Texting while Driving

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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by JMak »

BSmack wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
JMak wrote:Wags, you paying for college? If so, well, that's your leverage. She's got no legitimate expectation for you to pay for college yet have no control, let alone influence in her life. Sure, she could get her own plan, but she ain't paying for college on her own. Sack up.
You are retarded. It's not like he can drug test her to see if she was texting while driving. The only way he'll pay the price is if she ever gets into an accident because of it. Get a grip, idiot.
He could request the text logs from the phone company. They're on his bill. If she's doing it on any kind of regular basis, he'll know just be looking at those logs and matching the times with times he knows she was driving.
Props, Bri...it's called being a parent. Monitoring your kids behavior. If the behavior is unacceptable then you do something. You don talk just to hear yourself talk and then let the kid defy your expectations. But, hey, for some people, being a parent and holding kids accountable is just too hard, takes too much time, rocks the boat, etc. :meds:
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by indyfrisco »

Parent bought me a shitbox truck when I turned 16. They said if I ever drink and drive, they would take it from me and sell it. One night, I came home drunk as hell. I could not even talk to them. They put me to bed. Woke me up at 5 AM and had a chat with me. I told them I was leaving a land party and Derek, a friend of mine, took my keys and drove me home when I started to leave.

They asked if I thought I was ok to drive home and I said yes. Later that night, they came to check on me and my pocketknife was open on my dresser drawer. Needless to say, I didn't drink and drive, but the fact I said I could have driven home was enough. That day it went in the paper. Two days later, a guy on my golf team bought the truck. I had to see it every day. And every day was a reminder to not drink and drive.

Thanks mom and dad for being good parents.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Moving Sale

Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Moving Sale »

Just watched a show on Discovery that basically showed that the fewer rules there are on the road the safer it is.

Asshats, your thoughts?
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Tom In VA »

R-Jack wrote:Makes sense.

Having to watch out for the legally blind paraplegic drunk heading straight for you may keep you from thinking about shooting off a text message while driving.

RACK da Jack
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Papa Willie wrote:Not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but texting is FUCK DUMB. Period. Basically (and don't say otherwise), the only reason people text each other, is so that other people will look at them. Sort of a "look at how important I am!". Why the fuck can't people just call each other and get twice as much said in a fraction of the time it takes to text? Busy? Fucking wait. The world lasted a long time before texting.
RACK. Never sent a text message in my life. I have no desire ever to do so, or even to learn how to do so.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Dan Vogel »

Texting is very convenient if you have a very short message to give to someone. And you can do it for free without having it count against your phone's minute plan. That's the reason for it. And also you don't have to bother the other person at all. They can read your text message at their convenience. Texting is useful but just don't do it while you are driving.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by War Wagon »

I should just let this thread die, but...
JMak wrote:...there's no need for the kid to have a car in the first place.
She needs a car to get to and from home, that's why we bought it for her in the first place.

She earned that car and by her actions each and every day... she has my complete confidence and trust.

You can go fuck yourself, her mother and I aren't cutting her off from a damn thing we've worked hard to provide her with.

You don't know my daughter and neither do any of the rest of you hand wringing, judgemental asshats.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Tom In VA »

No need to know your daughter, the act is an unsafe act that needlessly puts her life and the lives of innocent people at risk.

No escaping that. I don't share in the "blame" Wags mentality, there IS nothing you can really do. Also, I understand your rationalization to asuage your concern and worry, she has a safe driving record so odds are something won't happen to her.

I do know of people who had a safe driving record, but they drank and drove. They did so for a long time without incident. But the longer you do something stupid while driving the better and better the odds get that SOMETHING will happen, it is only a matter of time.

She'll get the message eventually, I just hope it is anything really tragic that has to happen for her to get it.
Same for me. Be nice.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by PL »

quick text has almost become "Man-Law"
dudes shouldn't be gabbing on cells with each other.

and hot chicks sending nudes will always be fresh.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by BSmack »

War Wagon wrote:You can go fuck yourself, her mother and I.
Sig material. :wink:
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by War Wagon »

Sudden Sam wrote: You worked hard to provide her with texting privileges?! Wow.

I worked hard to provide my kids with the opportunity to do well in school and to make something of their lives. I did not work hard to provide them with a means for ending their lives and the lives of others.

Gotta be a little brain utilization mixed in there with the hard work, WW.
Try to pay attention and keep up here, Sam.

We worked hard to provide her with every opportunity and give her every advantage. An education, sports, a car, a laptop, and yes, a cell phone. She has been responsible with every priviledge given.

She's not a party girl, far from it. She's been a blessed girl, and her mother and I are blessed parents. Don't ask me how, just lucky I guess. I hear about the nightmares other kids have put their parents thru... the shit I put my own mother thru after my dad died when I was 9, and just shake my head in wonder at how fortunate we are.

I've asked her to not text while driving, and she said she'd be more careful, like only doing it at a stoplight or when there's no other traffic. She didn't have to agree to that, but she did, and her word is gold. When she says she's going to do something, that's exactly what she does.

Bottom line at this point is she's a senior in college and I'm going to pay her bills for only a short time more, then she's on her own. And it wouldn't matter if I tried to cut her off (not that I ever would), she's got her own means thru doing hitting instruction. In fact, most of her texts are responding to the Jr. High girls and their parents who want to pay her $50 an hour to work with them on hitting... and she only charges them $30.

She's very in demand, and damned if I'll get in the way of that.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Derron »

War Wagon wrote:

Bottom line at this point is she's a senior in college In fact, most of her texts are responding to the Jr. High girls and their parents who want to pay her $50 an hour to work with them on hitting... and she only charges them $30.

She's very in demand, and damned if I'll get in the way of that.
So she is a senior in college and people "want" to pay her $ 50 per hour and she only charges $ 30 ??

I would say you all got fucked with that college edumactation. Brilliant not charging what people are expecting to be charged..send me the $ 20 per hour shes leaving on the table.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by War Wagon »

It's all about repeat customers, Derron.

They might pay $50 once, maybe not twice.

That, and she's not a bloodsucker.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by jiminphilly »

War Wagon wrote: In fact, most of her texts are responding to the Jr. High girls and their parents who want to pay her $50 an hour to work with them on hitting... and she only charges them $30.

She's very in demand, and damned if I'll get in the way of that.

You might not but an oncoming Semi might. Seriously, how do you think the parents of the kids she's teaching would react if they knew she set up the coaching session while driving through neighborhoods and freeways? Seriously, ask your daughter to drive along side those same parents and while attempting to steer, drop them a text saying:

C U tomorrow at 5!

My guess is she'd lose them as a client in no time. Stop enabling your daughter, grow a set and scare living shit out of her as any good parent would do.
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by jiminphilly »

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/29/techn ... ml?_r=4&hp

You text and drive and crash in UT? It's no longer just an "accident."
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Re: Texting while Driving

Post by Tom In VA »

Sudden Sam wrote:The scary thing is Whitey ain't the only parent out there who allows their child to run the show. My bro-in-law is exactly the same. Never seen parents so afraid to actually be a parent.
His daughter is 21 dude.

How "parentable" were you - ever - much less at 21. You mean you did absolutely everything your momma and daddy told you to do for your entire life ?
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