G_d is displeased
Chuck Youngbrandt prophesied that there would be a great New Madrid earthquake were waters of Lake Michigan would go north then come south wiping out Chicago and heading towards the Gulf of Mexico. He also prophesied that 37 days after the earthquake the Russians would nuke the US followed by land invasion by Russia/China/Japan and others 2 months after the nuking.
Chuck details a 3 year scenario where the first year there is a North Korea vs South Korea war, China vs. Taiwan war and Mideast war. In the third year he has the New Madrid earthquake and Russian nuking/invasion.
Thomas S. Gibson has WWIII starting by 2010. The next 3.5 years seem to be setting up to be disastrous for USA. Lindsey Williams has warned that the elite our going to financially collapse the American economy and dollar.
E.R. Lindsey prophesied that 3 signs would occur simultaneously before the great California earthquake where everything west of the San Andreas fault falls into the ocean causing world wide tsunamis. The signs are 1) the greatest Australian earthquake 2) Mediterranean volcano errupts causing tidal wave 3) minor earthquake in California where the walls of the city halls of LA and San Fran crack.
G_d Is Forgiving
Kim Clement: There is a Treasure Chest About to Be Opened Up, and People Will Say, “It is Impossible”
Prophesied on April 4, 2009 in Seattle, Washington:
America is on the verge of a change, America is on the doorstep. A brand new door is about to open for this nation—a door we never expected. We are on the verge of something. People have not seen it. Men have cried, men have complained. But God said, “While they are complaining and while there is blindness in the Church and blindness from the people, I am already calling you, ‘Come up here, come up here, come up here to a higher place,’ and I will show you the things that will take place after this.”
“There Will Be a Sign in the Heavens — It is About to Be Born in This Nation”
G-d Is love
R – rescue – God is going to rescue His people
E – extreme measures – God will use extreme measures to keep and sustain you.
S – There will be signs in the heavens
U – Usher – God is sending His ministering spirits to usher in God’s provision.
R – recover and recovery – we will recover all that has been lost
R- Russia – keep a wary eye on Russia and her allies
E – Remember the earthquake dream
C – Candlestick
T – Time is quickly running out
I – Israel and Jerusalem are God’s timepieces
O – Overthrow – God will overthrow evil
N- Near His coming is nigh