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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by smackaholic »

Mikey wrote:
Wolfman wrote:Wonder if Mikey measures his humidity with a super accurate digital psychrometer ? I guess I better start taking temperature here with a highly inaccurate analog thermometer.
I just lick my index finger and stick it up in the air. I have a super accurate index finger.
seeing as it's a finger, i 'spose you can add digital to the description. does it measure humidity or wind chill. wind chill, fyi is this phenomenon where it feels even colder when the wind is blowing. some day when you venture away from local, you might experience it.

so, what's the pool temp today? i'd report mine, but, that would require drilling through about aft of ice. so, i'm gonna just go with a scientific wild ass guess and say, it's colder than fukkk, prolly about 32.somethin' degrees.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:Not for the last ten years it hasn't. Your link is pure, 100% straight up bullshit.
Lemme see, should I believe the guys from NASA or the blowhard from Mission Viejo?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by PSUFAN »

I'll try to post some icicle pics later. Bitches are huge...U&L big.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by PSUFAN »

Had to exhume the dish for the Stupor Bowl...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by PSUFAN »

Kids and dog had a great time:
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Van »

Obviously gotta update my spreadsheet...

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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »


Kinda looks like my bedroom after a night with Tyrone.

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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Dinsdale »

BSmack wrote:Lemme see, should I believe the guys from NASA or the blowhard from Mission Viejo?
Maybe you should try thinking for yourself... not one of your stronger suits, for sure.

Hint: The dorks at NASA have a great deal to gain by propagating the myth. As do all the grant whores at University of _______.

Why are the conspirators (because not only have they changed data collection methods to steal from the poor and give to the rich, they've actually had the gall to redefine the scientific process to discredit anyone who threatens their grants/loot) so desperate to silence anyone who disagrees with them? Why don't they want anyone to review their data? Why don't their "computer models" work in reverse to show observed data? Why do they erase entire contents of computer servers to hide what they're doing?

I don't see the "other side" doing that -- I see them being quite open to scientific process/debate.

Still waiting on that explaination of the Mars thing... or do you fucking loons want us to believe that human-generated CO2 jumped through space and landed on Mars (which should be something that NASA looks into, since their Mars landings have been less than stellar).

Before the Industrial Revolution, CO2 made up about 0.03% of the atmospere. Now, it's somewhere between 0.03% and 0.04%, depending where it's measured... use your fucking brain, idiot.

The jig is up... no one besides those with a hatred for humanity due to being picked on at the playground are buying into algore's weath-redistribution scam, since it requires a complete suspension of all logic and intelligence to actually stay on board that joke of a "cause," a cause which the entire motivation for was to steal from the poor to give to the rich.


George Taylor -- study him... embrace him. He's become a martyr for common sense.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by smackaholic »

fuggen RACK!!!!!

notice that NASA's other boondoggle (manned trip to a place we have no hope of living on) has had it's funds shut off. pretty much their entire budget now is going towards playing climate watchdog. shut that off, and you might as well shut down NASA completely.

not saying that all that space trave shit isn't neato. just saying that at this moment, with all of uncle sam's credit cards maxed out, it might be a good time to take a little break from that shit.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Dinsdale »

smackaholic wrote:pretty much their entire budget now is going towards playing climate watchdog. shut that off, and you might as well shut down NASA completely.
So, a bunch of dudes with otherwise-worthless degrees and work histories have dedicated themselves to commenting on science that's well outside their area of expertise, since the alternative to being grossly overpaid with ridiculous bennies is waiting tables and staring at that astrophysics degree hanging on their wall?

Nahhhhh, no one would ever lie for money, would they.

Look up the definition of "science." Now, look of the definition of "religion." Now tell me which one this "manmade climate change" routine falls into.

It very clearly falls into one of those... just not the one the algores want you to think it is.

It's about as scientific as "intelligent design."
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by PSUFAN »

More straight talk on global climate change is needed - and not just to sell hybrids OR sooth the nerves of shareholders.

Is the global climate changing? Yes - it always does. Is there anything we can do about it? Debatable.

I know two things for sure - harsher winters do not mean that climate change is not an important issue, and this: Al Gore is as irrelevant to the serious conversation as James Watt is to the energy policy debate. All the headline-seeking morons need to get fucking stuffed.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Dinsdale »

PSUFAN wrote:Is the global climate changing? Yes - it always does.

Riding the same roller coaster it has for hundreds of millions of years.

But Al Gore is QUITE relevent to the discussion -- he's the freaking ringleader of using completely falsified "science" to tax the poor to give to the rich. He's already made hundreds of millions off the shit, and he sees the bubble bursting.

What next? Since they want to put a global tax on inevitable natural events, will they create a panic over the sun rising in the east and setting in the west?

BTW -- it's an El Nino winter. For those with short memories, it often causes massive cold snaps in the Flyover and eastern bits, and keeps the temps mild here Out West... like it has since before Henry Ford built a car or Rockefeller tapped a well.

I guess the point is -- believe whatever the fuck you want... more power to ya, what with freewill and all.

Just keep your grubby fucking mitts off my wallet in the name of your beliefs, OK?
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by PSUFAN »

I don't want your money, Dins. I'd only spend it on rock salt.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Moving Sale

Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Moving Sale »

Screw_Michigan wrote:Tiny
Holy crap that was original, timely, relevant and quite hilarious. Great shit. Post more dude, you rock.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:
BSmack wrote:Lemme see, should I believe the guys from NASA or the blowhard from Mission Viejo?
Maybe you should try thinking for yourself...
WTF made you think a screed from an even bigger blowhard was going to help?
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by MuchoBulls »

trev wrote:I really wonder where Al Gore is.
Putting his Emmy in his lockbox.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by MuchoBulls »

BSmack wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:^^^ Rack. That's right, Vannie. That's how us Michigan boys were raised, and raised properly.
This Upstate NY boy will second that rack. Nothing better than a little snow football.
I'll add another RACK to that!!
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Tom In VA »


The best move was ...

"Down, Set, Hut 1, Hike" ....

Face full of snow.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
Moving Sale

Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:I LOVE oil. Coal too. I LOVE coal. I bath in oil and I eat coal for lunch AND dinner.
Your stupidity has been noted.
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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by BSmack »

Tom In VA wrote::lol:

The best move was ...

"Down, Set, Hut 1, Hike" ....

Face full of snow.
That's because you never played on my home field. We had an above ground pool that made up part of one sideline and a 30 foot embankment that sloped about 45 degrees and had all sorts of trees, rocks and other forms of torture running down the other sideline. Oh, and there were a bunch of oak trees that also served as boundary markers. We spent as much time trying to get defenders to inadvertently go out of bounds as we did trying to score TDs.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: Welcome to sunny Florida!

Post by SunCoastSooner »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:It just started to snow.

The wife works in Cairo, Ga. just over the sate line. I took the daughter up at 5:30, and she was making snow angels at 6:00.

Ain't global warming a bitch?

They said it would snow in Destin this weekend but I was out of town. Went to San Antonio to visit my daughter. Everyone said it never happened but that Crestview got some a bit north... didn't even stick though.

Anywho... Your wife works in Cairo? Two of my best friends are from there originally. One just moved back. I've been up there a couple of times.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
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