Felix wrote: He's trying to save the economy from falling in on itself.....
By expanding government? Thats a proven remedy

you're a fuckin' jerkoff.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Felix wrote: He's trying to save the economy from falling in on itself.....
You say that, and then add "now seriously" to the end?He's trying to save the economy from falling in on itself....now seriously
well, most economic indicators say we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and if the stock market is any indication, he must be doing something right.....but, bailing out the wall street douchebags was absolutely the wrong thing to do-it was wrong when Bush did it, and it's even worse when Obama threw them a big pile of cash.mvscal wrote:
By spending a trillion dollars we don't have? How is that working out by the way?
surely you're not talking about cap and trade and buying into the lies the Republicans have been throwing around are you....first it started out that it was going to cost everyone in America $3,000+ dollars, which was summarily shown to be a lie, now the Reps have reduced it down to $1,700+ per family, which is still a fucking lie....but I'm sure you're advocating that we should cut more taxes, which will stimulate business to expand, and create more jobs right? You're living in a fantasy land if you fucking believe that horseshitBy advocating an energy policy that will drastically raise the cost of energy production? What ever happened to all those "shovel ready" green jobs we heard so much about? Double digit unemployment doing it for you?
money is not "removed" from the economy, it's put someplace else....more than likely in some of the wall street douchebags Cayman Island account where they can avoid paying any taxes on it whatsoever....but you're right, you can't print up more money without devaluing what's already out there....so, other than a tax increase, I can't really see another viable solution....Government cannot spend one red cent to stimulate the economy without first removing that money from the economy or else they can print more dollars which makes every dollar you might have managed to save worth that much less.
go fuck yourselfYou don't have a fucking clue.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
untrue, Thatcher tried that and couldn't contain the growth of the money supply, that approach was abandoned.mvscal wrote:
Yes, that is exactly right. You cut taxes across the board, you dramatically reduce government spending across the board and you dramatically reduce the regulatory burden on business again across the board. Our economy is burdened with far too much debt. There's only way out of it and that's to tighten Washington's belt and get to work.
stock market is starting to rebound....mvscal wrote: Oh, yeah? Such as? That light at the end of the tunnel is a oncoming train, dumbfuck.
we tried that under Bush and look at where it got us....or are you saying the economy when bush left office was chugging alongYes, that is exactly right. You cut taxes across the board, you dramatically reduce government spending across the board and you dramatically reduce the regulatory burden on business again across the board.
no doubt about thatOur economy is burdened with far too much debt.
so what you're proposing is that he just step out of the way and let the banks and insurance companies run along they way they have been and that's going to bring the economy back? seriously, is the shit you're trying to peddle here.....we tried it and it didn't work...or haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years.There's only way out of it and that's to tighten Washington's belt and get to work. If that stupid assclown was genuinely interested in stimulating the economy he would sit down, shut up and get the fuck out of the way.
We DIDN'T try that under Bush.Felix wrote:we tried that under Bush and look at where it got us....or are you saying the economy when bush left office was chugging alongmvscal wrote:Yes, that is exactly right. You cut taxes across the board, you dramatically reduce government spending across the board and you dramatically reduce the regulatory burden on business again across the board.
I sure wish they'd see fit to advance a candidate of their own. It hardly mattered if they hated Bush as long as they dutifully lined up behind him...pussies.Fiscal CONSERVATIVES could not stand him.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Actually the economy was doing great and the deficit was falling right up until 2007. Guess what happened then.Felix wrote:we tried that under Bush and look at where it got us....or are you saying the economy when bush left office was chugging alongYes, that is exactly right. You cut taxes across the board, you dramatically reduce government spending across the board and you dramatically reduce the regulatory burden on business again across the board.
When did we try that? Whan B.O. was helping ACORN bully banks into making bad loans? When Barney Frank was giving Freddie/Fannie carte blanche to do whatever they want?so what you're proposing is that he just step out of the way and let the banks and insurance companies run along they way they have been and that's going to bring the economy back? seriously, is the shit you're trying to peddle here.....we tried it and it didn't work...or haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years.