88 wrote:poptart wrote:The 12 apostles, if Jesus didn't rise, KNEW he didn't rise, and they went to their deaths in support of what they KNEW to be a fraud.
I'm trying to understand your reasoning, pop.
Just for shits and giggles, assume that Jesus didn't rise. Assume that someone (or more likely some ones) moved the rock sealing his tomb sometime in the night after he was entombed and hauled his body away (maybe to defile it or to honor it - the motive for moving the body isn't particularly important to the question I am going to ask). If the apostles didn't participate in the body snatching and no one would own up to it, what would makle the apostles KNOW that Jesus didn't rise? I submit that it is entirely possible that in that circumstance, the 12 apostles could have concluded, accepted and/or believed 100% based on faith that Jesus did in fact rise, and therefore went to their deaths believing in something that was false? And that the 12 apostles cannot therefore be differentiated from the Heaven's Gate crowd and muslim suicide bombers.
I'll boil it down for you: How can anyone honestly and fairly reach any conclusions about the apostles' knowledge regarding the supposed resurrection of Jesus when no one knows shit about what the apostles knew about it?
I have no clue about what you know about The Bible in general. or whether or not you consider everything total crap.
But do you not know about all the Old testament stuff that talks about a Jewish messiah, that will be accused by the leaders during his time, being crucified on a cross, betrayed by a freind, etc.........?
Jesus TOLD them what was going to happen, as did Isaiah, Ezekiel, heck, get a Bible with a concordance, and look it up.
My favorite song from The Messiah, is called "I KnowThat My Reedemer Liveth". It's a soprano ariah. The words come from, of all Old Testament books.....Job. I have no clue if you know about Job. In a nutshell, he was a great worshipper of God, obeyed, etc. But Satan talked with God and said,"Take away your protection from him, let me take all away, and he will curse Your name". So.. God let it happen. NOT fair, I agree, but after everything was gone, and Job was sitting on top of pile of garbage, that used to be his riches, he told his friends this: "I know that my Redeemer lives, and on the last day, I will see him stand, in my own flesh, upon the Earth. " But Job still asked God..."WHY!!!!". God answered..........
"Where were you, when I made the Earth, the Moon,,,,,,etc...." It goes on for quite a while, to put Job in his place for asking "Why?"
Job finally said, as have I, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord".
It's REEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY hard to get that lesson, and to that point. But I have learned a few things in my life, two of which are: A. There is a God. and B. I am not Him.
Powerful stuff. I have had much of my life taken away, but like Job, I say this ...
When I die, it may be easy or horrific, but I will die knowing, not thinking, KNOWING, that My Redeemer lives, and He died for me, and that I will live forever, in a place where His will is done, not mine.