Hmmmm. 1st time Perk's shit troll didn't use his passive-aggressive nature upon me. Anyway, Big O needs to get evaluated FOR dementia if he can't recollect late-model sitcoms. What, were they not replayed a few times over the years enough for you?
Old people don't remember what happened 20 minutes ago, but they repeat things that have happened to them when they were at a certain young age in great detail. Duane Kiper would say, "Big O? A SWING and a miss..." Then Mike Krukow would add in, "Grab some PINE meat!"
Atomic Punk wrote:
Old people don't remember what happened 20 minutes ago
So, there was this one time that you put on women's underpants.
Yeah, and I forgot about Perk's other shit troll. An admin on Hostboard ratted Perk out for being a psycho with many Sybil trolls, but I didn't believe.
I'll end this shit here dude. "Years gone by" is also a title to a song for both kinds of music! Country AND Western! Yeee Hawww!!!! Let it go douche and get a fatter phone book next time. Just let it go already. No need to see this for the cycle once again. It's as boring as the uber-retard pickle coming back. Board killer topics.