Jsc810 wrote:He climbed in a golf cart and rode off into the metaphorical sunset.
Odd -- I actually watched the tourney (unlike 99% of the newfound golf "experts"). I suppose if by "metaphorical sunset,"
the (uncredited) writer meant "rode off to the medical trailer with his right arm dangling at his side," then it's accurate.
Using an injury as an excuse? Ridiculous. Hey, remember that time 2 years ago when Tiger won the US Open on a broken fucking knee?
Dude obviously wasn't right this past weekend, and still managed to make the cut. But by the time he had played a few holes Sunday, he was spraying shots everywhere, and was rather obviously in physical distress.
But hack fucking sports writers don't get column space by saying nice things about Tiger these days, so they resort to wild speculation and outright falsehoods to try and get a little bit of Tiger's spotlight these days.
Frankly, he's got problems -- he swings the golf club way too freaking hard. While he's modified his game to mellow things out over the years, he's now reached the age where decades of badly abusing his body is catching up to him.
But since he's the greatest player of the generation, and possibly ever, and an absolutely freakish athlete too boot, he'll figure it out eventually. The timing of this latest injury couldn't have been any worse for his "image rebuilding" thingy he's got going right now -- and the hack that JSC quoted is a shining example of why.
Think otherwise? Get yourself a hip/neck/back/shoulder injury, then go see if you can walk 18. It's quite a testament to the player he is -- those types of injury, particularly when they're on the right side of the body, tend to make snap-hooking the ball nearly unavoidable.
Might take until next year, but TiGreat will be just fine. The big problem with his game is that he invariably comes back from his injuries way too soon.