Diego in Seattle wrote:
Yet if the black officer had said the Sgt. was out of line you would have been bleating that it was evidence that the arrest was wrong.
Mmmmm because it would have been. :? And what would the DA say? What's the DA saying now? How dumb are you?
Not very.
There's been lots of cases that the DA has refused to prosecute that were legitimate. You really think that the DA's office refuseing to file charges is evidence that there wasn't a case?
Typical that someone like you (another Rose Bird-like piece of crap) would say something like that.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Moving Sale wrote:YOU didn't express what exactly the chart represented either. Why? Because you have no idea as to the methodology that was used. You don't know if people imprisoned twice (or more) in one year are included or not. Are they? You don't know if it is an 'at the moment' study or one that takes into account everybody imprisoned at any time during the year represented.
I didn't? Do you need me to explain to you what this means:
"It represents the inmate population by race per 100K at the time of the study. People come. People go. However, the same people can be reflected in different studies from year to year. Do you understand the difference?"
I posted that. Earlier on this fucking page. You can read... right?
I stopped reading after that^^. Sorry, you're just too stupid to respond to anymore. No really. You can read, right?
Last edited by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 on Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Diego in Seattle wrote: You really think that the DA's office refuseing to file charges is evidence that there wasn't a case?
Good gawd you are dumb. This case is 'at issue' therefore the DA will argue their side and the defense will argue their side. If there are two cops that saw (heard it) it, and they both have the opposite thing to say, the DA will pump up why their cops is "right" (not bias, better trained, in a better position to hear the conversation, whatever) and the other cop is "wrong", and the defense will do the same. That's what we do. It's the English (at least since 1066) ... errrr the American way. Of course DAs drop shit for lack of evidence all the time. Duh!!
P.S.- What is your position on Stanley Mosk? You can creep meekly back into your ignorance hole now.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: at the time of the study.
The "time of the study" is quoted by year. So again... what does that mean? Everybody who went to prison that year? Once? Twice? Jails count? And if jails don't count how is it relevant to the question at hand? If they do count how is it relevant? How is imprisonment related to all crimes committed? Was Kennedy imprisoned in or after 1969? Did he "commit a crime?" Did Barry Made-off see 2008 prison time for fleecing Bostonians in 2008? 2007? OJ play much golf in 1994? 1995? Did he commit a crime? Beretta? Did he commit a crime?
I stopped reading after that^^. Sorry, you're just too stupid to respond to anymore. No really. You can read, right?
Nice white flag. Suck too much manchowder thinking it was clamchowder? Fucking hack.
In the wake of B.O. making his incredibly stupid comments about the "stupid" police work, Rasmussen has his strongly approve/strongly disapprove rating at -11, his lowest yet.
poptart wrote:In the wake of B.O. making his incredibly stupid comments about the "stupid" police work, Rasmussen has his strongly approve/strongly disapprove rating at -11, his lowest yet.
And what was it on 7-22? Don't worry we can read the chart. STFU you hapless hack.
poptart wrote:In the wake of B.O. making his incredibly stupid comments about the "stupid" police work, Rasmussen has his strongly approve/strongly disapprove rating at -11, his lowest yet.
And what was it on 7-22? Don't worry we can read the chart. STFU you hapless hack.
You stepped on your dick.
- Today (7-26) is the first update based entirely upon interviews conducted after the President’s prime time televised press conference. -
While I remember him being on the Cali SC, he wasn't there long enough before I left Cali for me to have formed an opinion on him.
I remember Rose Bitch having two lackeys with her on the court...was he one of them?
Sorry if I don't remember all the Cali SC justices of 20-30 years ago....some of us have a life outside of books & computers.
First off, SM was on the bench for 13 years before RB and stayed till 2001. RB left in '87 so it is painfully clear that YOU didn't form your opinion about RB. It's quite clear that somebody else formed said opinion for you. You might want to read a book or two before you open your cockhole again because your ignorance runs deeper than the Mariana Trench.
Secondly, way to run for the hills like a little girl from the rest of what I posted to you a while back. Nice going you vapid fuckhole.
And you are prepared to back up your implication that this 5 point drop is due to Gatesgate right?
Have at it.
As I noted, 7-26 was the first first update based entirely upon interviews conducted after the President’s prime time televised press conference on 7-22.
B.O.'s approval dropped 6 points from the day before the press conference to the day in which updates were based completely on interviews conducted after the press conference.
Americans were turned off by something.
His "stupid cops" comment was the most jaw-droppingingly idiotic thing he said that day, so yeah, I'd say that was the culprit.
Of course you can disagree.
Flop and flail around.
Hold your breath until your face turns blue.
I don't give a shit.
poptart wrote:What's your explanation for the six point drop in less than a week?
racism, of course
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Papa Willie wrote:
Prove you ARE a lawyer, pussy shit. Prove it just like you've proven what a short little cunt you are. Take pictures of your credentials, Mighty Mite.
Buttsy, he's totally full of shit and employs nothing but circular logic- he must be a lawyer
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Pretty much everybody but your mvscal cock sucking faggot ass backs his actions, you pathetic laughable excuse for a living pile of excrement
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
P.J. O'Rourke.