Book- "Fading Echos"

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Book- "Fading Echos"

Post by jiminphilly »

Just finished this:


Full disclosure- I went to college with the author and I consider him a good friend. He's currently a sports writer for one of the Philly suburban newspapers.

The story follows 2 high school football players from their time at rival high schools in the Philly suburbs through their college and military schooling to their time on the battlefield in Iraq. I could go into more detail (and I will if asked) but I suggest you read the reviews on Amazon which I think are a fair assessment of the book. Mike's background as a sportswriter is evident with the portions of the book that deal with the high school football careers of the 2 men. I also think he does a fair job of describing some of the military planning and missions that some of us non-military can better understand.
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Re: Book- "Fading Echos"

Post by jiminphilly »

Shameless bump- Just received word that Mike is leaving his post at Calkins Media to join the WSJ to cover the Mets. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
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Re: Book- "Fading Echos"

Post by PSUFAN »

Looks interesting - I'll give it a go at some point.
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