Had a great time at the town hall meeting yesterday. Got there about 30 minutes early and headed to the bar to get a triple Stoli and lemonade and on the way I ran straight smack into John Stossel. I shook his hand and told him I was a big fan. He was almost aneroxic looking, but quite friendly. Ended up in nearly the front row and enjoyed the show. I would say there were over 2,000 people there and it was a 100% WHITE event! HOORAY!
In summary, John Stossel and the crowd were almost entirely in favor of letting the free market and capitalism solve the healthcare problem and for government to get the FUKKK OUT OF THE WAY of progress!
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:Had a great time at the town hall meeting yesterday. Got there about 30 minutes early and headed to the bar to get a triple Stoli and lemonade and on the way I ran straight smack into John Stossel. I shook his hand and told him I was a big fan. He was almost aneroxic looking, but quite friendly. Ended up in nearly the front row and enjoyed the show. I would say there were over 2,000 people there and it was a 100% WHITE event! HOORAY!
In summary, John Stossel and the crowd were almost entirely in favor of letting the free market and capitalism solve the healthcare problem and for government to get the FUKKK OUT OF THE WAY of progress!