President Barack Obama is trumpeting a new White House estimate that his top economist calls "stunning": His stimulus plan has already created or saved up to 2 million jobs.
That's truly a stunning and important effect", Christina Romer, the council's chairwoman, said in a conference call with reporters. "It has done exactly what we have anticipated it would do."
Romer, meanwhile, said the stimulus is well on its way to meeting Obama's stated goal of saving or creating 3.5 million jobs. "We are very much tracking what we anticipated," she said.
Reality check -
B.O. & Co. predicted that the unemployment rate in June (09) would be about 7.9% if the "stimulus" plan was passed.
They also predicted that the unemployment rate would be about 8.7% if the plan was NOT passed.
The plan passed.
The uneployment rate in June was 9.5%.
The unemployment rate NOW is 10.0%, which is 1.3% higher than if we did NOTHING, at least according to our genius in charge.
And they stand there and trumpet the success of the stimulus?
From what I understand, a lot of those "jobs saved" are state and municipal public union employee jobs that were kept afloat with "stimulus money." Remember the "shovel ready" jobs ?? Funny, I just read a report on unsafe bridges in New York state including the Tappan Zee Bridge. Looks like $ZERO $$$ went to that type of work !
Thanks a lot to all those who voted for this incompetent boob in our White House. What do you expect from a guy who never ran anything in his life and surrounded himself with the same types ?
"It''s not dark yet--but it's getting there". -- Bob Dylan
Carbon Dating, the number one dating app for senior citizens.
"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to the war, and my fingers to fight."
The problem is that you've only been thinking since Obama took office (or think you have been). Every POTUS takes credit for every drop in unemploment, rise in jobs, and lowering of inflation...regardless of whether their actions had anything to do with it. And that will occur with following administrations.
I also think it's sadly funny that republicans are now worried about those not showing up in the unemployment numbers (those who aren't applying for assistance, given up applying, or have lost eligiability) when during the Bush administration they couldn't give a shit.
The right-wing feces is piling up high & deep.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
Diego, I am taking what team Barry TOLD US would happen to employment with/without the stimulus.
Get off your silly republican v. democrat bullshit and look at REALITY.
Barry's public declarations of employment success effectively plunger his own @sshole.
poptart wrote:How far along in schooling did you get, Diego?
Only as far as the front gate...
WAR ~ ever vigilant parents
that just did not get the RRRRRRACKS! it deserved
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
When are you people going to realize that the problem is politics more than it is parties? There's no integrity in our political system anymore. Republicans and Democrats alike will cover a$$, embellish truths, spin news to their own favor, and outright lie to achieve their political ends. Every poli has his or her own pet projects, friends and contributors to whom are owed favors and above all, personal greed and an insatiable thirst for power and influence. The system is broken; the constitution has been neutered; separation of powers barely exists, and our checks and balances system doesn't work because all the politicians trade favors with each other. Thus, EVERYTHING is getting done. It's not meant to be that way. Checks and balances is supposed to ensure that anything getting passed has support from multiple points of view. Now checks & balances just means, "I'll vote for your pork project, if you'll vote for mine." It's all bullcrap. It's all fu#&ed up from the inside out.
That's why Bush II, a repub senate and a repub house spent just as much money as the democrats before them. Unless we can get some actual statesmen up in this, we're going to get the same thing we've always got.
Rootbeer wrote:When are you people going to realize that the problem is politics more than it is parties? There's no integrity in our political system anymore. Republicans and Democrats alike will cover a$$, embellish truths, spin news to their own favor, and outright lie to achieve their political ends. Every poli has his or her own pet projects, friends and contributors to whom are owed favors and above all, personal greed and an insatiable thirst for power and influence. The system is broken; the constitution has been neutered; separation of powers barely exists, and our checks and balances system doesn't work because all the politicians trade favors with each other. Thus, EVERYTHING is getting done. It's not meant to be that way. Checks and balances is supposed to ensure that anything getting passed has support from multiple points of view. Now checks & balances just means, "I'll vote for your pork project, if you'll vote for mine." It's all bullcrap. It's all fu#&ed up from the inside out.
That's why Bush II, a repub senate and a repub house spent just as much money as the democrats before them. Unless we can get some actual statesmen up in this, we're going to get the same thing we've always got.
This town needs an enema!
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
Who's Romer and Obama fooling? No one. The AP ran a huge story earlier this week slamming the stimulus effect on construction. Weeks before that came the stories from all over the nation re: cooking the employment numbers like 'Spray's OR story.
But we've seen this behavior for a year now claiming succes where there is none at all from Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. They're lying through their teeth because that's all they have right now.
Bottom line, these jobs supposedly created or saved (whatever that means)...they disappear without government funding. Hence, we're either going to see a massive employment drop without everlasting fed govt stimulus spending or we'll see, well, everlasting government spending to prop up these fake jobs.
The difference is that the media was somewhat objective from 1977 to 1981. Now they are in the tank for any Dem, especially Obama, and people still can see the bullshit plain as day. It's a fucking fiasco of epic proportions. Utter amateur hour.
Thank God for the internet, talk radio, and YES, FOX FUCKING NEWS as sources of information that the douchecommies at Commie News Network, Cunt Balls Sack, and MSNAMBLA won't give.