You know what? Fuck all of you ingrates.
Every single time I watch this annoying bastard he's carving up teams, marching down the field, throwing rocket launch shots deep down the field in double coverage, making average receivers look like Pro Bowlers. Early in his career, he was especially annoying because when receivers were covered, he would scamper for 20 yard gains every time. :x
Now, with the scrambling aspect no longer even a part of his game, he's still kicking ass, only now with his arm. I cannot wait until he's no longer on that team, and finally you idiots will realize how good you had it.
Case in point, all you had to do is look across the field yesterday to see what a REAL dumbass, numbnuts QB looks like.

and that's about as ANGRY as you'll see him look. Because he's such a "QUIET LEADER"