Unless the next words following that phrase are along the line of "he admits to being a monumental musical douche" then he deserves zero credit for anything.
Proper ball cap wearage along with britney labia wearage has gotta be worth something.
Musically, you're pretty much spot on though.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Unless the next words following that phrase are along the line of "he admits to being a monumental musical douche" then he deserves zero credit for anything.
Yeah, I know you're still busy lapping up Poor Little Sarah Barracuda's apple droppings, but that was tongue in cheek. Sorry you had to find out that hard way. Idiot.
Oh, you we're trying to be funny?
What are you huffing now, S_M? Try opening the window to air out that makeshift meth lab in the bathroom. And go ahead and link us up to ALL of my Palin obsession.
In the meantime try staying on point here. It's R-Jack's nephew that needs your kneejerk rancor and rapier wit.
missjo wrote:I'm calling bullshit on your story of it being a family member'
that prom pic has been on the net for most of this year
I first saw it on doubledish 6 months ago
Link it up then you gelatinous twat. Even if it is "on the net", that doesn't disprove the fact that is my cousin.
You opened your mouth. Now instead of shoving 14 pies into it like normal, back it up.
Prove it then
post a pic of the two of you together an unshopped one of course
it's not like we haven't seen your mug before
Papa Willie wrote:R-Jack - Just go to him and say "Hey man - there's nothing wrong with being white. Try acting that way every now & then".
Like Van said - I feel sorry for the girl. Then again, I'd bet that he'll straighten his ass out in a few years and look back at that picture and think "Ya - that was pretty fucking stupid"....
Doubtful. he'll be one of those white fools that continues wearing a cockeyed hat into his thirties, sports some ink on his leg, wears denim shorts hanging off his rear, and otherwise act the fool.
Last edited by JMak on Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
R-Jack wrote: Please don't be offended that I don't go around digging though photo albums and finding a scanner with the sole purpose of appeasing some bingo-winged idiot from down under.
A scanner? I don't think anyone is asking for the pics of you molesting your cousin when he was 8. I think she is asking for a pic that was taken some time this century, you know, with a digital camera... preferably one where you are both clothed. Not sure why the hog is asking for a pic of you and your 18yo fag cousin as it is pretty apparent from the pic that both you idiots are from the same twisted family tree, but at least try and understand the request you brainless horse fucking nancyboy.