okay, you asked me if I thought it should be LEGAL, I said no because we know from scientific evidence that interbreeding like that causes serious chromosomal defects, which would be particularly cruel to inflict on another human being.....but then you asked me if I approved and I told you I had no particular position on the subject...if you're not smart enough to discern the difference between asking me if I think it should be ILLEGAL and if I have a problem with it morally, then maybe we should stop the discussion right now.....seriously, trying to set traps like this is a little below your standardsppanther wrote:
a few posts up, when I asked if he thought brother-sister marriage should be legal"
Personally I find it revolting, but it's not my place to judge that kind of behavior...again, trying to lay traps like this is beneath youOK, hang on one second. Do you find the practice revolting, or are you choosing not to judge it? Could you maybe try to come up with just one answer per question?
Whether the potentiality of it to bring defective humans into the world is the reason it's illegal or not I don't know...all I do know is that interbreeding like that results in offspring that often times have chromosomal damage....now I don't know when it was outlawed, but I've told you what I know about it....Your reason was the lack of ability to produce healthy offspring. But you've kind of strayed from that. Apparently you became aware of the corner into which you were painting yourself.
The dominant male lions kill living cubs from other males in order to facilitate the female going into heat.....but if you think they turn on each other and eat members of their packs, then your seriously uninformed about the pack behavior of lions....Um... Felix... I'm sorry, but you're going to have to do a little more research on lions. They aren't quite as morally righteous as you would like to believe.
that's an instinctual perpetuation of the species, but you never see it in a single group of lions....they certainly have the ability to turn on one of their own pride members when a member gets old or gets an infection, yet you never see it.....well, you might see it in the instance of extreme starvation, but if there is food available, you'll never see a pride of lions eat one of their ownThat is unless you think it's totally cool for one male to kill another for encroaching on its territory. LOTS of animals engage in killing members of their own species.
but we were talking about morals, and I was simply pointing out the fact that in many instances, animals display what you would call "moral" behavior, yet in they also display "immoral" behavior....so the question was when they display these differing behaviors, would you label it "immoral" or "moral", or do you believe that "moralitity" is something that's the exclusivity of humansLOTS of animals inter-breed, which is not in the best interest of their species/family. This is what happens when you stray from the topic, Felix... in the process of failing to make a point, you invariably make yourself look incredibly ignorant.
then I'm assuming you could link me up to where you "proved" this question is a steaming pile....As proven in the past, this is an absolute steaming pile of horse manure. But clearly your memory is not so great. Too bad for you, mine is sharp.
[/quote]I asked if you thought brother-sister marriage should be legal. You said no, then you decided it wasn't your place to judge (immediately after judging, by the way). You can't answer a direct question to save your life.
go back and reread what you asked....first you asked me if I thought it should be legal and I said no, because it produces damaged offspring.....then you asked me if I approved of it, and I said I'm not the one to judge that....I hate to be the one to break this to you panther, but they're NOT the same question