Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
He didn't even need to bother with a birth certificate for that matter.
Pure bullshit...but thanks for confirming that you're squarely in the fuckwit corner
I have and the scientific evidence indicates that we are heading into a cooling trend.
by all means, I'd love to read these "scientific" exposes that indicate the earth is headed toward global cooling....and not papers produced by some ham handed douchebag working for the petroleum industry, but actual scientific analysis that has been peer reviewed and scrutinized by other scientists
The global warming circle jerk begins and ends with the simple fact that the oceans are not getting warmer. Game over.
would you like to compare how many peer reviewed scientific papers have been produced that acknowledge what you claim, versus the number that concur that global warming is real????

I'd say the margin would be about 1 to 100

go ahead, you start and remember, these studies must be of a scientific nature (preferably something that's been peer reviewed) with scientific data to back it up, not the screeching of some asshat that is bought and paid for by those that would most benefit from such a conclusion
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by JMak »

Felix wrote:they're the only ones talking right now, so what are we supposed to think? If they want somebody to mount a serious challenge to Obama in the next election, somebody has got to step to the forefront to solidify exactly what the Reps stand for....and no, simply harping that Obama is wrong in what ever he does doesn't really qualify as a "platform"
Those guys are not the only ones talking right just don't know wtf you're talking about. Those guys are the only ones you listen to and then use them to caricature anyone you don't agree with, jerkstick.
well as soon as somebody-anybody comes up with something resembling a platform, then maybe we could argue ideas....but to date, nothing
Platform? WTF? No platform is needed to discuss policy issues.
and what exactly is your expertise in the area of climatology....if you're listening to the "deniers" well you're doing yourself a great disservice....look at the scientific evidence and quit relying on people that don't have a fucking clue as to what they're talking about.....Al Gore is a perfect example of an alarmist that really doesn't know what he'd talking about
I see, I have no climatology training, hence, I cannot comment on that policy discussion. As well, the bullshit ad hominem game you're playing, i.e., equating global warming skeptics with Holacaust deniers is disgusting.

Look, at the very best all we know is that humans are influening the climate. And we've known that for a few centuries. Even congressional Democrats are now backpedaling from the alarmism to argue that something...anything must be done just to do something because the evidence if slowly eroding their argument.
yeah that's right...we hate democracy and we're out to ruin the country....for what purpose, nobody can give me an answer....suffice it to say that we're hell bent on bringing this country to it's knees and nothing more.....
The purpose is to move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism.
look, you can talk all you want, be at least take the time to educate yourself on that what you would deny....stop listening to alarmists and start doing some reading about the scientific debate between proponents of global warming and the skeptics of man caused global's a start
I do and I have.

The problem is that the real debate, the policy debate in DC ain't grounded in the science, but rather on alarmist rhetoric arguing that you must do something no matter what it is.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by JMak »

Felix wrote: would you like to compare how many peer reviewed scientific papers have been produced that acknowledge what you claim, versus the number that concur that global warming is real????
Uh, science is not determined by a show of hands you twat.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by PSUFAN »

Cuda wrote:it's called "climate change" now, mvs

all this cooling is just more proof that it's warming. understand?
Well, at least mvscal has something to hump when Mrs. Vogel's on the rag. Thanks for stepping up, cuddles
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Diogenes »

Even the Eurotrash you losers want to emulate are backing away from the Obamanation's idiotic agenda....
Global warming is so last century
Obama, Democrats willing to wreck U.S. economy to battle a nonthreat.
Mark Steyn

President Barack Obama was supposed to be "cool." But he isn't. He's square. Not just mildly so, but embarrassingly square. He's squaresville squared. It's like you're having a party with your friends, and he's the cringe-making middle-age parent who wants to show he digs where the young people are at by grooving around in the middle of the dance floor all night long.

How do I know? I've been there, and I've been square. By "there," I mean I've been in places that have tried all the cool Obama dance moves and eventually wised up to what utter clunkers they are.

A week ago, the House of Representatives passed some gargantuan "cap-and-trade" bill designed to "save" "the environment." Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, accused those Neanderthals who voted against the bill of committing "treason against the planet." By that standard, most of the planet is guilty of treason against the planet. I don't mean just in the sense that China, already the world's No. 1 CO2 emitter, and India and other rising economic powers have absolutely no intention of doing what the Democrats have done, no way, no how – because they don't see why they should stay poor just because New York Times columnists think it's good for them.

No, I mean that most of the developed world has already gone down the paved road of good intentions and is now frantically trying to pedal up out of it. New Zealand was one of the few Western nations to sign on to Kyoto and then attempt to abide by it – until New Zealanders realized they could only do so by destroying their economy. They introduced a Dem-style cap-and-trade regime – and last year they suspended it. In Australia, the Labor Government postponed implementation of its emissions-reduction program until 2011, and the Aussie Senate may scuttle it entirely. The Obama administration has gotten to the climate-change hop just as the glitter ball's stopped whirling, and the band's packing up its instruments.

The congressional cap-and-trade shtick would be tired even if weren't the familiar boondoggle of tax hikes, big-government microregulation and pork-a-palooza payoffs to preferred clients of the Democratic Party. Granted that carbon credits were already a dubious racket equivalent to the sale of "indulgences" in medieval Europe, the decision by congressional powerbrokers to give away credits to well-connected Democratic Party interests surely represents the environmental movement's formal Jumping of the Endangered Great White Shark.

Back at The New York Times, Thomas Friedman agreed the bill "stinks" and says "it's a mess" and he "detests" it, but nevertheless says we need to pass it because his "gut" tells him to. Maybe his gut's really telling him The New York Times canteen's daily specials have been adversely affected by the company's collapsing share price. Who knows? At any rate, for reasons not entirely obvious from his prose style, the eminent columnist believes himself to have a special influence on the youth of today and so directed the grand finale of his gut's analysis to them especially: "Attention, all young Americans," he proclaimed. "You want to make a difference? Then get out of Facebook and into somebody's face. Get a million people on the Washington Mall, calling for a price on carbon."

Perhaps it'll work. Getting into Thomas Friedman's face, I see the ruddy bloom of late middle-age has not yet faded from it, so maybe, as his command of the lingo shows, he's hep to the scene. Maybe the kids'll abandon their Tweet cred for street cred. Maybe they'll get outta MySpace and into Sen. Robert Byrd's parking space.

I don't know how Mr. Friedman defines "young" but let's be generous: If you're 29, there has been no global warming for your entire adult life. If you're graduating high school, there has been no global warming since you entered first grade. There has been no global warming this century. None. Admittedly the 21st century is only one century out of the many centuries of planetary existence, but it happens to be the one you're stuck living in. Alan Carlin, in a report for the Environmental Protection Racket – whoops, Environmental Protection Agency – that they attempted to suppress, says:

"Fossil fuel and cement emissions increased by 3.3 percent per year during 2000-06, compared to 1.3 percent per year in the 1990s. Similarly, atmospheric C02 concentrations increased by 1.93 parts per million per year during 2000-06, compared to 1.58 ppm in the 1990s. And yet, despite accelerating emission rates and concentrations, there's been no net warming in the 21st century and, more accurately, a decline."

The Obama administration is getting into the global-warming beads and kaftan just as everyone else is beginning to toss 'em into the recycling bin. Same with government automobiles: Been there, drove that – from Eastern Europe to Northern Ireland.

There's something weirdly parochial about Obama, the supposed "citizen of the world." A recent piece of mine about "the Europeanization of America" prompted Randall Hoven of The American Thinker to respond that this was unfair … to Europeans. He has a point. While the U.S. is going full throttle for Scandinavia-a-go-go, the Continentals have begun to discern to the limits of Europeanization. In 2007, government spending in Europe averaged 46.2 percent of GDP; in America it was 37.4 percent, of which 20 percent was federal. A mere two years later, federal spending is up to 28.5 percent, so, even if state and local spending stand still, we're at 46 percent: the European average.

But, as Randall Hoven points out, the real story is that we're at 46 percent and climbing, while the Continentals are at 46 percent and heading down. In 1993, government spending averaged 52.2 percent in Europe, and 70.9 percent in Sweden. The Swedes have reduced government spending (as a fraction of GDP) by almost a third in the past 15 years. Their corporate tax rates are lower than ours. And that's before Obama's raised them. Last week, the doughnut chain Tim Hortons, which operates on both sides of the border but is incorporated in the state of Delaware, announced that it was reorganizing itself as a Canadian corporation to take advantage of Canadian tax rates.

"To take advantage of Canadian tax rates"? What kind of cockamamie phrase is that? And who'd have thought any columnist south of the border would ever have cause to type it?

The Europeans have figured out you can be too European for your own good, and are trying to reacquaint themselves with the real world. But not Obama. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! Male unemployment has hit 10 percent? The stimulus is a bust? It's stimulating nothing but non-jobs like Executive Stimulus Coordinator for Community Organization Stimulus Assistance Programs? Hey, let's spend even more, even faster, even less stimulatingly!

President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and their chums are spending at a rate that threatens American stability. And, except for the scale and the dollar figure, it's all been tried before, and it's all failed before. There's nothing cool about Obama. He's a nonstop square dance, swinging us around till we're dozy, and he's got all the dough. Happy Independence Day.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by poptart »

It's a good piece.

RACK it!
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Truman »

BSmack wrote: ...Nanny state legislation? You mean like Tricky Dick's and Ronnie Raygun's pioneering attempts to threaten the states with abrogating the federal government's responsibilities in Article 1 Section 8 to maintain post roads in a successful attempt to invalidate the 10th Amendment?
So now all of a sudden you're a strict Constitutionalist, B? The 12th Amendment would like to know...
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by BSmack »

Truman wrote:
BSmack wrote: ...Nanny state legislation? You mean like Tricky Dick's and Ronnie Raygun's pioneering attempts to threaten the states with abrogating the federal government's responsibilities in Article 1 Section 8 to maintain post roads in a successful attempt to invalidate the 10th Amendment?
So now all of a sudden you're a strict Constitutionalist, B? The 12th Amendment would like to know...
That went by the wayside in 2000.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Diogenes »

BSmack wrote:
Truman wrote:
BSmack wrote: ...Nanny state legislation? You mean like Tricky Dick's and Ronnie Raygun's pioneering attempts to threaten the states with abrogating the federal government's responsibilities in Article 1 Section 8 to maintain post roads in a successful attempt to invalidate the 10th Amendment?
So now all of a sudden you're a strict Constitutionalist, B? The 12th Amendment would like to know...
That went by the wayside in 2000.
Bullshit. You didn't give a damn about the Constitution back then either.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Truman »

You're from Desert Country, right Dio?

Ever know anyone to poke a rattler with a stick?

The question isn't whether that sucker's gonna strike.

The question IS how deep is he gonna set his fangs if he can possibly get ahol't of you.

Ol' B's kinda like that snake... And that's what makes swinging him by his tail before pitching him into a saguarro grove so much fun.

BSmack will readily admit to being wrong about anything the day that Barrack Obama outlaws dissent, foments a coup, and declares himself President for Life.

Oh, snap... Lemme get back to you with something improbable.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Diogenes »

Truman wrote:You're from Desert Country, right Dio?

Ever know anyone to poke a rattler with a stick?

The question isn't whether that sucker's gonna strike.

The question IS how deep is he gonna set his fangs if he can possibly get ahol't of you.

Ol' B's kinda like that snake... And that's what makes swinging him by his tail before pitching him into a saguarro grove so much fun.

BSmack will readily admit to being wrong about anything the day that Barrack Obama outlaws dissent, foments a coup, and declares himself President for Life.

Oh, snap... Lemme get back to you with something improbable.
Grew up in Phoenix. I preferred shooting up Cacti myself.

And no, if and when that happens he still won't fess up.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Truman »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Truman wrote: BSmack will readily admit to being wrong about anything the day that Barrack Obama outlaws dissent, foments a coup, and declares himself President for Life.
Good God and G0d, you're stupid. You trying to give Whitey a run for his crown of "Board's dumbest poster?"

Now THERE's a thought... Well, since your Lifetime Board Asshat Achievement award appears safe, I guess I'll hafta set my sites just a little bit lower.

[yoda voice]The Smack is weak in this one...[/yoda voice]

"You're stupid, you're dumb".

Really Screw? Are you truly this bad? You're only one "you suck" blast away from a Smack Pantheon hat trick...

Seriously, dude, you REALLY aren't very good at this. Might wanna consider sitting this one out.

Or not.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Truman wrote: Ever know anyone to poke a rattler with a stick?

The question isn't whether that sucker's gonna strike.

The question IS how deep is he gonna set his fangs if he can possibly get ahol't of you.

You really miss Paul Harvey, don't you.

Could you telegraph any harder that you're a frightened old man who sees the world around him "moving too fast"?
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Diogenes »

Martyred wrote:
Truman wrote: Ever know anyone to poke a rattler with a stick?

The question isn't whether that sucker's gonna strike.

The question IS how deep is he gonna set his fangs if he can possibly get ahol't of you.

You really miss Paul Harvey, don't you.

Could you telegraph any harder that you're a frightened old man who sees the world around him "moving too fast"?
Stay out of this, Comrade. Nobody's talking about Polar Bears and Caribou.
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by MadRussian »

BSmack wrote:
Truman wrote:
BSmack wrote: ...Nanny state legislation? You mean like Tricky Dick's and Ronnie Raygun's pioneering attempts to threaten the states with abrogating the federal government's responsibilities in Article 1 Section 8 to maintain post roads in a successful attempt to invalidate the 10th Amendment?
So now all of a sudden you're a strict Constitutionalist, B? The 12th Amendment would like to know...
That went by the wayside in 2000.
Kinda like any remaining tension on your sphincter, semen spattered tub of shit?
Almost a shame its so worn out, you could have at least gotten a job as Goatse's stunt double
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Truman »

MerdeRouge wrote:You really miss Paul Harvey, don't you.

Could you telegraph any harder that you're a frightened old man who sees the world around him "moving too fast"?
I'll bet that was hilarious when you first posted it.

Pity the smack filters missed its undoubtedly clever nuances in the Canadian-to-English translation. 8)
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Of course grant whores whose continued funding is dependent on producing wildly alarmist warming claims can be trusted to generate completely dispassionate and objective analysis.

You're an idiot and you are totally uninformed. Needless to say that doesn't change the fact that we have several thousand temperature sensing buoys taking readings at various depths in the ocean and it isn't getting all, not even slightly. So where is all this alleged heat going? Why does ice core data conclusively demonstrate that CO2 is a trailing indicator of warming trends? These are actual, measurable readings that do not depend on computer models or conjecture.

by all means produce the data you're citing and let me look at it....I'd actually like to believe that it was all a big hoax with no other purpose than to bilk the public out of grant money...
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Re: Good thing they rammed that "stimulus" through

Post by Derron »

Truman wrote:
BSmack will readily admit to being wrong about anything the day that Barrack Obama outlaws dissent, foments a coup, and declares himself President for Life.
Bwwahhhaaa....smokin the crack are you ??

BMonica would never admit to being wrong about anything..ever...if his boy Barry did outlaw dissent, put off the coup, and did declare himself President for Life..he would be doing the happy dance in the streets screaming " I told you mother fuckers so, he is the Messiah and has arrived, long live socialism...!!!"
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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