Diego in Seattle wrote:the crap being peddled by conservatives.
Are you retarded?
I'm a
conservative. Very definitely NOT a Republican, since those two things are at odds.
I'd compare my conservatism to being somewhere right around James Fucking Madison.
That said, none of this shit is "conservative."
Conservatives don't pimp ridiculous laws to pay back their benefactors from past elections. Conservatives have no desire to babysit anyone. Conservatives would have never enacted stupid fucking laws that fucked up what was once a near-perfect health care system.
If I was in charge, as a Conservative...
Repeal the HMO Act of 1973. The Fed has no Constitutional right to enact such bullshit. By FORCING companies to purchase group plans, they completely FUCKED the entire Supply/Demand graph that ALL economic transactions in Human Fucking History have operated within, by creating an artificial tweak in the demad curve... FACT. When an outside entity (Big Government, usually) jacks up the demand side of the graph, there's no fucking chance that prices won't increase at a rate consistant with the tweak to the demand curve... IRREFUTABLE FACT, based on THOUSANDS of years of human commerce. If you can't grasp this concepot, stop reading this, and get your uneducated ass back to junior high school for a do-over.
Whose fucking idea was it to prohibit selling insurance across state lines? Sure the fuck wasn't a CONSERVATIVE, that's for sure. To a Conservative, the Interstate Commerce Clause exists ONLY to ensure the free flow of goods between states -- NEVER to restrict it. So, with the demand side of the graph already in an artificial tizzy, what's left to fuck with? The supply side. And going back to that good ol' junior high economics class... if you reduce supply, what happens,
100% of the fucking time? Prices increase... EVERY SINGLE TIME, IN ANY ECONOMIC MODEL YOU CARE TO CITE.
So, let's check the scoreboard:
Big Government -- infinity
People -- broke
So, at this point, the problems of the overall health care industry have been CAUSED by Big Government intervention.
The solution?
Yeah, putting Big Government further in charge... makes perfect sense.
And what's all this bullshit about "insurance" anyway. When I was a kid, we had catastophic insurance, sure. But when we needed a few stitches, or a tetanus shot, guess what? We went to the doctor's office, got the treatment we needed.... and get this craziness...
We then handed him cash/check, and paid our bill.
Crazy, I know... but good ol' Dad
paid for his kids' health problems. And since there wasn't all this government-run, gun-to-the-head business model (another thing non-Conservatives fucked up -- every doctor/insurance company HAS to operate under a government-mandated business model? That's INSANE, and goes a looooong way to eliminating both competition and efficiency), the doctor didn't need 3 pencil-pushers for every person who actually
helped the patients. Nope, he took the check, handed it to the receptionist/nurse (funny concept these days), and they stuck it in the bank... no legal mumbo-jumbo, no jumping through HMO hoops -- just a good old fashioned business transaction, between two private parties.
Then, the commies took all of that away... and prices shot up astronomically.
Shove your "it's the conservatives!" shit straight up your ass -- and pay your own fucking doctor bill to have it surgically removed.
It's YOUR kind that fucked shit up -- not mine. To even try to argue otherwise is asinine.