U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by H4ever »

Law enforcement is a form of "government control" but without it, we would live in a dog-eat-dog, survivalist society ran by war lords and clans. I think "everything in moderation" applies here, too. But, I wouldn't want common sense to get in the way of this pissing match! :lol:
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

LTS - which corporations were successful in lobbying the federal government to repeal or otherwise loosen federal regulations of a federal agency called the TVA? Please substantiate your claim.

And, LTS, while US corporate income tax rates may be lower now than ever before, they are among the highest in the world.

88, One quibble - citizens don't have a "right" to smoke, drink, etc. Such a "right" doesn't exist. The Constitution does exist, though, to protect citizens from the unyielding hand of government.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

JMak wrote:LTS - which corporations were successful in lobbying the federal government to repeal or otherwise loosen federal regulations of a federal agency called the TVA? Please substantiate your claim.

And, LTS, while US corporate income tax rates may be lower now than ever before, they are among the highest in the world.

88, One quibble - citizens don't have a "right" to smoke, drink, etc. Such a "right" doesn't exist. The Constitution does exist, though, to protect citizens from the unyielding hand of government.

A 2007 EPA draft risk assessment, evaluating 21 hazardous constituents is coal combustion waste, indicates that certain types of coal ash disposal sites pose a cancer risk about 1,000 times the level considered acceptable by the Agency. EPA itself has identified sites known or suspected to be contaminated by coal combustion waste in 24 states.

Nevertheless, EPA has not followed through on its own 2000 Regulatory Determination to regulate this waste, instead allowing states to continue to set their own weak rules. In 2000, EPA committed to develop national regulations for landfills and surface impoundments for storing coal combustion waste, but EPA has failed even to even propose regulations for these waste sites. Meanwhile the utility industry has lobbied hard to keep it that way. In comments to EPA last year, a utility trade group argued “EPA can safely step back without investing the resources necessary to develop a new federal regulatory program and allow the states to remain the primary regulatory authority on [coal combustion waste] disposal.”

What, are you pretending to be completely naive?

And 88, you sound like you've been reading Ayn Rand essays while drinking cheap bourbon. I mean when do the tired tropes give way to reality? And the reality of which I speak is the clear fact of corporations doing absolutely anything they can to maximize their profits--including undermining environmental protections while selling dangerous products, busting unions, and cutting health care--in short just shamelessly indulging in rapacious hoarding. And you are their fodder. Wake the fuck up!
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

LTS - you completely ducked the question. Substantiate your earlier assertion that businesses successfully lobbied Congress to loosen regulatory controls affecting TVA. You posted a lot of words but not a single one approached substantiating your earlier assertion.

Try again.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Substantiate the huge log up your ass, you insipid little toad. You've once again forgotten to tell us from under just which rock you've had the gall to crawl forth.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

So, LTS, you won't substantiate your prior assertion. Then we should conclude that you were lying. But we already we knew that and have come to expect no more from you.

G'day, jagoff.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, weasel, you (not "we") are concluding that the EPA official is lying. Can't you read? And what part of the general point are you trying to dispute? That corporations use their deep pockets to thwart efforts at regulation? That they strive to water down existing regulations? That this is their basic policy? The coal sludge flood is simply a clear and dramatic example of this, while thousands of similarly toxic spills and disposals that have gone under the radar because of these efforts are currently poisoning this and many other nations. Need examples? You're a tedious joke.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

First - the EPA official said nothing about TVA. Substantiate your assertion.

Second - corporations seek to both impose regulations and loosen regulations whether it is to hamstring their competitors (just look at which firms support cap and trade - natural gas firms that are seeking to hamper their coal and oil competitors in the energy industry) or to protect themselves from regulation.

Third - I was not disputing the corps lobby, I was merely asking you to substantiate your claim.

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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

'Scuse me? What businessman would pollute half of Tennessee because he could? Well, a pretty fucked up one for starters. Obviously a greedy short-sighted one.

As for providing a link to support the broad fact of corporate lobbying for less regulations, I suggest you check in with the Bernie Sucking Off Johnathan Pollard thread. Or just WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! 8)
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

Look LTS, you assertion was about TVA. I inquired about that. How you turn that into a question/inquiry about lobbying, well, you liars have great imaginations, don't ya?
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Weasel, why should anyone have to hold your hand and walk you through it like a little child? The basic glaring fact that I've pointed out with the TVA coal sludge flood is that corporations regularly oppose any form of regulation--especially environmental ones. It's not a matter of contention. As noted in the cited excerpt, the utility industry in Tennessee lobbied to keep the EPA from imposing strict regulations upon the state. What's to dispute? try dealing with the basic premise, not that you're really prepared.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by JMak »

Clown, I will not deal with your premise because I do not accept it as a factual premise. You kinda have to establish a point as a fact before declaring said point as factual.

What you've done is taken a generally acknowledged fact about corporate lobbying and asserted that such lobbying took place re: TVA. That's not a valid argument.

Now, please substantiate your assertion. Or you can simply admit that you made it up...which you, in fact, did do.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Of course not. The regulations are designed to protect the public. Why on earth should a corporation or any entity be able to bribe its way to avoid such regulations? Are you insane? Seriously, apply your dented non-logic to any of the regulated industries, processes, etc. Name one that shouldn't have its regulations--and properly enforced. What a sad joke becomes this "Free Market" Ayn Rand bullshit. She was a hack, so were Friedman and Greenspan, and so are you.
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Re: U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

That's your fast ball? What a completely fake affront to any adult. First, just because corporations have been given the same legal rights as individual citizens (an outright disgrace to the constitution) WHY should they or anyone be allowed to bribe their way around basic regulations designed to protect the public? Yeah, ass wipe, you forgot that. So what if corp X produces this or that product--they certainly can't endanger the public in their thrust for profit. Are you insane? Are you really ready to discuss the issue of toxic waste sites? Of course not, you hack.

And, 88, every essay and "novel" by Ayn Rand falls directly into quick fallacy of "either/or" as well as a ludicrous harping intolerance that puts a buzz saw to shame. And while the Russian yenta was well captured in "Five Easy Pieces"--this scene did not reflect her true nature of a real sex hog. Look it up. The libertine in me applauds her lusty approach to life, but her ridiculously simplistic bullshit is so far removed from reality that she's ultimately a very serious disgrace--as well as her pathetic apostles.
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