Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:
This kind of property confiscation by the state should result in somebody being stood against a wall and shot
i am for reasonable zoning restrictions.
I see so if YOU don't like the restriction someone should be shot but you are for reasonable restrictions. Why do you have democracy?
you just aren't all that quick, are ya?
as for why i have democracy? dunno. guess i was just born into it.
see if you can follow along here.
going into an existing bidness and telling the owner they must stop a lawful activity, due to an alleged health concern, effectively putting him out of bidness is plain fukking wrong. it is in effect, taking his property. in the old days, we used to call it stealing.
plopping a pig farm down in a nice residential neighborhood will ruin the value of neighboring properties. this too is stealing.
plopping a nice house down next to an existing pig farm, then demanding that mr pig farmer shut it down is another example of somebody taking somebody else's shit aka.....STEALING!!!!!!!
It is wrong when done by anyone, but, the absolute worst case of stealing is when it is carried out by the gubmint, because, well, unlike most anything else they do, they do it well. I'd rather have some hooded thug sneak into my house and take my shit then some fukk in a suit from some damn gubmint agency.