Ray Winstone Tribute Thread - Rare Short Film

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Ray Winstone Tribute Thread - Rare Short Film

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Time to pay homage to the toughest man in film.

Came across a really brilliant, really dark, ten minute short called 'Bouncer'.

A short clip from one of the most depressing, unsettling and grim film I've ever watched. 'Nil By Mouth'

As mentioned in the comments section - he says the word 'cunt' 23 times in 120 seconds. Odd, you know you've watched a really great film, but you can't instantly say why - that's how genuinely disturbing it is and why it didn't get more press. Not for everyone.

And last but not least, the greatest gunfight ever filmed (after Long Riders?) from 'Love Honour Obey:

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