In that I knew you'd know what I meant with those banal phrases. "Ultimate Knowledge", as opposed to the basic knowledge gleaned from watching Ice Truckers on the History Channel, for instance. "Earth-bound man", which is what we are, as opposed to men who are supposedly floating ecstatically in the sky or writhing in agony Below.mvscal wrote:In what context?Van wrote:Just using easy-to-understand phrasing.
Throwaway terms, yes, but you understand their meaning.
Pure arrogant bullshit. Anymore than pop cannot prove that God exists, you cannot prove that God does not exist. Simply having no proof of his existence is not proof that he doesn't exist. As we've been led to believe, if there is such a thing as God, He exists in a manner beyond our comprehension, much less our ability to scientifically measure and quantify Him.Nonsense. There is nothing beyond reason. There cannot be anything beyond reason. Your statement is a sophomoric cop out which applies equally to all works of fiction.Man's ability to reason has its limits, and the issue of knowing to a certainty the answer to the question of divinity is well beyond those limits.
How can our limited science disprove the spiritual realm? It can't even give college football a true national champion or the NFL a halfway decent overtime. Science hasn't yet figured out how to make an aardvark from scratch. It sure as hell has no ability to tackle questions of eternal existence.
Mythological Bestiality Porn?How can you know that Zeus didn't turn himself into a white bull so he could rape Europa and then set her up as queen of Crete?

I'm not sure that I can know such a thing, but I do at least know the form in which they supposedly take shape. Neither you nor I have any clue as to what form God would take, or even where he would exist.How can you know that vampires and werewolves do not walk the earth?
Because the actual participants have admitted as such, and we have incontrovertible evidence on film.How can you know that professional wrestling is fake?
Religions attempt to convince their followers that they do know, despite the fact that they can't know. That's the first trick of atheists too.The first trick of religion is to convince you that you can't really know anything. Everything else flows from that.