Mikey wrote:I'm not entirely in favor of the the whole program being proposed by the Democrats (it's not Obama's plan, really). In fact I'll admit that I don't know entirely what it comprises, as I'm sure neither do you nor anybody else around here.
Well, that's kinda the major problem here, ain't it? Obama proposes to fundamentally change the American health care system...yet, he has no plan. Yet, this was the man blasting Bush for supposedly not having a post-war plan in Iraq. This started out as a debate to change how health care is provided and has quickly turned into how health care is paid for. And, still, we do not know what Obama is actually proposing to do. And, yet, he's the guy who is taking this issue on...supposedly.
But if people have to go to the emergency room for "basic health treatment" when they could have been treated much more efficiently by a visit to the doctor's office, which they couldn't afford (who do you think ends up paying for these expensive emergency room visits in the long run?), there's a problem.
Of course it's a problem. But Obama's rhetoric...cuz there's nothing there but rhetoric...doesn't address this problem. If this was the problem being addressed there's no need to nationalize the entire health care system.
If working people have to wait in line for days to get minor problems treated by volunteer doctors and dentists because they can't afford to go to a doctor or dentist, much less buy insurance or even qualify for coverage, there's a problem.
Again, this problem is not resolved by transforming the entire health care system.
Hopefully we can at least agree that there's a problem. If we can agree that there's a problem, then let's aggree to discuss it rationally
We can discuss it rationally. But Obama and the Democrats have refused to do so. Obama ain't interested in rational discourse, that's why he speaks only in rhetorical flourishes and demands that people who disagree with him to get out of the way.
The strategery of the "loyal opposition" is to sow fear of "death panels", rationing, etc. etc. and send people out, or at least encourage them, to show up at any place where rational people would try to discuss the problem and possible solutions, and create such a loud and obnoxious disturbance that discussion is impossible.
Sorry, dickhead, but the right is not the only guily party here in organizing people to oppose public policies. As well, it ain't the righties that has George Soros pumping tens of millions into comprehensive ad campaigns to support Obama.
BTW, wtf happened to community organizing being such a high calling? I guess community organizing is only deserving of high praise when it advocates progressive policies, eh?
They don't want a solution, they want the status quo.
Who the fuck is "they?" Not the conservatives at National Review, not Gingrich's group, not at the actual conservative institutions that have been preaching reform for years now. Sure, some of the foolish people at these protests really have nothing but anger. However, we have a fringe jus like you do and to pretend otherwise, as you seem to be, is asinine.
They want the folks that they see as their enemies to fail at any cost. Sure everybody has their First Amendment rights, but what good is that bullshit doing anybody but the entrenched interests?
Asshole, the entrenched interests in this debate are supporting Obamacare. Big Pharma, unions, and, according to Obama, the AARP, too. What the fuck are you trying to pull here?
I've got great insurance through my employer.
Which is the central point of this problem.
I have an HSA where I can determine what I want to spend and where I want to spend it (though Blue Shield still determines what applies to my deductible), but I'm not happy with the status quo. The cost to my employer is way too high, and I've recently been on the other side. I couldn't get individual insurance at any price because of mild hypertension. I was denied over and over again. If I had gotten injured in some way that was completely unrelated I could have been financially ruined for life.[/quote]
Life's a bitch. But what Obama is proposing and what you appear to be defending doesn't address this problem.
If 70% of the people agree that there's a problem (don't ask me for a "link" for that number it's a wild ass guess) and 10% are violently opposed enough to create such a disturbance that any rational discussion is impossible, then who is going to win, amigo?
Violently opposed? The violence we're seeing is coming from your side. Whether Black Panthers patrolling voting precincts with night sticks or SEIU thugs beating up black Republicans. Yet, we're the violent ones.
Sorry, but the opposition is real, reasonable, and legitimate. What you and the Democrats are proposing to do to deal with a problem that affects a tiny number of people is completely ludicrous.