It's all over but the crying

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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by trev »

Rog is smacking? Who stole his colostomy bag?
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

BSmack wrote: I just chalk it up to me being a better poster than you.
Nice white flag. Next.
Goober McTuber wrote:So you admit to a complete lack of intelligence.
So you admit you have no idea what sarcasm is and you would just rather act like a dumass, if it is acting. I actually already knew that but thanks for reiterating it.
Van wrote:Is it before or after they do the handshake line?
I don't give a fuck. He said she cried as she walked off the field. He added the handsake line later to show what a good sport she is not to help with chonology you ignorant pile of spittal.
What, did you think she walked off the field, only to return later for the handshake line?
Think you can just address the issue at hand? How is crying as you walk off the field a showing of good sportsmanship?
You're fucking horrible at this.

And yet I'm kicking your ass.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Neither doesn't apply here?
I can't see how one can be in the middle. If it's not bad it's good right? It's just being a sport considered being a good sport?
I know you don't know shit about women...
And how do you know that? Chicks cry. That's no reveleation. Doesn't excuse it.
War Wagon wrote:You turn an honest and innocent little post into some ridiculous courtroom drama.
Wah Wah Wah. What you doing to do about it? Cry somemore?
The other team were walking towards their dugout as she was headed toward hers. Clear enough?
Which makes her a bad sport. Clear enough?
You don't think they'd understand?
What was your first clue assfuck?
Not that you really needed to vet your imbecility any further, but this performance has cemented your reputation as being the lousiest piece of shit T1B has ever allowed to post.
If true it says more about this board than it does about me.
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:Not sure why you fuckers insist on feeding the troll.
Becasue they, like you, know that I'm right and it is fucking killing them. Hope that helps, you horrid human stack of STDs.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Goober McTuber »

Moving Sale wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:So you admit to a complete lack of intelligence.
So you admit you have no idea what sarcasm is
What I will admit to is assuming that you’re too fucking stupid to be able to employ sarcasm.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

TVO, crying while walking off the field following the handshakes is neither a good nor bad show of sportsmanship. One has nothing to do with the other. How the fuck are you not getting that? Are you trying to be obtuse?
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Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

War Wagon wrote: TVO and the ignore button are one and the same.
So you are a pussy AND a crybaby. How surprising.
Others can explain their motivation, but I expect it has something to do with batting practice.
And yet nobody has a hit yet. You guys suck.
War Wagon wrote: Maybe 3 of 10 make it that far.
Are you saying there is a 30% grad rate among college softball scholarship holders? Dude that is wack.
Of all the girls my daughter has played with and against over the years, maybe 1 in 100 have made it to where she did.
And where is that?
I have visions of her paying her own bills dancing in my head.
She's how old and you still pay her bills?
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Goober McTuber »

Moving Sale wrote:
Others can explain their motivation, but I expect it has something to do with batting practice.
And yet nobody has a hit yet. You guys suck.

l to r: T1B, Moving Sale
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Goober McTuber wrote: What I will admit to is assuming that you’re too fucking stupid to be able to employ sarcasm.
And you would be wrong... again. Don't worry I am used to it by now.

So it a neutral act? Has no bearing on anything? That is (finally) your stance? Then why was she crying? It couldn't have been to help make the other team feel better. It had to be about her right? That is shell fish. ( :D ) Good sports are not selfish they are magnanimous. Isn't 'grace in losing' a component of sportsmanship? How is crying your eyes out because you are sad that you lost (yes I know it was for the last time) graceful? Face it. She made a mistake. She got caught up in the moment and she cried (yes ucan't like a girl) but that don't make it right.

I wonder if she feels bad about it.
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Nice pic care to back it up with a fact or two? That's what I thought.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Dinsdale »

All of a sudden, Moving Stale has made the thread title extremely appropriate.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by BSmack »

Moving Sale wrote:So it a neutral act? Has no bearing on anything? That is (finally) your stance?
That is pretty much how we all feel about the subject. Only the mentally challenged midget in the thread is arguing otherwise.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Moving Sale wrote:If it's not bad it's good right?
Wrong. It's neither.
Moving Sale wrote:I can't see how one can be in the middle.
The crying had nothing to do with sportsmanship. Just because you defined as such, doesn't mean you were correct. This misinterpretation is why this thread went so wrong for you from the outset.
Moving Sale wrote:It's just being a sport considered being a good sport?.
Less gibberish and more cogency would serve you well, dumbfuck.
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:All of a sudden, Moving Stale has made the thread title extremely appropriate.
Another tard with an opinion and nothing to back it up. Go fuck a deckscrew.
BSmack wrote:That is pretty much how we all feel about the subject.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:The crying had nothing to do with sportsmanship.
I backed up my stance with a reason, you dolts care to do the same?
This misinterpretation is why this thread went so wrong for you from the outset.
This thread went swimmingly for me. Not sure why you think everybody else lying and dodging and acting all dumb and stuff was bad for me but then you have yet to explain why crying isn't bad sportsmanship so I won't be holding my breath.
Less gibberish and more cogency would serve you well, dumbfuck.
I know you are not very smart so I'll try again in 3rd grade language instead of adult speak.
If someone says to you 'hey sport' what does that mean? They are probably not saying anything bad about you right? Point is there is no neutral area here. A person is either being a good sport or they are not. Got it dumbass?
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

TVO, the display of good sportsmanship was in the shaking of the hands. That's the only component in the entire story that even speaks to the issue of sportsmanship. The crying afterwards as she left the field has nothing to do with sportsmanship, either good or bad. That's always been my contention - as it has been with everyone else here - and you've yet to offer a single shred of logical reasoning to the contrary.
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Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:TVO, the display of good sportsmanship was in the shaking of the hands.
A 'fact' conveniently added after you had already come to her defense. It may be true. It may not. Doesn't change the original story.
The crying afterwards as she left the field has nothing to do with sportsmanship, either good or bad. That's always been my contention
You've yet to offer a single shred of logical reasoning as to why.'ve yet to offer a single shred of logical reasoning to the contrary.
You can call it illogical if you want (you haven't yet as all you have done is ignore it) but I have given a reason. It's shell fish. Do I need to post it 20 times before you pull your head out of your misshapen ass and address it?
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Moving Sale wrote:I know you are not very smart so I'll try again in 3rd grade language instead of adult speak.
Are you saying you didn't already attempt 3rd grade English:
Moving Sale wrote:It's just being a sport considered being a good sport?
Flippin’ tard. :meds:


Let’s take a look at the original line that you responded to.
Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt.”
Not wailing. Not throwing herself down on the ground. Not a tantrum. She did not stop and have herself a cry. These would be examples of bad sportsmanship. Tears in her eyes? Not so much. Why do you hate Carl Spackler so much?
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by indyfrisco »

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Mace »

Only a complete fucking moron would decribe 'lil Wags as being "unsportsmanlike" for having tears in her eyes as she walked off the field. The teams don't leave the field until after they shake hands and, as WW said, she led the team through the handshaking ritual before leaving the field with tears in her eyes. Your nonsensical explanation of how her behavior was unsportsmanlike is, at best, fucking stupid....and no surprise to anyone.

Once again, RACK Wags and his daughter.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

TVO, I've also yet to provide an explanation for why chewing sunflower seeds during the game has nothing to do with sportsmanship. I've neglected to do so for the exact same reason that I haven't bothered to explain why crying upon leaving the field of one's final game has nothing to do with sportsmanship: It's self-evident.

Playing the game within the rules and shaking the hands of one's opponent in congratulations following a tough loss, those are examples of sportsmanship.

Crying while walking off the field afterwards is an example of emotion, with no unsportsmanlike implications. It doesn't affect the play on the field, nor does it attempt to diminish the efforts either of the other team or one's own teammates.

See, those would be examples of poor sporstmanship. Merely feeling sad is not unsportsmanlike, so go ahead and present a reasonable, logic-based argument showing that it is. Remember, the other team doubtless celebrated their victory with some sort of visually apparent actions such as shouting with joy, raising their arms or hugging one another. Nobody's accusing them of poor sportsmanship, so how is the flipside of that any more connected to such a notion?

She shook their hands, and upon leaving the field she felt so sad that she began to cry on her own.

The ball is in your court.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Mace »

The ball is in your court.
Actually, Van, I think he has a pair of them in his mouth, not his court.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

Mace, you've coached eleventy billion kids over the years in a variety of sports and venues. In all that time did you, the other players or any parents ever accuse even a single kid of being a poor sport for crying following their final game of their season/career? Were any reprimands ever handed down? Were any protests ever filed by the opposing team's players, coaches or parents?

Did you ever make some sad shitheel run extra laps merely for being sad?

I'm sorry, but TVO really is being a filthy little cunt. Smack is one thing, but using someone's child as an opportunity to once again play Dirtbag Vulture is pathetic and despicable. If dude is that desperate for validation, he really needs to be destroyed.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Mace »

No, Van, I've never had a player accused of being unsportsmanlike for crying after a game. In fact, I've got team pictures taken after a couple of state championship games where most of the players have tears in their after we lost the game, one after winning a title. Emotion is part of the game if the kids care about the team/game. TVO just enjoys being a little bitch.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by War Wagon »

Moving Sale wrote: A 'fact' conveniently added after you had already come to her defense. It may be true. It may not. Doesn't change the original story.
The handshake line in youth/school sports is a given, it happens after every game I've ever watched. Game over, you line up, walk across the field, slap hands and mumble words to the effect of 'good game'.

Why would I feel a need to post that in the original story? Should I also have expressly written ..."and it's one, two, three strikes, yer out?"

Guess I should've... just for your benefit as you're going on strike 66 right now.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by War Wagon »

Van wrote:TVO, I've also yet to provide an explanation for why chewing sunflower seeds during the game has nothing to do with sportsmanship. I've neglected to do so for the exact same reason that I haven't bothered to explain why crying upon leaving the field of one's final game has nothing to do with sportsmanship: It's self-evident.
Excellent analogy and btw...

I'd never ate sunflower seeds before going to watch her games and that's the only time I would ever do it. Same with the wife, and then man, we would put away some frickin' seeds. Just out of sheer nervousness i guess or just a way to stay occupied while watching something we had absolutely no control over.

So among the many 'lasts' as it relates to softball, I probably won't be buying any bags of sunflower seeds in the near future.... until the grandkids come along that is. And save the lesbain jokes, she's said she wants to have 6 kids. I'll be buying seeds by the case.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I'll be buying seeds by the case.
Sounds like she and her life partner will have to do the same.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Mace »

War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote:TVO, I've also yet to provide an explanation for why chewing sunflower seeds during the game has nothing to do with sportsmanship. I've neglected to do so for the exact same reason that I haven't bothered to explain why crying upon leaving the field of one's final game has nothing to do with sportsmanship: It's self-evident.
Excellent analogy and btw...

I'd never ate sunflower seeds before going to watch her games and that's the only time I would ever do it. Same with the wife, and then man, we would put away some frickin' seeds. Just out of sheer nervousness i guess or just a way to stay occupied while watching something we had absolutely no control over.

So among the many 'lasts' as it relates to softball, I probably won't be buying any bags of sunflower seeds in the near future.... until the grandkids come along that is. And save the lesbain jokes, she's said she wants to have 6 kids. I'll be buying seeds by the case.
Sunflower seeds were never part of my game either....until the bastards outlawed chewing tobacco. Started with Red Man and Beechnut in college and then Skoal. Now it's David's sunflower seeds. Smokey Burgess is rolling over in his grave (if he's dead).
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by PSUFAN »

as far as I'm concerned this is my personal blog space.
for me this thread is personal.
You've really got a thing for softball in your family, Weltschmerz Wagon. Your daughter's career is at an end, but apparently you're just entering the prime of your career.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

He doesn't post here much anymore.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Dinsdale »


you guys are actually engaging in a "debate" about sportsmanship from a guy who has proclaimed "I HAVE BODE!!!!!" multiple times in this very thread?

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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

It'd be nice if they could kiss and make up.

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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by PSUFAN »

hilariously disgusting.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:So...

you guys are actually engaging in a "debate" about sportsmanship from a guy who has proclaimed "I HAVE BODE!!!!!" multiple times in this very thread?

It's not so much a debate as it is like a pregame game of pepper with TVO's dignity playing the part of the ball.
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Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote:TVO, I've also yet to provide an explanation for why chewing sunflower seeds during the game has nothing to do with sportsmanship. I've neglected to do so for the exact same reason that I haven't bothered to explain why crying upon leaving the field of one's final game has nothing to do with sportsmanship: It's self-evident.
Excellent analogy and btw...
If it is self-evident then why are you here? Just to waste my time? That is not very nice. :shock:
And if it is so self-evident why are you asking to bring an expert (Mace being an expert on anything worthwhile is a laugh all by itself) to the stand?
Van you remind me of one of those geetar players that can hit all the notes and still sound like a soul-less clown. You know where to put the comma's and like how to spel and junk but you have no idea how to use words. Forest trees and all that. It is a shit analogy. She cried because she lost the game without having the character to at least wait till she was off the field. That ain't grace under pressure. That is shell fish cunt. YOU might not think it shows bad sportsmanship but it is at least relevant to the issue at hand.
As far as me being "pathetic and despicable." Hyperbole much? Your butt buddy mvskkkal can make all manner of vile comments, people can make death threats and threats of bodily harm ('Sup R-Jackmeofflittlegirl?) but me noting that there is no crying in softball is p and d? forest trees comma's speling and junk right Van?

How old are the kids you are talking about? How many cry at the end of their career when they lose? How about when they win?
Additionally, What is their gender? And do some stop and have a cry? I'm asking 'cause ican'tthink wants to know.
Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:So...

you guys are actually engaging in a "debate" about sportsmanship from a guy who has proclaimed "I HAVE BODE!!!!!" multiple times in this very thread?

Lying sack of shit much you misshapen dimeslot?
BSmack wrote:It's not so much a debate as it is like a pregame game of pepper with TVO's dignity playing the part of the ball.
Et tu?
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

TVO, you're pathetic and despicable for a multitude of reasons, but the one in evidence here is the fact that your desire to play the vulture is so deeply ingrained that you even have to attack someone's daughter in your lame attempt to earn validation.

That isn't smack. It's just you being an attention-whoring dick.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

Nice white flag.

Did you quit because you are a coward like your nutsack donor mvskkkal? If so that is just sad.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

So in your world being called a pathetic, despicable vulture of an attention-whore is tantamount to receiving an offer of surrender?


God, I'd love to read a long debate between you and Roger_the_Empty IV Drip. It'd be like watching two blind retards having a paintball war in one of those jungle gyms filled with colorful balls.

Oh, and speaking of running up the white flag, it was pretty slick of you to completely ignore this...
Playing the game within the rules and shaking the hands of one's opponent in congratulations following a tough loss, those are examples of sportsmanship.

Crying while walking off the field afterwards is an example of emotion, with no unsportsmanlike implications. It doesn't affect the play on the field, nor does it attempt to diminish the efforts either of the other team or one's own teammates.

See, those would be examples of poor sporstmanship. Merely feeling sad is not unsportsmanlike, so go ahead and present a reasonable, logic-based argument showing that it is. Remember, the other team doubtless celebrated their victory with some sort of visually apparent actions such as shouting with joy, raising their arms or hugging one another. Nobody's accusing them of poor sportsmanship, so how is the flipside of that any more connected to such a notion?

She shook their hands, and upon leaving the field she felt so sad that she began to cry on her own.

The ball is in your court.
...while still somehow feeling the need to declare "BODE!!" for yourself.

For the record, though, I would have to take you over Roger-the-Drying Paint, if it ever came to it.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Van, why do you engage this vapid racist fuckchip in any kind of serious manner? White noise is all he is, and all he should be treated as.
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Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Van »

Because it's fun?

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Moving Sale

Re: It's all over but the crying

Post by Moving Sale »

"So in your world being called a pathetic, despicable vulture of an attention-whore is tantamount to receiving an offer of surrender?"
If it is not accompanied with argument to back up your stance then yes.

"Oh, and speaking of running up the white flag, it was pretty slick of you to completely ignore this..."
Hell you ignore shit I type ALL the time and it is not preceded by a surrender. I didn't ignore it. I read it. YOU said it was self-evident that I was wrong. Why should I talk to a wall? Why should I waste my time if it is self-evident? Are you now saying it is not self-evident and it is worth discussing? Mmmm okay.

"Playing the game within the rules and shaking the hands of one's opponent in congratulations following a tough loss, those are examples of sportsmanship."
True. So what?

"Crying while walking off the field afterwards is an example of emotion, with no unsportsmanlike implications. It doesn't affect the play on the field, nor does it attempt to diminish the efforts either of the other team or one's own teammates."
No it says look at me. I'm not getting enough attention, because losers don't get all the attention, so I'm going to cry.

"Merely feeling sad is not unsportsmanlike"
Too bad that she is not doing that. She isn't merely feeling sad, she is crying. Try using facts next time.

"Remember, the other team doubtless celebrated their victory with some sort of visually apparent actions such as shouting with joy, raising their arms or hugging one another."
Not if they want to be real sports and act like they have been there. This was her last game not theirs. Win a real championship THEN you can fistpump.

"Nobody's accusing them of poor sportsmanship, so how is the flipside of that any more connected to such a notion?"
Because good and bad sportsmanship are not a zero sum game. You need that explained to you I bet.
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