88 Went To Mass Today

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Van »

PSUFAN wrote:God = bitch
Jon is God? Fuck THAT! I'll eat Anton LaVey's ass before I worship Kirk Ferentz.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Van »

War Wagon wrote:
See, Wags, if God would get off his prima donna ass and give me faith, I'd know exactly what to do with it, and I'd be very happy to do it.
You don't know that, now do you?
I don't know what He'd do, but I know what I'd do. I'm allowed to know Me, aren't I?
That's a preposterous and presumptious suggestion.
What's the world coming to when a dude can't even make presumptions about himself....
But just for the sake of God loves you and so do I....

what would you DO with faith, Van?
Which faith?
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by PSUFAN »

trev, as for the thread initiator - there are few in the SC world historically who surpasss 88 in the area of just kicking back and telling it how he sees it in compelling fashion.

Where smacking religion is concerned, nothing makes for good smack fodder like something that will burn someone's ass a little bit. And Wags...he's just a human ass chimney.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by trev »

No doubt about 88.

I'm just adding my .02.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by War Wagon »

PSUFAN wrote:And Wags...he's just a human ass chimney.
You never fail to irritate, public servant of an assboil that can't be lacerated.

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by War Wagon »

Van wrote:
War Wagon wrote:.
what would you DO with faith, Van?
Which faith?
Faith in the God of your understanding, dummy... don't evade the question.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Mace »

KC Scott wrote:Then He started talking about the Raiders.
Seems only natural to bring up the Raiders when discussing folks headed for hell.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

We had a discussion once where I espoused that all Christians feel superior to "non-Believers"
Tart said this wasn't so.
I asked him - where he thought he was going when he died
"To heaven" he said
And as an Athiest where I was headed when I die.
"Straight to hell" was his reply -

And then I asked 'Well you say you're going to Heaven and beacuse I don't believe as you do, I'm going to Hell - How the fuck does that NOT make you feel superior?"

I don't think it went quite like that.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:
poptart wrote:Those muslims exploding themselves are doing so because they believe something.
Good job kicking your own ass.
You somehow fail to understand the fundamental difference between the two situations.

It's not difficult.

The 12 apostles, in your theory, off'd themselves (individually) for something which they KNEW TO BE FALSE.

Does any person do that?

Let alone 12 folks, individually - for the same bogus cause?

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

I don't think they were in His flock.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Those people didn't know they were going to die though, did they. I thought they were poisoned :?:
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Dr_Phibes »

They knew. 918 people willingly drank cyanide.
I don't think anyone can say that, you read the accounts of the event and it just turned into chaos when people saw what was happening, I don't think anyone really knew what they were doing (other than a few) or what was going to happen.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by M Club »

poptart wrote: You somehow fail to understand the fundamental difference between the two situations.

It's not difficult.

The 12 apostles, in your theory, off'd themselves (individually) for something which they KNEW TO BE FALSE.

Does any person do that?

Let alone 12 folks, individually - for the same bogus cause?

19 > 12

islam win.

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

No, it wasn't. And you know that too.

I have no clue why logical thinking people would follow someone like Jones. It's just part and parcel of the human psyche to NEED someone to follow.

Van, et al,

Why do you not ask yourselves the very scientific and logical questions that C.S. Lewis did?

The very limited population of former Jim Rome boards guys of COURSE do not have the answers. And you know that.

Attack the history and facts. Not us, that have the faith. But that is easier, isn't it?

And it always has been. Think back to 80 AD. Would you rather be in the crowd cheering the lions , or in the arena, watching the lions come out to kill you for your faith?

Van, you obviously have issues, as do we all. Why attack Christians?

MUCH evil throughout history has been done in the name of Jesus. No one disagrees. You seem to want to think there can be no Messiah, no hope, no faith. That's a lot of "no's". Where are your "yes's"? When it comes to other things than earthly things? So you have no spiritual side to you at all?
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

What are the odds that #220,167,185 of Jews that were killed by the the Germans in 1944 knew what was happening to them?
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Sorry, 22, not 220.

Anyway, the same thing about one after the other after the other after the other,...........jews killed by Germans in 1939 - 1945.

88, you are better and smarter than this.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

88 wrote:Why not? I thought he loved everyone. Especially the poor.
Fair questions to ask.
I'm not inclined to go into theological discussion in this forum.

You can visit the Theology Forum if you really are interested in hearing my take on those questions.

I'm more than happy to have discussion.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

So, since Carl Sagan didn't believe in God, you don't have to either?

What does it matter?

Religion is man's search for God. Christianity is God's search for man.

The first words spoken by God to man:" Where are you?"

The fall, beginning of sin, is the reason for our......humanity. I have NOOOOOOO idea why God let it happen.

All about choice.

CHoose to be an evil hateful murderous piece of filth! Go for it.

Choose to suffer, live your life for others( like Einstein said), that's the other choice.

Why the mystery?
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

Shrubber wrote:The first words spoken by God to man:" Where are you?"
ummm ...

I think He said something about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor first.

Forget it, he's rolling.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Oh, and whoever asked "why not be Islamic?"

In the year 2010, a question.

Which seems to be the best way to believe?

A. Kidnapping someone, and then slowly slicing their head from them, causing the most brutal and painful death ever, thinking that Allah will give you virgins to have sex with in heaven. And all the people you kill, will be your slaves in Heaven. Allah LOVES that! More people you kill, the better off you are


B. Living your life for people other than yourself, giving rather than recieving, and when you die, you get eternal life. If someone hurts you, do NOT hurt them back. You have to let people kill you for what you believe, and God's Will will be done when you get there, and you live forever, and pure perfect peace.

Now, 88, van, et al.......

Which to you seems the better choice to believe in?
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by poptart »

The Christers have killed a lot of folks, too, Rog.

Thats the answer to that one.

Stay out of the quicksand.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by M Club »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote: Now, 88, van, et al.......

Which to you seems the better choice to believe in?
false dilemma, pill popper. it's not very surprising that the most adamant in their faith have the weakest grip on logic.
Moving Sale

Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Moving Sale »

Granted I only read 1/2 of this horridly ill-informed thread but if nobody has dropped the myth-bomb I'd like to do so now.

"Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble."
"God is a metaphor for that which trancends all levels of intellectual thought. It's as simple as that."
"I don't have to have faith, I have experience."
"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning."


I could go on but we'll start with those.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Van's answers are completely stupid and an attempt at comedy, because he had none. See below:

Reflect on the word "conscience". You had one when you were young, and still do. All humans do.

No, we don't.
Nick Saban

Where does it come from? If there is a choice to be "good" or "bad", why choose "good"? Why have all societies, and individuals, since civilization has been established chosen one or the other?

Right and Wrong, Good and Evil and the choices people typically made between them existed long before Christ.

Who decides what is is "evil".

Jim Delaney and CBS's contract with the Meatgrinder.

How did YOU decide?

If my cock says it's a go, it's a go.

How does society?

By turning on their TV and waiting to see what Oprah tells them to do.

Big question: Since Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Lincoln, C.S. Lewis, Constantine, Jefferson, , Moses, Mother Theresa, Thomas More...oh heck...name the former scholars and philosophers that have lived on the planet, said that there IS a God, and you say there is NOT one,............who are you to disagree?

There have been plenty of Big Name Atheists too, Rog. Also, what about all the Eastern scholars who aren't Christian? Most of them think you're an idiot for believing in what you do.

Thier equal? Really?

When it comes to matter of divinity, yes, I am their equal. I know every bit as much about it as they ever did, which is precisely fuckall.

I questioned. I found answers.

You found the easy answers you wanted to find. Had you been Roger the Mongol you would've 'found' a different set of answers, and you would've believed in them every bit as fervently while being every bit as clueless as to their veracity.

You believe because you want to believe, and this is what you've been led to believe.

And like the above, they and I didn't need "the existence of irrefutable empirical evidence. Or at least some empirical evidence." Even though history gives us that.

No, it doesn't.

Faith and Intelligence.

Lacking any of the latter, you put all your eggs in the basket of the former.

When Van has no answers, he goes to 'smack/comedy' card. He never answered any question because he could not.

Be smarter than that.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion.

Why would you put your faith and soul, your complete reasoning on what he said??????????

Jesus walked on the earth, died for you, and for all of us.........but you would rather put your complete arguments/intellect on Campbell?????


If life is without meaning.................where do you find hope?

Hope is a big word, as is grace, and both need more contemplation than Campbell, who apparently learned nothing from his Hindu and and Indian education.

Hope is the best of things. If nothing happens after we die, other than criminal reprisals, whu not kill every one you don't like or disagree with?

The IS a universal truth. And Christ is it.
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Moving Sale

Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Moving Sale »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Why would you put your faith and soul, your complete reasoning on what he said??????????
Jesus walked on the earth, died for you, and for all of us.........but you would rather put your complete arguments/intellect on Campbell?????
Care to ask a question that doesn't assume facts not in evidence?

That's lawyerspeak for- you're a fucking tard.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

M Club wrote:
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote: Now, 88, van, et al.......

Which to you seems the better choice to believe in?
false dilemma, pill popper. it's not very surprising that the most adamant in their faith have the weakest grip on logic.
False accusation accusing tard. I haven't taken a pain pill since 03. But, truth doesn't matter to the moronic, apparently.

And it is the MOST that have the greatest faith that have greatest grip on reality, logic, and truth.

Unlike you.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Moving Sale wrote:
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Why would you put your faith and soul, your complete reasoning on what he said??????????
Jesus walked on the earth, died for you, and for all of us.........but you would rather put your complete arguments/intellect on Campbell?????
Care to ask a question that doesn't assume facts not in evidence?

That's lawyerspeak for- you're a fucking tard.
Are you stating that Jesus of Nazareth never existed? Or that He wasn't crucified? Or that because of His resurrection, that your sins are forgiven if you beleive in Him?

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

poptart wrote:The Christers have killed a lot of folks, too, Rog.

Thats the answer to that one.

Stay out of the quicksand.
Sure they have, in His name, falsely, throughout history.'

Thus the "2010" part.
What were we just talking about?
Moving Sale

Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Moving Sale »

Nice edit fuckhole.

As to you're added questions.
"If life is without meaning.................where do you find hope?"
You bring the meaning to it. You can read? You're meaning is being a stupid pile of cumdust.

"If nothing happens after we die, other than criminal reprisals, whu not kill every one you don't like or disagree with?"
Criminal reprisals happen after we die? You're are an idiot. If you would like to retype it in English I will try and answer it for you.
Moving Sale

Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Moving Sale »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Are you stating that Jesus of Nazareth never existed? Or that He wasn't crucified? Or that because of His resurrection, that your sins are forgiven if you beleive in Him?

Good Gawd man it was four lines of text. Read the shit before you go off all quartercocked and shit.

"But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble."

Try reading then thinking before you retort. I know that reading and thinking are hard for you but please try.

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Sorry, You knew my point. If there is nothing other than criminal reprisals while we are alive, why not kill everyone you dislike or disagree with? If there is nothing after death? Is life without meaning?

Where do you find hope?

You answered: "You bring the meaning to it. You can read? You're meaning is being a stupid pile of cumdust. "

Well said!

I ask a serious question, you mention "cum dust". Don't know what that is.

Add yourself to the list of unintelligent morons that inhabit this board. And world.

PS - He died for you too. Whether you, or I, like it or not. Earn it.

I try to.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by OCmike »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Kidnapping someone, and then slowly slicing their head from them, causing the most brutal and painful death ever...
They don't behead victims anymore, Rog. They've upped the ante.


In the desert, no one can hear you scream.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Van »

Mace wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Then He started talking about the Raiders.
Seems only natural to bring up the Raiders when discussing folks headed for hell.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Van »

poptart wrote:
mvscal wrote:
poptart wrote:Those muslims exploding themselves are doing so because they believe something.
Good job kicking your own ass.
You somehow fail to understand the fundamental difference between the two situations.

It's not difficult.

The 12 apostles, in your theory, off'd themselves (individually) for something which they KNEW TO BE FALSE.

Does any person do that?

Let alone 12 folks, individually - for the same bogus cause?

No, they off'd themselves for something they BELIEVED to be true; same as any other religious fanatic. That is, assuming it all happened the way you believe it did.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Van »

Rog, you've actually gotten worse over the years. You were scary-bad before, to the point that you were already cringe-worthy, but now you've become a full-on parody. You're like a bad SNL skit with these juvenile arguments.

pop has nothing, but you still need to let him handle your case. He can at least do so without sounding like a simple-minded child. You're an embarrassment to your own cause. If anyone was sitting on the fence about these questions, just five minutes of hearing you speak would send them screaming headlong into atheism. People like you are the death of Christian recruiting.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

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Moving Sale

Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:pop has nothing...
After reading a few of your posts in this thread I can assure you that he has company.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by mvscal »

poptart wrote:The 12 apostles, in your theory, off'd themselves (individually) for something which they KNEW TO BE FALSE.

Does any person do that?
Well no sane person perhaps. Cultists, on the other hand, have a bottomless capacity for self-deception.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by mvscal »

Moving Sale wrote:Granted I only read 1/2 of this horridly ill-informed thread but if nobody has dropped the myth-bomb I'd like to do so now.
Yeah back on page two, little fella. "Good job", sport.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: 88 Went To Mass Today

Post by M Club »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote: False accusation accusing tard. I haven't taken a pain pill since 03. But, truth doesn't matter to the moronic, apparently.

And it is the MOST that have the greatest faith that have greatest grip on reality, logic, and truth.

Unlike you.
truth matters. your lonely existence doesn't.

if you had even a marginal grip on logic you'd be able to base your arguments on something other than "uh, there's this bible thing." even were it a given that our conception of good vs. evil comes from god it still says nothing about jesus. logic, retard.

speaking of your ace in the hole:
Where does it come from? If there is a choice to be "good" or "bad", why choose "good"? Why have all societies, and individuals, since civilization has been established chosen one or the other?
here's an idea, junkie: there were these people who existed long before the old testament god did, or at least existed before the old testament god sat around creating the "first" humans. considering abstract thought and the ability to communicate something other than "i'm over here" are two of our advantages in nature, i'm going to go with trial and error as the more plausible explanation of how human morals evolved. it probably took all of two generations for people to figure out community was beneficial to existence and another three weeks to fully understand you can't kill people you [1] miss three days later and [2] depend on for your own survival.
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