After two months in hiding, this nimrod gets sloshed and shoots off one last love letter to his imaginary paramour.---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RadioFan
Date: Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:11 AM
Subject: Sad
To: Katy
You know, Katy,
It really sucks when one seems to believe in thier own LIES.
I was in love with you, once. We could have had something real. We really could have.
Tell your "friend," Red Rover, or whatever the fuck she wants to call herself, thanks, for lying about me.
Seriously. Some of the lies were pretty funny, before I resigned from the boards.
But, by all means, hang on to RR. She's a winner, no doubt.
You put up this horseshit dichotomy, months ago, and you won.
'Bode you, Katy.
After all, who wouldn't want an Internet "friend" who goes to casinos all night, gets stoned out of her mind, and may, or may not be there for you?
Outstanding leader, especially for the kids, given she's not a "mom," outside of her bong, right?
I just bought my first home.
My only advice to you is that you should probably chose you friends better, before trying to believe your own LIES.
Oh, and For the Record:
Still Assistant City Editor/State Editor
Still with 6
Still not an alcoholic
Still not having logged into any message board
Still online
Still not a stalker
Any questions, Katy?
Btw, did you even watch the DVD I
Hopefully, you'll be able to find somebody else that you can text for months and e-mail and talk for hours with on the phone, if you haven't already.
Excellent job, K. You are a master of manipulation. You destroyed my mind, for a while.
I was idiot for falling for you. A complete idiot.
Hope you feel better, fucking me over, emotionally. RACK YOU.
But no worries, I'm now, officially, DONE. Hope you can say the same about "Buc," I really do.
It just really sucks being in love with someone and breaking up with them, without even having MET them.
Shit happens, I guess.
Have a nice life, Katy.

If anyone still had a shred of doubt that RF is a colossal loser, you can shove those doubts squarely in your cornhole.