Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Wolfman »

Question: What is the US going to do when no one will lend us money to pay for all this ? Print more money ? I wonder whose picture they would put on the $1 million note ? Ah--more taxes of course. Here comes the VAT. Joe Biden is correct in his own stupid way--it is a big fucking deal !
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by mvscal »

Sirfindafold wrote:Image
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:This turd hasn't even passed yet.
You were saying?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by War Wagon »

is this what a gallstone feels like?
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by BSmack »

War Wagon wrote:is this what a gallstone feels like?
I can say with absolute certainty that even the gutted yak pics were nowhere near as painful as a gallstone. My wife tells me that gallstones are as close as a man can ever get to labor pain. I'll take her word on that.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by H4ever »

88 wrote:
H4ever wrote:So you think I made this up? What is THAT uncomfortable to read? Was it so uncomfortable it tempted one to search for reasons to discredit it?

Your relative's life-long series of unfortunate situations is no justification for fucking up the rest of the country's health care. There were plenty of laws and social programs in place to help him out before this train wreck of a bill became law.

Are you not afraid of the direction this legislation clearly indicates we are heading? I'm not accusing you of being filthy, stinking rich and from what I know, you've worked for every dime you have and had the good sense and conviction to educate yourself. But you know what you are to this rising tide of discontent? You are an arrogant, elitist, unfeeling motherfucker who deserves to get kicked off your pedestal. And they don't give a shit if you hand-crafted your seat with wood you chopped down yourself. They don't want to hear the reasons why deserve it...all they believe is that they have been slighted in their own country. Eat the rich baby. And yes, you are rich if you've never had it rough no matter how hard you have worked...you got it better than them so you must be part of the problem. Why do you think they want to bust the chops of anyone making 250K GROSS not net? There's plenty of small business owners (the backbone of this country) who bust their ass only to be penalized for it. And the people who represent the masses who elected them are finally heeding the call at the expense of liberty.

My relative's (a working American..not a ghetto bum or welfare queen) predicament is an example of what people, sometimes through no fault of their own, have been going through. Status Quo? Enjoy the fallout.

You can never win out in a room full of 'tards fully convinced you took all the PB&J sandwiches and are hell-bent on getting your pop-tart. Try and explain why you deserve your snack to a bunch of simpletons who believe you are at fault.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Dinsdale »

H4ever wrote:I don't know all the details because he is pretty embarrassed about how his finances are and refuses any help from relatives. We have to send the girl birthday and he then buys her the extra things he would love to give her. Never accepts money for himself.

So, see if I've got this right...

A loved one/member of your community/someone you had direct relations with had some hardships?

And you rounded up your extra resources and offered them to those around you in need?

You, despite Big Government's edicts to the contrary, felt compassion for those around you, and did what was in your power to help?

Wow, just think of how much more you could have helped this poor soul if the governemt didn't take half of what you earned.

Gee, this system only fuelled the "Greatest Nation In History" for 150 years or so.

Remind me again when that era ended?

Is the light coming on for any of you yet?

Helping those in need sure the fuck isn't the government's responsibility...

it's YOURS, assholes. And I do mean assholes.

Way to absolve yourselves of the duties of a Decent Human Being, and pass the buck to everyone not named You.

Hell, I'm pretty much poor. I don't have insurance at present. I've been predominately poor my whole life. Never had a whole lot, but always appreciated what I had. Maybe that has something to do with why I never turn my back on those in need... NEVER. If I have two winter coats, you get one of them if you're cold. If I have a burrito and you're starving... you now have half a burrito. If you need a few bucks to cover your rent/mortgage, I'll cover it if I can, just pay me back when you can.

It must be nice to be (some) of you guys -- absolve yourselves of basic obligations to society, and insist that Big Brother does it for you. I almost wish that I had been raised in an environment where I could even understand where you lowlifes are coming from. But my parents (one of which I lost last week) raised me to NOT be a fucking asshole -- that was actually a pretty big deal in my world. So now I'm stuck in the Old School -- where Right and Wrong supercede "the world owes me something."

In short... Fuck you, you theiving fucking assholes. Grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for your Fellow Man.

And welcome to Real Conservatism, H4. You did a good thing.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by H4ever »

I'm with ya Dinsdale. I believe any man who works deserves a fair shake and certainly deserves to keep a substantial portion of what he's earned. Some will naturally earn more, some less. All deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some years are better than others and you help your fellow, deserving man when you are able. No one deserves to be gouged by their government, nor their health insurance providers. It leads to discontent, ill-will, and shit government that tries to fix one problem by creating more.

Sorry for your loss, man.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by H4ever »

88 wrote:[ Yes, the hospital would have handed him a bill. But he doesn't pay his bills so what's the problem?

DId you read where I wrote he refuses money, is embarrassed about his finances, and treated her with OTC meds until she was obviously succumbing to her illness? He puts every dime he has towards his bills and takes pride in paying his own way. How about "unable to pay his bills all the time, but eventually does"?

Why would a guy like that take her to the ER at the first sign of a bad "cold" fully intending to stiff the hospital/taxpayers? He had no idea what she had.

This is the same guy who was warned by the Dept of Health and Human Services/Child Protective Services that him setting his thermostat at 62 degrees (balmy as compared to the temps in the depths of a Nebraska winter) was borderline child abuse. He and her dressed warmly and weren't uncomfortable. He just knew high gas bills would be paid at the expense of groceries and other necessities. To appease the people who have always questioned his ability to be a good parent since his accident, he did accept a couple of extra space heaters I had "laying around" and was going to "throw out or give to Goodwill".

As for the ER room bill....they wrote it off as a part of their community assistance program he only accepted when they agreed to accept $20 monthly payments until her ER and subsequent hospitialization bill is paid off.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by JMak »

Wolfman wrote:Question: What is the US going to do when no one will lend us money to pay for all this ? Print more money ? I wonder whose picture they would put on the $1 million note ? Ah--more taxes of course. Here comes the VAT. Joe Biden is correct in his own stupid way--it is a big fucking deal !
Wolfie, who you channeling here? I read the same exact thing at National Review Online today...
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by JMak »

H4ever wrote:This is the same guy who was warned by the Dept of Health and Human Services/Child Protective Services that him setting his thermostat at 62 degrees (balmy as compared to the temps in the depths of a Nebraska winter) was borderline child abuse. He and her dressed warmly and weren't uncomfortable. He just knew high gas bills would be paid at the expense of groceries and other necessities. To appease the people who have always questioned his ability to be a good parent since his accident, he did accept a couple of extra space heaters I had "laying around" and was going to "throw out or give to Goodwill".
And here's the problem with Obama-style Progressive government...nanny state. People like BSmack love to tell you how to live. They just lover ever-more-expensive health systems despite that, for example, in France it cannot cope with a simply heat wave and 15,000 die over three weeks. So people like Mikey, BSmack, et al will tell you how to live...of course, it's always more expensive to live that way but it justifies putting you on the dole and making me and actual working people pay for it.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Dr_Phibes »

JMak wrote: it's always more expensive to live that way but it justifies putting you on the dole and making me and actual working people pay for it.
This why the republicans fuck everything up - stay away from the morality of it and stick to the mechanics, you're just winding people up. The more that comes out about this bill, the more abysmal it seems. It's just an rushed, thoughtless experiment that's been thrown out there, there's no solid groundwork at all :shock:
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by trev »

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by BSmack »

JMak wrote:And here's the problem with Obama-style Progressive government...nanny state. People like BSmack love to tell you how to live. They just lover ever-more-expensive health systems despite that, for example, in France it cannot cope with a simply heat wave and 15,000 die over three weeks. So people like Mikey, BSmack, et al will tell you how to live...of course, it's always more expensive to live that way but it justifies putting you on the dole and making me and actual working people pay for it.
A Republican bagging on another country for its disastrous handling of a natural disaster?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have another cup of STFU dumbass.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Mikey »

trev wrote:Image
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote:Every family has at least one person who needs a little bit more help than others.
That's not a little more help that's a fucking train wreck.

BTW- That's not even help you're giving her, it's called enabling. Grow a fucking brain.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Mikey »

JMak wrote:
H4ever wrote:This is the same guy who was warned by the Dept of Health and Human Services/Child Protective Services that him setting his thermostat at 62 degrees (balmy as compared to the temps in the depths of a Nebraska winter) was borderline child abuse. He and her dressed warmly and weren't uncomfortable. He just knew high gas bills would be paid at the expense of groceries and other necessities. To appease the people who have always questioned his ability to be a good parent since his accident, he did accept a couple of extra space heaters I had "laying around" and was going to "throw out or give to Goodwill".
And here's the problem with Obama-style Progressive government...nanny state. People like BSmack love to tell you how to live. They just lover ever-more-expensive health systems despite that, for example, in France it cannot cope with a simply heat wave and 15,000 die over three weeks. So people like Mikey, BSmack, et al will tell you how to live...of course, it's always more expensive to live that way but it justifies putting you on the dole and making me and actual working people pay for it.
Go fuck yourself bitch. I never told anybody how to live, until now. You'd be much better off fellating a 12 gage. Try it.

And what do you know about "actual working people"? You've been sucking off the government teat your whole adult life. Have you ever "actually" done anything productive?
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Diego in Seattle »

JMak wrote:
H4ever wrote:This is the same guy who was warned by the Dept of Health and Human Services/Child Protective Services that him setting his thermostat at 62 degrees (balmy as compared to the temps in the depths of a Nebraska winter) was borderline child abuse. He and her dressed warmly and weren't uncomfortable. He just knew high gas bills would be paid at the expense of groceries and other necessities. To appease the people who have always questioned his ability to be a good parent since his accident, he did accept a couple of extra space heaters I had "laying around" and was going to "throw out or give to Goodwill".
And here's the problem with Obama-style Progressive government...nanny state. People like BSmack love to tell you how to live.
We're sure glad that conservatives don't tell people how to live.

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by indyfrisco »

H4ever wrote:He's not bad with his money, he has just had shitty luck all the way around.
Why again did he have a prior bankruptcy? More "bad luck"? So the dude has had bad luck his whole life? None of his situation is his responsibility? Just bad luck, huh? :meds:
I agree that this legislation isn't the proper way to fix shit like this but just consider it fallout from the suffering of WORKING Americans who get 78% increases in premiums since 2001 with reduced benefits, higher co-pays and deductibles and the Insurance industries enjoy record profits as a result of this.
Wow, imagine that. Health care that requires you to be more responsible. My deductible was $500 5 years ago. It is $3000 now. It's a bitch, but it makes me think twice when my kid has a runny nose. Not that I would ever take my kid in for a runy nose, but many parents do. It is amazing at how many times kids go to the doctor for a slight cough or cold and are told to give the kid Mucinex or Dimetapp or some other standard medicine. Yet, the insurance companies, years ago, are paying $70 for the doctor visit on a little cough.

Personally, I think insurance companies suck donkey balls. My company is self-insured. I blame my own company when our insurance costs go up because we make our own rules. And like I said, the deductibles are sky fucking high compared to what they used to be. I heard the phrase we no longer have a Health Plan. We have a Catastrophic Plan. I mean, I gotta be out $3000 of my own money before I ever see a dime from the insurance company. Last year was a good year of health. I only had about $1100 in medical bills for my entire family. My insurance never provided a dime. You know what? That's a good thng. I'd much rather pay all that myself and be in good health than reach that $3000 deductible because if that is the case, something went wrong (aside from having a baby, of course).

Now, this year, I reached that 3k mark in February with cracking my skull on ice and 3 rounds of back injections. Just glad it all happened to me and not my wife or kids. Even though my insurance company is footing 80% of the bill from here on out, I'm still going to be prudent when deciding to go to the doctor. My out of pocket max got bumped to $6600...
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by War Wagon »

Diego in Seattle wrote: We're sure glad that conservatives don't tell people how to live.

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by indyfrisco »

H4ever wrote: DId you read where I wrote he refuses money, is embarrassed about his finances, and treated her with OTC meds until she was obviously succumbing to her illness?
So he won't take money from his family, but is willing to take it from perfect strangers (taxpayers)?
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by mvscal »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by poptart »

trev wrote:Image

Nice, trev.

Conversely, we would be of the understanding that lefties are turned on by the size of Barry's package.

Not that it comes as any surprise.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

88 wrote:(yes, I know, why does she have a cell phone with a texting plan when she doesn't have a job and auto/health/life insurance?).
Just a stab in the dark and I could very easily be wrong, but it could be a pay-as-you-go plan. And it could be her only telephone if she doesn't have a landline. You can get service on some of the pay-as-you-go plans for as little as $10 at a time. It'll cost you a helluva lot more than that for auto/health/life insurance (or at least auto and health insurance, some term life policies are relatively inexpensive as well). Just saying.

Btw, condolences to Dins on his loss. I lost my dad nearly nine years ago, but at times it still feels like yesterday.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Goober McTuber »

For all of you knee-jerk right wingers who always like to label me as a liberal, I think 88 is absolutely spot on in this thread.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by BSmack »

88 wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
88 wrote:(yes, I know, why does she have a cell phone with a texting plan when she doesn't have a job and auto/health/life insurance?).
Just a stab in the dark and I could very easily be wrong, but it could be a pay-as-you-go plan. And it could be her only telephone if she doesn't have a landline. You can get service on some of the pay-as-you-go plans for as little as $10 at a time.
She and both of her kids have cell phones with texting plans. My mother pays the monthly freight. When my sister gets pissed because mom doesn't give her the money she demands, she frequently prevents my mother from seeing her kids. So the only way she can communicate with them is via cell phone/texting. Sickening, isn't it?
Are you not at least exploring options to have her declared incompetent? Sounds like the kids should be put in the care of a responsible relative and she should be left to fend for herself. Of course by now, her kids are probably just like her.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by TenTallBen »

I almost wish that I had been raised in an environment where I could even understand where you lowlifes are coming from.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Dinsdale »

88 wrote:I would be in favor of subsidized primary health care provided by my state government. It would unclog the emergency rooms and dish out enough preventative care to avoid many of the expensive admissions that flow from delayed treatment. And I probably would not oppose a state mandate that everyone purchase catastrophic health care insurance that covers the cost of medical risks above that which is provided by the state's socialized primary health care system.

And this is not form over substance. If the states are in charge of these programs, we'd have 50 plans that, over time, would demonstrate what works and what does not. States that created successful programs would be emulated and states that had miserable programs would be pressured to change. And if they didn't change, the people would have the option to pack up their shit and move to a state that had a better program. With a federal system, you have no options. If it sucks (and it will on a massive scale), you are stuck with it unless you want to leave the country. Surely you can understand this.

We've had socialized medicine in Oregon for a long time now. And you wanna see racism in action? I've had friends who were down on their luck at the time they had health care, and the Health and Human "Services" workers have actually laughed at them, telling them that the program "isn't intended for white males."

Yup, work your whole life and pay taxes in Oregon, they laugh at you -- sneak across the border illegally, and they roll out the red carpet at the ER.

But I supposed that if every state had a health plan, Oregon wouldn't be such a go-to place for illegals (who wouldn't be nearly the problem if we had a sales tax, but Oregon has the most fucked up revenue structure imaginable).
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Derron »

Dinsdale wrote:

Hell, I'm pretty much poor. I don't have insurance at present. I've been predominately poor my whole life. Never had a whole lot, but always appreciated what I had. Maybe that has something to do with why I never turn my back on those in need... NEVER. If I have two winter coats, you get one of them if you're cold. If I have a burrito and you're starving... you now have half a burrito. If you need a few bucks to cover your rent/mortgage, I'll cover it if I can, just pay me back when you can.

It must be nice to be (some) of you guys -- absolve yourselves of basic obligations to society, and insist that Big Brother does it for you. I almost wish that I had been raised in an environment where I could even understand where you lowlifes are coming from. But my parents (one of which I lost last week) raised me to NOT be a fucking asshole owes me something."

In short... Fuck you, you theiving fucking assholes. Grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for your Fellow Man.

Dins gets it.

I was raised by Depression era parents who were older when I was born. Raised poor, but learned at a very early age that if I had a roof over my head and some bread on the table, I had everything I needed, and to keep my mouth shut except to say a prayer thanking the Man for the bounty I did have.

Like Dins, I don't have any health insurance now and probably never will again despite what the Chimp for Change and his band of banana peelers say. But I will get by...

Not working a regular yob or business right now, but cobbling together a few things that keep a few bucks coming in to help out the wifes salary.

But there are people that are worse off than me, a lot worse. I coughed up $ 5 for a raffle ticket for a benefit auction the other, because it was just he right thing to do. One of my long time friends came out last week and is helping me sell my construction equipment, moving it to his lot in town, doing some repairs on it..because he said it is the right thing to do, and he knows I would do the same for him if the tables were turned..and he is right.

There is a ministry that gets people together and collectively helps them pay their medical expenses. And it is huge...everyone sends what they can to those in need, and if you have a need you become part of the giving chain. Novel idea.

Sorry to hear of your loss Dins..it has been 17 years and 14 years since I lost my parents..still tears me up.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Derron wrote:I coughed up $ 5 for a raffle ticket...

Typical welfare bum/unemployed parasite on society.
Spends his money on lottery tickets.

Hey, La'Derron-eequa, pick me up a pack of Kools and some malt liquor, my man.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by TenTallBen »

Derron wrote:I coughed up $ 5 for a raffle ticket for a benefit auction
Martyred wrote:Spends his money on lottery tickets.

Not the same thing, dumbfuck. On occasion, when someone from around these parts gets in a bind, people will get together and raffle off items donated from local business and households. These raffles are usually held for someone that has incurred large amounts of unexpected medical expenses or had their house burned down or something similar. It's just a way to encourage people to donate.

Southerner #1 - "Hey did you hear Billy Ed got hit by a bus last week?"

Southerner #2 - "Naw."

Southerner #1 - "Here. Buy a raffle ticket and you could win a new shotgun."

Southerner #2 - "Hell yeah!"
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Screw_Michigan »

JSC, what's a minuscule issue like chain of command to supersede scoring lame political points?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by JMak »

Not sure what JSC intended there with the RomneyCare reference...I don't lknow of many Republicans who embraced that type of reform and no major Republican was referring to it during the Obamacare Express...so wtf?

That MA plan is a failure. Yet, we just saw it imposed on a national level...
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Goober McTuber »

Yeah, we heard you the first time, you fucking idiot.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Derron »

Martyred wrote:
Derron wrote:I coughed up $ 5 for a raffle ticket...

Typical welfare bum/unemployed parasite on society.
Spends his money on lottery tickets.

Hey, La'Derron-eequa, pick me up a pack of Kools and some malt liquor, my man.
Go fuck yourself you Canadian cocksucker....comeback when you can comprehend a sentence...United States politics up in your dome much ??
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
Eternal Scobode
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Python »

Derron wrote: One of my long time friends came out last week.

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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Screw_Michigan »

kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Mikey »

Not sure what JMak intended there, but he sure reinforced the common impression that he's a complete and utter moron.
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Tom In VA
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Tom In VA »

Can you leymen help a layman out, what is "CC jurisprudence" ?

Specifically the CC, I'm guessing one of the C's is CONSTITUTIONAL.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Tom In VA
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Re: Tea Baggers and Glenn Beck et al

Post by Tom In VA »

Commerce Clause the missing link, thanks 88.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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