same as Jap soldiers. You are lying either out of intentional ignorance or explicit misleading.

The waterboarding as practiced by the Japs was materially different that how US interrogators waterboarded the prisoners they were interrogating. The Japs poured water directly into the mouths and noses of POWs. US interrogators covered the mouth and nose with cellophane or cloth material explicitly to avoid drowning their prisoners.

Yukio Asano, a Japanese soldier convicted of war crimes and Teddy Kennedy's poster child in this debate was sentenced to 15 years hard labor not for waterboarding but for:
Docket Date: 53/ May 1 - 28, 1947, Yokohama, Japan

Charge: Violation of the Laws and Customs of War: 1. Did willfully and unlawfully mistreat and torture PWs. 2. Did unlawfully take and convert to his own use Red Cross packages and supplies intended for PWs.

Specifications: beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~warcrime/ ... _Asano.htm

But wait, there's more. Asano practiced a much more severe form of waterboarding, according to the Washington Post:
Twenty-one years earlier, in 1947, the United States charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for carrying out another form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian. The subject was strapped on a stretcher that was tilted so that his feet were in the air and head near the floor, and small amounts of water were poured over his face, leaving him gasping for air until he agreed to talk.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 02005.html

So, first, our interrogators were not doing exactly the same thing as they were not pouring water directly into the mouth of prisoners nor were they beating, clubbing, kicking, or burning them.

Second, as they practices waterboarding, it was substantially different than how US interrogators used the technique. As cited by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East ( http://www.ibiblio.net/hyperwar/PTO/IMTFE/IMTFE-8.html )
The so-called "water treatment" was commonly applied. The victim was bound or otherwise secured in a prone position; and water was forced through his mouth and nostrils into his lungs and stomach until he lost consciousness. Pressure was then applied, sometimes by jumping upon his abdomen to force the water out. The usual practice was to revive the victim and successively repeat the process.
Again, not the same as practices by US interrogators.

Third, US interrogators did not specifically intend to cause serious harm, hence their covering the mouths and noses of prisoners, hence, the technique doesn't satisfy the statutory legal definition/standard for it to be torture.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by smackaholic »

What really sucks about this whole situation now is that it is abundantly clear to the bad guys that whatever we do to them, they really are in no danger.

This is a bad thing during war. You want that motherfukker scared shitless of you.

This entire episode should never have received even the slightest bit of press coverage. Imagine how WWII would have went if we had the same handwringing lose lipped faggits we have now.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Diogenes »

smackaholic wrote:This entire episode should never have received even the slightest bit of press coverage. Imagine how WWII would have went if we had the same handwringing lose lipped faggits we have now.
We did. The difference is they didn't control the media, academia and a major political party.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

smackaholic wrote:What really sucks about this whole situation now is that it is abundantly clear to the bad guys that whatever we do to them, they really are in no danger.

This is a bad thing during war. You want that motherfukker scared shitless of you.

This entire episode should never have received even the slightest bit of press coverage. Imagine how WWII would have went if we had the same handwringing lose lipped faggits we have now.
Re: WWII, we'd probably have lost. Given how careerists in the intel community attempted to undermine the war against terror by illegally releasing classified program info, e.g., rendition, surveillance, SWIFT, it's a surprise that we're successfully avoided another WTC-like attack and successfully mowing down jihadi terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that Obama has attempted to further undermine that war by telling our enemies that they can expect to be essentially Mirandized and avoid any harsh techniques to make them talk, it'll be surprising if we are not attacked again during his term(s) in office.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

mvscal wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
smackaholic wrote:This entire episode should never have received even the slightest bit of press coverage. Imagine how WWII would have went if we had the same handwringing lose lipped faggits we have now.
We did. The difference is they didn't control the media, academia and a major political party.
The difference is that the FDR issued an executive order establishing a Bureau of Censorship to completely control what was presented to the public.
FDR the internment camp and censor specialist...yet, hero of the left. I wonder if contemporary lefty idiots would smear FDR as they did Bush?
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Look, weasel, your tired act is nothing more than attempting to divide everything between "left wing libtards" and....?...presumably clear thinking Libertarian Survivalist Patriots or some such. It's a joke. You're a joke!

Let's start with torture. We don't need some mincing lawyer like Yoo or Gonzalez to parse and squirm for a definition. Torture is simply this: the actions you sure don't want anyone to know you're doing--for fear that they will indict/attack/boycott/ostracize, etc. your institutions while revealing the hypocrisy of your initial legal/moral premise. That is, why do you suppose the U.S. government won't dare reveal the photos?

Now I realize you and Avi are just jacking off, throwing racist bombs and attempting to defend.....?....what are you defending? Because everything launched by PNAC and Cheney has proven disastrous.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

Yeah, why have legal definitions for anything...what's legal or illegal at any given moment just depends on LTS's monthly cycle.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

That is, why do you suppose the U.S. government won't dare reveal the photos?

So, answer the question, weasel. Then shut up!
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by JMak »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:That is, why do you suppose the U.S. government won't dare reveal the photos?

So, answer the question, weasel. Then shut up!
The question is quite irrelevant. Some of us are discussing torture here.

You're posting comments, but none of it makes sense. Kinda like your parents decision to have unprotected sex.

Look, I see that you don't get enough attention at home and that you're compelled to spout here what in general public would get your ass whupped. I have a neighbor like you, a real Ron Paul tool who advises his girlfriend's kids to get a good education but warns them that if they do they'll be a threat the "their" (insert current boogy man) domination of the country.

You're a wimp and a sissy. I'd go so far as to say that you're one of those cuckolded husbands/boyfriends. You're outlet is anonymous message boards because speaking up at home results in Daryl laughing at your 3" popcock and making you service him before he takes care of your girl (or what used to be your girl).

Now go put your dick back in the chastity belt, slide those purty pink panties up, and help your girl get ready for her date tonight, cuck.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

JMak wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:That is, why do you suppose the U.S. government won't dare reveal the photos?

So, answer the question, weasel. Then shut up!
The question is quite irrelevant.
Weasel, this is the whole subject of this thread. Now...if it's not "torture" then why are "libtard lefties" like those currently expanding the war so reluctant to allow the release of the photos? And do spare the perfunctory attempts at personal smack, you're too tedious as it is.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by MadRussian »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Van wrote:That was a truly nauseating display by Obama.
You're right. It would have been so much better if he had done this.


Wait. On second thought, it wouldn't have been any better. It would've been a whole lot gheyer, though.
Newsflash Matlock, the 2nd pic is photoshopped, its glaringly obvious to anyone with a semblance of intellect
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

As usual, Avi's lathered hissing misses the point.

The reasons they won't release the photos include: the sheer volume of sadistic and illegal interrogation undermines the claim of the Abu Ghraib insanity as " a few bad apples."
Also, it's become clear that thousands of "suspects" being subjected to the brutal treatment are not enemy combatants at all, but just poor bastards turned in for the bounty--a ludicrous system that has never worked.
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Cuda »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: the sheer volume of sadistic and illegal interrogation .

pictured: Terrorist being interrogated. not pictured: Madeline Albright Porn Film, featuring Rachel Madow and Joy Behar
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Re: Teacher will be fired for writing this letter to OMuslim

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Cuda wrote: not pictured: Madeline Albright Porn Film, featuring Rachel Madow and Joy Behar
You heartless bastard. Where is your humanity?
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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