BSmack wrote:Lemme see, should I believe the guys from NASA or the blowhard from Mission Viejo?
Maybe you should try thinking for yourself... not one of your stronger suits, for sure.
Hint: The dorks at NASA have a
great deal to gain by propagating the myth. As do all the grant whores at University of _______.
Why are the conspirators (because not only have they changed data collection methods to steal from the poor and give to the rich, they've actually had the gall to redefine the scientific process to discredit anyone who threatens their grants/loot) so desperate to silence anyone who disagrees with them? Why don't they want anyone to review their data? Why don't their "computer models" work in reverse to show observed data? Why do they erase entire contents of computer servers to hide what they're doing?
I don't see the "other side" doing that -- I see them being quite open to
scientific process/debate.
Still waiting on that explaination of the Mars thing... or do you fucking loons want us to believe that human-generated CO2 jumped through space and landed on Mars (which should be something that NASA looks into, since their Mars landings have been less than stellar).
Before the Industrial Revolution, CO2 made up about 0.03% of the atmospere. Now, it's somewhere between 0.03% and 0.04%, depending where it's measured... use your fucking brain, idiot.
The jig is up... no one besides those with a hatred for humanity due to being picked on at the playground are buying into algore's weath-redistribution scam, since it requires a complete suspension of all logic and intelligence to actually stay on board that joke of a "cause," a cause which the entire motivation for was to steal from the poor to give to the rich.
George Taylor -- study him... embrace him. He's become a martyr for common sense.