Anyway, after dropping off my son at preschool this morning, I stop into the local coffee shop before with my daughter before we go shopping for the traditional St. Patty's day dinner of BBQ chicken, sweet potatos and American beer. Right in line in front of us, I have some IRA wannabe douchebag trying to rock some green heavy kilt with a pair of Doc Martin looking shitkickers. My daughter, with the perfect dry wit a two year old asks in quite an audible tone "Daddy. Why that man wearing a dress?"
Cute huh?
You really can't get angry at a two year old for asking the question. Even the worthless mick turned around with a slight smile as if to say in some fucked up accent in his head "Aw how cute. I'm sure her pappy will tell her that I be wearing a top 'o the mornin kilt" or some shit like that. He keeps looking, seemingly waiting for me to explain how it's cool to cross dress for a day. She asked me again "Why he wearing a dress? He wearing a dress daddy." This time the look on Hagus McFagus's face was not a smile but a stern look waiting for me to respond to my daughter. I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know. He may just be from Fresno."
The goddamn fruitcake just huffed like a little bitch and turned around and ordered his drink. When he walked out of the shop he shot a death stare at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and smirked, taking pleasure in knowing that this................................
..........ruined someone's drunken drag queen Christmas.
Well done Sadie. Fuck the Irish.