(AP) -- India stood firm Sunday against Western demands to accept binding limits on carbon
emissions even as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed optimism about an
eventual climate change deal to India's benefit. Translation-
I was totally unprepared to deal with someone who actually knew the
"There is simply no case for the pressure that we who have among the lowest emissions per capita - face to actually reduce emissions," India's minister of environment and forests, Jairam Ramesh, told Clinton and her visiting delegation in a meeting.
"And as if this pressure was not enough, we also face the threat of carbon tariffs on our exports to countries such as yours," he added. Translation- Take your global warming bull sh!t back to the gullible whacks in your own country.
U.S. officials had expected the discussions to focus more on cooperation in related areas of energy
efficiency, green buildings and clean-burning fuels. Translation- bwahaha
The minister distributed copies of his remarks to reporters in a gesture aimed at underlining India's tough stance. The comments showed the political sensitivity in India of one of the Obama administration's foreign policy priorities. Translation- We don't buy in..get it Barry!
Clinton said Ramesh presented a "fair argument." But she said India's case "loses force" because the
fast-growing country's absolute level of carbon emissions - as opposed to the per capita amount - is "going up and dramatically." Translation- I know he's right, but I'll spin the sh!t out of it anyway
Later, at an agricultural research site in a farm field outside the capital, Clinton told reporters she is
optimistic about getting a climate change deal that will satisfy India. "This is part of a negotiation," she said. "It's part of a give-and-take and it's multilateral, which makes it even more complex. But until proven otherwise, I'm going to continue to speak out in favor of every country doing its part to deal with the challenge of global climate change." Translation- India's a lost cause, I blew it, I thought my rhetoric would win out as usual, but Ramesh had the facts to back his stance...go figure.