Sudden Sam wrote:
You worked hard to provide her with texting privileges?! Wow.
I worked hard to provide my kids with the opportunity to do well in school and to make something of their lives. I did not work hard to provide them with a means for ending their lives and the lives of others.
Gotta be a little brain utilization mixed in there with the hard work, WW.
Try to pay attention and keep up here, Sam.
We worked hard to provide her with every opportunity and give her every advantage. An education, sports, a car, a laptop, and yes, a cell phone. She has been responsible with every priviledge given.
She's not a party girl, far from it. She's been a blessed girl, and her mother and I are blessed parents. Don't ask me how, just lucky I guess. I hear about the nightmares other kids have put their parents thru... the shit I put my own mother thru after my dad died when I was 9, and just shake my head in wonder at how fortunate we are.
I've asked her to not text while driving, and she said she'd be more careful, like only doing it at a stoplight or when there's no other traffic. She didn't have to agree to that, but she did, and her word is gold. When she says she's going to do something, that's exactly what she does.
Bottom line at this point is she's a senior in college and I'm going to pay her bills for only a short time more, then she's on her own. And it wouldn't matter if I tried to cut her off (not that I ever would), she's got her own means thru doing hitting instruction. In fact, most of her texts are responding to the Jr. High girls and their parents who want to pay her $50 an hour to work with them on hitting... and she only charges them $30.
She's very in demand, and damned if I'll get in the way of that.