TheJON wrote:Katy wrote:I've enjoyed reconnecting more with my college classmates than my high school classmates. I hated high school. Most of my high school classmates refer to me as "the mean girl." My attitude has been and will always be, that was nearly 20 years ago. Get over it. :D
In fairness, it's all they know you as most likely. We tend to mature once we hit our college years so they probably don't know the more mature version of you.
For example, my buddy Dustin from HS whom I hadn't seen since then was the posterchild for ADD. It was brutal sitting next to him in class because he couldn't sit still for 2 seconds without punching/stabbing with a pencil the person sitting next to him. He had no problems cutting ass in class, was very loud, etc.... And he was a HORRIBLE student. Surprised he even graduated. Funny as shit though!
10 years later dude is about as mature of a person as you could meet. He's got a good job, a nice home, a lovely wife. I almost shit myself when he shook my hand like an adult. And then when I saw him hold the door for his wife, I was in complete shock. I still have a mark on my leg from when he stabbed me with a pencil in 7th grade for telling him I thought his sister had a nice butt. I showed him the mark so he bought me a beer and apologized. Weird.
I can completely relate to that. Most here know that I was a military brat growing up so I lived all over the damn place while I was growing up and have friends on my facebook from just about every community I lived in short of Arkansas and California.
Midway through my sophomore year my father was transferred from Fort Bragg to UT in Austin to be a guest instructor for Military Law and Juris Prudence. We lived in a pretty nice apartment complex but the neighborhoods surrounding it while not
bad certainly weren't
good either. I had a pretty large and eclectic group of friends (Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, even a token Jew) out there. We were a pretty crazy group, did a lot of
crazy shit... nothing highly illegal mind you, just young and stupid shit like underage drinking in a field or at a friend's house whose parents were out of town, might have smoked a little pot here and there, some of the people were crazier than others and myself. A couple of years ago they were organizing the ten year reunion and one of the organizers found me on facebook through another girl I went to both HS and college at OU with. I couldn't go to the reunion because I was at the tail end of my fight against cancer but ever since then it has been a slow trickle here and there of people I knew; some were pretty close to me at that time in my life. Some of the people got stuck in the mentality of the neighborhood (some people who I didn't expect would), others are just getting their lives together finally, and some have done pretty damn well for themselves or are in the military. One of the smartest guys I knew turned out to be a complete moron and has had his door kicked in by the cops multiple times for dealing dope, another guy who I never thought would amount to much ended up graduating from Texas Summa Cum Laude and is a member of the Texas Legislative Council (the brotha was nuts in HS... I mean
NUTS). Honestly, along with him I feel that the two of us have done better in life than just about anyone else that I went to school with and have heard about or spoken to since then.