I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Evidence of what!...answer the basic questions, you fucking punk.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So...are going to address the questions or not? One at a time, let's hear what you've got. Simply saying that because the crime is so ghastly means it couldn't have happened is a joke. Is that really all you've got? I've got Norm Mineta.

'Course, you've always had this guy...

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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Post some basic answers to the questions...and in doing so you can address your own question--what was Cheney doing ordering the Air Force to NOT interfere? And then ask WHO made the call to seize and seal all the videos of the Pentagon strike. You see, by answering these glaring questions, you'll be on the track of just who was involved. Go ahead, quit stalling. They're not going to go away just by you're being indignant and so forth. Start now.

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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:what was Cheney doing ordering the Air Force to NOT interfere?
I'll go with "what the law required him to do." (A rare feat for Cheney.)

Pre 9/11, ONLY the POTUS could issue an order to shoot down a domestic aircraft, you ignorant dweeble...

Which he did for Flight 93.

Don't get me wrong -- I love a good conspiracy theory.

You'll notice I qualified that with "good"?

If "people did what was legally required by the current protocols of the time, therefore I smell a rat" is what you're rolling out as "evidence"...

Then we'll just scratch "good" as not being in the same area code as your conspiracy theory.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

It's clear from Mineta's testimony that Cheney was already following orders: "Does the order still stand"? There was no mention of any protocol still standing, or chain of command issues. Your suggestion does not stand up at all. And for that matter why was Mineta's testimony promptly deleted from the official 9/11 report? If Cheney was to be credited for following the rules of protocol rather than making a spot decision, then this testimony would seem to be welcome. But, since Cheney is clearly FOLLOWING orders already, obviously the 9/11 commission wanted no discussion whatever of just what these orders were, and who issued them.

So...why were all the videos impounded and sealed? Gee...ya think something's a little funny there? Or what?

And Avi, as for your disappearing 60-ton airliner theory, are you kidding? The difference between a fully loaded airliner and a empty jet fighter is absurdly obvious. If you really believe every bit of every passenger, their luggage, the giant engines, all just vaporized, well you must be pretty desperate indeed.

Now look again at the video and tell me just who the fuck are the plain clothes guys picking up lightweight shards of fuselage? As pointed out in the vid, this is extremely illegal and contrary to basic forensic analysis of a crime scene. They're not even wearing gloves!
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jsc810 wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Post some basic answers to the questions...
Fuck you.

You asking questions does not constitute evidence.

Again, if you have actual evidence, show it, otherwise shut the fuck up.
The questions aren't going away just because you keep saying "fuck you!" What, are you like Pickle? A little kid?

Just answer the questions. No one has suggested these constitute hard evidence. Rather, they are glaring discrepancies in the official story. And there's a lot more! What have you got? Just a insistence on believing the official line no matter what? Tell me, do you also believe the Warren report and similarly defend it?
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by Dinsdale »

So, someone doing what they're supposed to do in a given situation is evidence that they were up to something?

That's really what you're going with?
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well why don't you take a stab at interpreting what "the orders still stand" means in that context. No one's doubting that he's dutifully carrying out some sort of orders....but what were they? Think about it?

And I'm also GOING WITH the fact of the videos being immediately seized and sealed. Or did you forget this? Are you trying to ignore it? Why aren't you suspicious of a group of neo-imperialists whose openly stated desire for a "new Pearl Harbor" suddenlycame true--in a bewildering swirl of incompetence and pants-down lack of preparation? Why do you so dutifully accept the pathetic Swiss cheese story so carefully managed and muzzled by the very same folks who stood to gain from their "new Pearl Harbor"?

Now...why were the vids impounded??????? C'mon, get the fuck up you lazy little shit!
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Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Why do you so dutifully accept the pathetic Swiss cheese story so carefully managed and muzzled by the very same folks who stood to gain from their "new Pearl Harbor"?


Quite an assumption on your part.

Matter of fact, there are a buhzillion holes in the "official" story...

Which is neither here nor there...

All's I'm doing is pointing out how laughably ignorant and moronic your theories are... LT'S get that straight.

Debating For Dummies 101 -- when you're getting laughed out of the debate arena, assign a point of view to those humiliating you, and then debunk said POV that the other party doesn't actually hold, but it's the one you're prepared to try and debunk.

Nice try and all, but save that shit for people of similar intellect to you -- 4th graders would probably be a good start.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Spare me your tedious playground nonsense.

Why were the videos seized and sealed?

Okay?....Just like that, you're now in check, as it were. Just offering dismissive insults does not get you out of check. Answer the question. And then answer the others.
As for my "theories," I haven't offered any as to how they did it. Rather I 've suggested who and why. So?... suggesting Cuban nationals would be perfectly silly, as you suggest. But the neocons? the guys who pined for a "New Pearl Harbor"? These guys? Do you really know anything about these guys? Or are you just taunting on the playground, a lil' pickle with a runny nose?
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Uh...at night with guys disguised as maintenance workers?


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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by smackaholic »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The facts are that a 60-ton Boeing 757 disappeared with virtually no debris.
Yes, that is precisely what happens when lightweight aluminum tubes slam into steel reinforced concrete at a high rate of speed.

Again you fail to present any facts to bolster your (totally ignorant) opinion.
Why, can't you read, avical?

He said 60 tons.

Let me say it again.

60 tons

How can 60 tons be light weight?

Well, actually, I guess it can. But, apparently dumbfukk here seems to thing if you have 60 tons of cotton candy, it'll punch a hole through reinforced concrete.

Maybe we can get our resident smarty pants mikey in here to 'splain the concept of density to him. They are both commies, so maybe marty will believe it from a comrade.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by smackaholic »

Lets see if I got it right here.

Darth Chenron ordered the chairforce to not shoot down the jet. That would be the jet that wasn't there because it was a missile instead?


I think I'll go get drunk now.

This make's call of the day stan's cyber masochism look tame. Rack you.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

That's right, smackie, that which was observed approaching the pentagon ("50 miles.....30 miles...10 miles..") was indeed a missile or drone. And that's why they found ONE jet rotor, etc., and that's why a large chunk--still lightweight because that's how drones are built--was carried away tightly and completely wrapped. And of course all the tapes and videos were seized and sealed.
http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2008/12 ... 911-truth/

Pearl Harbor Day II is here again, and the neocons' wet dream of a new American empire has year by year proven an ever increasing catastrophic nightmare. The deaths of the 3,000 folks killed on 9/11 are now dwarfed by the untold thousands of soldiers and civilians murdered, tortured and displaced in Iraq and Afghanistan. And while the various PNAC members who were in power and who lied, schemed, and maneuvered to launch the invasion of Iraq have been disgraced and are basically in hiding--seen Wolfie lately? How about Feith or Hadley, or Ledeen or Kagan?--the legacy of their treason and deceit lives on.

Today we must rededicate ourselves to revealing these criminals for what they are, and to repairing as best we can the damage they've done.

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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:
Maybe we can get our resident smarty pants mikey in here to 'splain the concept of density to him.
That's easy. Density is the property of being dense. A lot of that is exhibited right here on this board.

Here's another definition for you.

Gravity - the opposite of comedy.
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Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show

Post by General Peters »

Stanley Pickkkle wrote: If you really want to hear me going off on a liberal, douchebag, radio host, then you should listen to the shit I say to Alan Colmes every night.
Fukken A.....I bet that is a better representation of your work, dude. Fukk the libtards in this country for giving an unknown college professor the benefit of the doubt on EVERYTHING....JUST because he's fukken half nig groid. :x
well kiss my ass and call it rosy
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