Felix wrote:
so you're saying that Rove, Gingrich, Cheney and Limbaugh are not the mouthpieces of the Reps? Funny, they seem to get all of the air time so somebody other than those hapless douchecanoes had better start talking for your party
Well..because the left leaning media portray them to be the leaders of the GOP....and the media is pushing Palin as a presidential pick in 2012 ? Even though there is no chance in hell of that happening....of course by the time 2012 rolls around, this country could elect a real monkey to President and he would do a better job than O' Muslim is doing or will do.
What better way to start setting the stage already....The mainstream GOP does not want Palin,so the liberal media will push her as the choice in 2012..what a fucking crock of shit.. and the radio honks are just that..honks..but if the liberal media can ram the Palin shit down the country's throat already, it makes the Messiah look good, even though he is completely incompetent..
Hannity pretty much states on a daily basis that the American people should "rise up against the tyranny" that is Obama's presidency....if this isn't tap dancing close to traitorous territory, I don't know what is......
Ahh... FREE SPEECH ! Something the libtards cry about, but then let a conservative say something and it becomes treason ?? String the mother fucker up..he called for the public to rise against tyranny...he is disagree's with the MEssiah....get King George on the line...
"If we had any luck, Honduras would send some people up to help us get our government back"
maybe it's just me, but that sounds like Limpdick is advocating a coup against Obama.....unless of course you can spin it another way...
Taking the spoken word as literal and the truth is something the libtards are very good at.. so therefore it must be true.
A call to arms ?? Bwwahaaaa..Like that could happen in this day...