(!-kinda)Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style(!-kinda)

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Re: Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style

Post by indyfrisco »

Anything wrapped in bacon is good.

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...

Re: (!-kinda)Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style(!-kinda)

Post by Katy »

The Bacon Bra? Not In.
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Re: Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style

Post by jiminphilly »

WolverineSteve wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:Hmm...we alway pick up our pizzas but never tip. My wife goes to Noble Romans damn near every day for the breadsticks and a salad. Never tip. But they don't deliver, either. Yet there's a spot for a tip on the receipt.
This is embarrassing, you make a good living why not toss the kids a couple bucks. It makes their day
Tipping for take out pizza is absurd. Cooks don't work on tips; they're already making more than the service staff and the "tip" money isn't lining their pockets, it's going to the house.. ie the owner.. and if the owner is the one making the pizza you've just increased his already inflated profit margin.
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Re: Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style

Post by WolverineSteve »

jiminphilly wrote:
WolverineSteve wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:Hmm...we alway pick up our pizzas but never tip. My wife goes to Noble Romans damn near every day for the breadsticks and a salad. Never tip. But they don't deliver, either. Yet there's a spot for a tip on the receipt.
This is embarrassing, you make a good living why not toss the kids a couple bucks. It makes their day
Tipping for take out pizza is absurd. Cooks don't work on tips; they're already making more than the service staff and the "tip" money isn't lining their pockets, it's going to the house.. ie the owner.. and if the owner is the one making the pizza you've just increased his already inflated profit margin.
nobody said to tip the cooks or the owner.
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Re: Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style

Post by jiminphilly »

WolverineSteve wrote:nobody said to tip the cooks or the owner.

There's a pretty good chance the same person who took your order over the phone and rang you up is either an owner or management and not some pimple nosed geek earning minimum wage punching numbers on a register and fielding phone calls. There are at least 10 family-owned places within a mile of where I live... I know the owner of one of them.. and my experience is that they're all the same.. the ordering taking is left to someone who won't fuck up and the register is run by an owner/manager to avoid sticky fingers. They don't need a fucking tip.

If you want to reward mediocrity, put a fucking penny in the jar every time you post a reply.

Re: (!-kinda)Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style(!-kinda)

Post by Katy »

R-Jack wrote:
Katy wrote:The Bacon Bra? Not In.
Why not? These days, only the most filthy begrimed pigs wrap would wrap themselves around your tits as it is. :P
Ouch. That was hurtful, ya fucker. :D
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Re: (!-kinda)Dirty Jobs - T1B-Style(!-kinda)

Post by OCmike »

I worked at a Jack in the Box in the summer during HS. I learned a very important lesson there: Never, EVER, dick around while in the drive-thru. We always had the grill cook put on a headset so they could get a headstart cooking food before it came up on the screen. Unfortunately for the customers, this means that the cook heard any time some drunk frat boy decided to drop f-bombs, repeatedly pretend to order from a different burger joint (Ha ha!!! :meds:) or worst of all, tell one of our hot window chicks to deepthroat their hog.

My friend Tony and I had a sliding scale for how we'd deal with jackasses.

General asshole guy: Anything that will piss them off. They always ask for "easy" something. Go easy on what they ask for, but heavy on everything else. If they don't ask for something special, give them enough onions or pickles to make it taste "off". The point is, you want him to bring it back. Angry assholes ALWAYS come back if you even slightly irritate them, which is why it's awesome to puppeteer them.

"Suck my dick" guy: This guy is probably expecting to get his food messed with, so it was important to be careful in how he was messed with. I'd make his burger normally, except I'd top it with about a quarter cup of mayo. I'd very gingerly add the top bun and wrap it and it'd be handed out through the window. When he goes to eat it later and squeezes the burger to take a bite (like everyone does), he'd get a mayo cluster bomb all over his lap. <----my favorite

POS Drunk Frat Guy: Since this guy is an asshole as well as saying stuff like "Whatsa matter? Cunt you hear me?" to 15y/o window chicks. Retribution must be had! This dude's frozen burger patty was placed snugly against (400lb) Tony's sweaty taint for a good minute or so until it got too cold for him. It was then tossed on the floor, stepped on by everyone on the shift (as long as no customers were inside), rolled through the grease trough and then tossed back on the grill to cook and appear as normal. Best part is that these douchebags would always be kind of baffled as to why everyone would be so nice to them after they'd been dickweeds. :lol:

If someone was a special kind of asshole, he'd get a combination of the taintburger and the mayo bomb. :D
And I'll give you two guys, a friendly piece of advise, ok? Don't ever go up to the drive-thru, ok? Always walk up to the counter. You know why? Ok, ok, ok, ok. They fuck you at the drive-thru, ok? They fuck you at the drive-thru. They know you gonna be miles away before you find out you got fucked, ok? They know you're not gonna turn around and go back. So, they don't care.

Moving Sale wrote: I could easily have an IQ of 40
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