spray wrote:I'm turning my drama switch off now.
I hope you're serious about that. You're desperately pushing buttons in here...are you really that bored?
You seem bored by the truth, but here is a little more - 90% of the folks here just want to chill out and have fun on the board - talk a little sports, run some smack, etc.
The psycho-obsessive routine is something that katy, lv, and yourself brought to the table. None of us really care for that. It can go far away as far a we're concerned.
It's pretty low to come in here trying to troll folks about further personal info breaches. We're just tired of it - let it die.
Accusations of that sort are pretty irresponsible - and they won't be tolerated here. Also, I said nothing ever about suing anyone for the loss of $20. $20 is not the problem. The problem is that you new friend Otis persuaded me to pay for the registration, then he kept control of it and started playing games. Now you're passing some BS off as fact that I threatened to sue over $20? Nothing even close to that is true.
You've avoided my questions, placed before you in clear form at least twice now. Rather than answer them, you're just tried to further obscure the matter and draw it out further. You're clacking out post after post about how others should relax - seems pretty ridiculous while you're also making bullshit accusations and trying to prolong it.
Most folks here want to get back to "normal". You're welcome to be a part of that, Spray, or you're welcome to move along. Your clear choice to make.