No go. Apparently the word does not exist in hyphenated form. Knowing that she was going to be using it in a decidedly unusual manner, I thought I'd check some other, more general references.
I punch 'gift giver' into Google, and what should pop up but this... ... 91&o=10616
Fairly innoucuous shit...except for that thing at the top.
Bug Chasers & Gift Givers at Bug Parties
Is it possible that there are HIV positive gay men who deliberately transmit the virus, sometimes to those willing to contract it? Learn all about a gift givers, bug chasers and bug parties. ... What is a "gift giver?"; A gift giver is an HIV positive gay man who deliberately transmits the virus, often times to bug chasers...
Whoa. Wtf?
Okay, what the hell. I gotta see this. I click on the link...

Bug Chaser & Gift Giver Parties
Deliberately Transmitting HIV
By Ramon Johnson, Guide
What is a "bug chaser?"
A bug chaser is a gay man who deliberately attempts to contract HIV by having unprotected sex with a man or group of men who are known to have the virus.
What is a "gift giver?"
A gift giver is an HIV positive gay man who deliberately transmits the virus, often times to bug chasers, or those willing to contract it.
What are bug parties?
Bug parties are sex parties often ranging from a few to as much as 30 people. Unsafe sex with every participant at the party is encouraged. There are several variations of bug parties. At some, there is one member of the "orgy" that is HIV positive. Only this individual and the host know his positive status. The remaining participants know that there is an infected person in the room, but do not know his identity. The participants then partake in a night usually filled with alcohol, drugs and of course unsafe sex.
In other variations of a bug party, there is one person who is not infected with HIV, however the other participants are or may be. Every one is aware of the person who disease free. The HIV negative person then allows the infected guys to have unprotected anal sex with him.
Why do people participate in bug parties?
Many psychologists theorize that participation in bug parties is actually an anxiety disorder where the non-infected individuals fear getting HIV so greatly that they would rather contract it and free themselves of the anxiety of living in fear. These parties are also seen as a sort of club for those living with HIV. Infecting a HIV negative and willing participant initiates them into their world. Some people also engage in unprotected anal sex (or barebacking) as the fear for AIDS dangerously dwindles.
"The Gift" from filmmaker Louise Hogarth is a documentary about gay men who purposely contract HIV. According to Rolling Stone, one character in the film admits "I was relieved. I didn't have to worry. Do I need to be careful -- not any more." Yet another willing 21-year-old regrets his choice. "I've made a terrible mistake and there's no fixing that. There is no benefit in this and that's what needs to be said."
Goddammit, m2! What the fuck is wrong with you?!