So whaddya think? Hoops? Softball? You know this dude coached a women's college team somewhere.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
So what are they fighting about now? Some more transubstantiation bullshit? Maybe the Anglicans want to limit the number of kids they can abuse and the Episcopalian's prefer Rome's no limit approach? Or maybe it is the old favorite of predestination versus free will?Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Well Van,
As a former Episcopalian, which you are not, and a current Anglican, which you are not, I think I know Juuuuust a bit more about this issue than you.
trev wrote:I would NOT hit it.
In Spong’s world, the findings of objective science continually chip away at our ‘pre-modern’ moral reference, the Bible. For instance, science supposedly has proven that we must change our beliefs about homosexuality:I am amazed that given the knowledge revolution of the last 600 years, anyone could still regard the Bible as the dictated word of God, inerrant and eternal.
Aint that cool!!!! So, if all people were gay, it's healthy and natural!!! Wonder what Darwin would say about that? Ironic, yes?Contemporary research has today uncovered new facts that are producing a rising conviction that homosexuality — is a healthy, natural and affirming form of human sexuality.
If you believe this, FINE!!! But a Christian Bishop????????Science, Spong believes, is a neutral sifter and accumulator of facts which produces conclusions based on observation and is untarnished by prejudice. Belief in a literal Bible is primitive and produces such ‘mistakes’ as beliefs in Christ’s bodily resurrection and virginal conception, and the idea that homosexual acts are sinful. But now, thanks to science, we have the facts. We know that Jesus neither rose from the grave nor was He born of a virgin, and that homosexual acts are just as valid as heterosexual acts.
Van wrote:
PuhRAISE JESUS-UH!! And get ON with that crazy, mad fingerbangin'!! ~sniff, sniff~
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
So it's because they are appointing gay bishops who don't think gays should go to hell. Thanks. That helped a lot.Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:That help?
You're more likely to find a heterosexual priest in a Catholic church than an open Bible.Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:...un-biblical, but down right pagan.
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
I'm guessing basketball manager so she could hand out towels to the players when they walked out of the shower.Van wrote:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100516/ap_ ... al_bishops
So whaddya think? Hoops? Softball? You know this dude coached a women's college team somewhere.