Flight 77

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Re: Flight 77

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No...producing glaring and unanswered questions in the official story is something indeed. And what's this 'trolling" thing you guys keep talking about? :)
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Re: Flight 77

Post by Tom In VA »

Okay so Princess Bride resets aren't auto-rack material, but that scene was classic.
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Re: Flight 77

Post by smackaholic »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Obviously a portion has been clipped--you know, where the plane is actually in the frame!! It's obviously been manipulated to conveniently not show the jet. Thank's Dick!
Notice that the crown vic rolling through is jeky as well? It's because it is a fukking security tape. Low quality and low fps, you stupendously ignorant dumbfukk. Of course the god damn plane appears "cut out". This is due to the fact that an airliner travels a pretty good distace during the time between frames.
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KC Scott

Re: Flight 77

Post by KC Scott »

smackaholic wrote: Low quality and low fps, you stupendously ignorant dumbfukk. Of course the god damn plane appears "cut out". This is due to the fact that an airliner travels a pretty good distace during the time between frames.
Truth - and I know bout this kinda shit........

Nose of the plane appears at 1:27 - the explosion at 1:28 on the tape.

Based on the video quality it's an analog camera - recording resolution at 2CIF -
Being an exterior camera I'd say maybe 8fps recording at max, more likely 4fps.
Very consistent with the action in the video.

Actually it's surprising they're recording continuously - most are set to record upon detection of motion to conserve drive space - A 5-8 second pre-event buffer is then saved with the file.

Any other questions Conspiracy Nutz?


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Re: Flight 77

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

KC Scott wrote: Any other questions Conspiracy Nutz?


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Yes. Where the fuck are all the other impounded tapes? You know, the ones that aren't cheap and grainy. These ones are a joke and you know it.

Or..are we (you) to believe that with almost an hour of tracking (and losing track of) flight 77, and watching it come ""50...40...twenty miles away" that there was no radar, satellite, or local government observation of any kind except the parking lot security camera--as well as that of a gas station?

How can anyone not question the basic official story?
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Re: Flight 77

Post by poptart »

I question many things about "the official story" of 9/11.

But to date, nobody has come forth with an evidence that it was an inside job, have they?

Jsc has repeatedly asked you to provide such evidence and all you do is continue to to diddle yourself.

You know how people like to talk.
And you know how money makes people talk.

If this was an inside job, wouldn't somebody who knew (or participated in some way) have spoken ... by now?

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Re: Flight 77

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Just because there's no one squealing, doesn't mean there aren't glaring holes in the official story. Has anyone just rolled over on the JFK assassination? MLK? SO why should we expect that someone would do it in this case, the greatest act of treason in history?
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Re: Flight 77

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well Sam, despite what I regard as your very myopic view of the Reagan administration, I salute you for being man enough to at least start saying "What the Fuck!" concerning the ludicrous official story concerning the pentagon attack of 9/11. The idea that a guy barely trained on a simulator could fly beneath the radar for several hundred miles--and this means, what, a few hundred feet off the ground?--and still show up right on target is utterly impossible. Are we to believe that he was also a highly skilled navigator? That he knew the countryside by sight? It's ludicrous.

Those defending the official story, we notice, offer nothing but the hapless videos which reveal no evidence at all. It's a joke. And worse, the sinister nature of this astonishing act of treason has been plainly visible ever since--in the lies and schemes leading to the invasion of Iraq, to the current nightmarish reports of a new ramping up in Afghanistan, which Barry Khan has called a "war we must win."

Personally, I have no doubt it was Israel--and is still Israel, desperately scheming to keep the Permanent War going. Without it, they are forced to face the fact that their artificial race state experiment is very quickly destined for the same scrap heap of history upon which the disgraced debris of the South African model, the French Algerian experiment, the Soviet puppetcy in Germany, etc, are stacked. The demographics alone insure their quick--ten years--demise, while the U.N. investigation concluding massive war crimes during the recent Gaza slaughter only hastens the day.

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Re: Flight 77

Post by Smackie Chan »

Sudden Sam wrote:I don't much care for any of the folks in D.C. ('cept Smackie).
Looks like I've found a campaign manager to help me carry the red states.
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Re: Flight 77

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Sudden Sam wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well Sam, despite what I regard as your very myopic view of the Reagan administration
You must be confusing me with someone else. I can't recall ever posting anything complimentary about Reagan or his administration. Not a fan. But then, I don't much care for any of the folks in D.C. ('cept Smackie).
My bad, I had you mixed up with wagoneer. yikes.

Anyways, as far as the Israelis planning and carrying out the greatest act of treason in modern history, let's start here..

The jubilant Israeli intelligence agents caught photographing the attacks on the World Trade Center were allowed to return to Israel where they divulged the purpose of their mission on a radio program: “Our purpose was to document the event."

The explosive story of the 5 suspicious Israelis seen celebrating while filming the attacks on the World Trade Center was first reported nationally in American Free Press shortly after September 11. ABC News recently reported on this story and added a comment that deserves attention.

The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported that at least two of the men were Israeli intelligence (Mossad) agents. The Israeli agents were first seen filming the attack on the WTC while kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of a New Jersey apartment building across the river from lower Manhattan.

"They seemed to be taking a movie," the resident who noticed them said. The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck her were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.

She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. The FBI was soon on the scene and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.

The van belonged to a Mossad front company called Urban Moving Systems. Around 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, the van was pulled over, and five Israelis: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari, all between 22 and 27 years old, were arrested at gunpoint. One had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock while another carried two foreign passports. Box cutters were found in the van.

Go ahead, 'splain it!
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