Van wrote:Also, yep, it's going to rain tonight. Autzen is just going to be ridiculous.
It never rains in Autzen Stadium.
You must be looking at a different weather forecast FROM me (note proper grammar, Vannar).
Supposed to be about the same in Eugene (about 100 miles south of my current locale) as here, and it's clearing right up (after a gully-washer early this morning) -- supposed to stay that way for a day or two, and anything that falls will be "Oregon Sunshine," a barely-noticeable light mist (which is what most of those big-number of rainy days the masses seem to think about the Valley consist of).
BTW -- Masoli hates playing in the rain, and has struggled any time he deals with a wet ball... he does get better each time, though. I think he just throws the ball too freaking hard to retain much accuracy when the ball is a little wet...
So he'll just run it on you to the tune of about 120 and 3 tuddies.
A Taylor Mays/ Jerimiah Masoli collision could be one of the great sights we'll see this year. Two big balls of muscle moving at a very high speed, and neither one seems to have the good sense to realize when their bell has been rung.
And no, I won't be going, unless some miracle happens in the next couple of hours.
But I had a chance at some good seats to the Sheepfuckers, but declined in favor of getting MOTHERFUCKING PUMPED for the
real game (not the one Kal is playing in).
Is it 5:00 yet?
That massive SC bandwagon should be about empty by 8:30. The thrift shops of southern california should be rife with USC gear by tomorrow morning.